e l e v e n

23 0 1

Recap: "I killed Liam."


He pulls me into a hug. "Whether it was Liam or not, you almost died. And if you died, it would be my fault and what would I say to Keaton and Li-" His voice trails, "Oh my god Peighton. I'm so sorry." He whispers, and I nod letting the tears fall.

We are currently feasting on the terribly burnt chipmunk and squirrel. They taste so good I begin to feel as if I was eating a 5 star 10 pound hunk of steak.

Even though I've never had steak in my life.


I am woken by a sudden noise, well more like the sound of the ladder clanging against the tree.

Someone is coming up.

I shake Carl, he groans and rolls over. Ugh, damn boys and their sleep schedules.

I grab my knife and gun and slide the knife into my weapon belt. I hold the gun in front of me, just as Carl taught me.

My heart is pounding, and my breathe picks up. My hands are shaking too, making my gun awkwardly wobble in my hands.

what if it's a murderer? I think. what if it's someone that wants to kill you and eat you for lunch?

I gulp at the thought, I look over the edge and see 3 grown up men with knives. I groan.

Suddenly the board below me bends in a little, before snapping in half making me give a loud, hearty yelp.

The 3 men look up, "come down from there!" they yell, and i slowly get up and start climbing down the ladder.

They take out their knives, "Look at this little girl, with a gun and everything. Living all by herself." I yank out my gun aswell.

"Don't touch me or I'll shoot you." I order, they all take a step back. I hear a crunch of leaves behind me, and before I know it I have a knife to my throat. My gun falls. "Tell us everything you know, or we'll kill you." The short and slim guy says, and then chuckles. I gulp, "Oh look. She's scared."

They all look me in the eye and then I hear a gunshot and the guy holding the knife to my throat falls to the ground, dead.

"Peighton! Run!" I familiar voice yells i take off running before losing my balance and falling to the ground. The tallest and strongest man grabs me and takes my gun before reloading it and holding it to my head.

"Come out, and give us all your weapons or we'll kill her." He growls, I see Carl's head pop out from above the treehouse his gun loaded and right out in front of him. "Don't touch her." The mans grip tightened, a single tear drips down. This may be my last moment of life, in this messed up world.

No .. Carl wouldn't let me die would he?

Would he?

"Let her go, or I'll kill both of you with one shot. I never miss." He jumps off the treehouse onto the ground, as graceful as a cat.

Guess that answers my question.

The biggest guy I've ever seen lunges at Carl and he falls to the ground, he puts his forearm at Carl's throat and he struggles to breathe. He takes his gun and also holds it to Carl's head.

"If there's anymore of you, you better tell us now before we find them and then ki-" Two of the three men fall to the ground.

The mans grip gets stronger making it physically hard to breathe.

The gunshot erupts throughout the forest we're in, the man who had the gun to my head is still alive and he's ready to pull the trigger, but is terrified to.

"Take one more step and I will kill her." He snaps at Carl, who is itching towards the scene. Carl has his gun out in front of him.

My whole body is shaking, I close my eyes as I see Carl hesitate to lift up his leg. He puts it down and a gunshot goes off and the man holding me in hostage falls to the ground. I grin, and take my gun back turning towards Keaton.

"It's about time."

✪ Keaton LeBlanc ✪

The explosion is loud enough to blow everyones ear drums out.

I give Alex one last kiss, "Go and pack your stuff. Meet me out in the courtyard." She nods, and sprints out of my cell into the direction of hers. I smile to myself, I can't believe I just asked her out.

I throw all of my things into my bag, and put the straps on my shoulder. I run out of my cell, bumping into Alex. I see Carl and Peighton run out holding hands, I grab Alex's hand and we run out of the burning prison. I look behind me and see smoke coming up from Cell Block D. I sigh, and stop running and so does Alex.

"Hey you okay?" She asks, sitting down beside me. I nod, "C'mon let's go find a place to hide." She sighs, "Can we just sit here for a bit?" I put my arm around her and pull her closer, "Sure."

She turns and looks at me, I smile and my lay her down on her back. She smiles up at me, and I start to tickle her. "I-I knew I couldn't trust you!!" She laughs, I stop and kiss her passionately. She puts her hands on both sides of my face and deepens the kiss.


I hears Peighton's screams and gunshots going off every now and then. I keep Alex behind me and see Peighton with a gun to her head. Carl is trying to kill the guy without hurting Peighton, when Rick taught us how to shoot a gun he told us if we ever got into the situation where someone we love was being threatened to death we had to do anything to protect them. Such as saying things like, i never miss.

He must be using the strategy right now.

I see Peighton start crying and I know it's my cue. I take out my gun and shoot the guy straight in the head.

He falls on the ground, Peighton and Carl turn to me. "It's about time." Peighton sasses, "I don't know how much longer I could keep up the act."

Carl laughs, "That was actually pretty fun."

"You know, I could not've shown up. Then both of you would be screwed." I say, laughing.

Alex comes out from behind me, "I'm glad we showed up, Peighton is like my sister now." Peighton smiles, "I was actually scared, but I knew either you guys would show up or Carl would protect me."

"And if I didn't?" Carl teases and she flicks him in the head, "Let's show them our miniature house, P." She nods, "You guys need to see this."

Ah, my crazy sister.


Hey guys! That was an interesting chapter wasn't it? haha.

Shoutout to emalee13 and JazlynWareham because I have nothing else to say. So yeah!

Teaser: Peighton, Carl, Keaton and Alex. Take on 'ZombieLand' themselves.

Update: ☀️Day

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