t w e n t y - o n e

9 1 0

recap: Peighton sprains her ankle after slipping and falling on a skateboard in the house.


My eyes open and I hear soft sounds coming from my window, I look out and see it start to pour. Maxwell is curled up next to a sleeping Jake in my bed.

I sit up and wince in pain at my foot. Grabbing the crutches laying on the ground.

I hoist myself to my feet and wander to my window, looking out. I see rain starting to fall about a mile away and a couple lightning bolts, I sigh drawing the curtains.

Maxwell trots into my room and cocks his head to the side, "your cuteness is just killing me .. boy." I say and Maxwell runs up to me, looking up. "No.. I'm sorry Max, we can't go for a walk. It's raining outside, go bug Keaton."

I limp out of the room and go down the stairs as careful and quick as I can. A knock comes from the door and Maxwell runs downstairs and to the door, "Show-off." I mutter.

I draw my gun and set down my crutches. I unlock and swing open the door to reveal a soaked and grumpy Carl. I laugh, "What happened to you?"

He pushes past me, and runs upstairs "I'll explain after I'm changed." I shrug and put my gun back, grabbing my crutches.

I limp to the kitchen and put the crutches against the counter, opening the fridge and grabbing an apple and taking a step backwards before tripping over Maxwell and fall backwards.

Someone grabs me before I hit the floor, I look up at Carl. "Close one," He laughs.

He lowers me to the ground and I lay on my back. "Thanks," I laugh and use the counter to pull myself up. "I went to check the snares and it started pouring," Carl laughs. My head snaps to him, "you went alone?!" I yell.

He shrugs, "I came back in one piece, didn't I?" I scoff, "I can't believe you put yourself in that danger. Do you have any idea what could've happened? You could have been ripped to pieces by those damn walkers Carl!" I yell and tears stream down my face, I cover my face with my hands and cry into my hands.

He comes over to me and hugs me, "I just don't want what happened to Liam happen to you.." I cry. "I love you.. you're my bestfriend just like Liam was. If you died.. I just wouldn't be able to live with myself. Okay?"

He kisses my cheek, "I really wish it could be how it used to be. When we were allowed to kiss whenever we want without having to worry about someone getting their feeling messed with. But you're with Jake now, and I see how perfect you two are together. I'm not getting in the way of that."

I close my eyes, letting the information fill my head.

Carl accepts Jake and I being together.

I smile and turn around to hug Carl. "Thank you," He accepts my hug right away and hugs back. "Always," He whispers.

Keaton comes into the room, "guys is the fridge working?" I open up the fridge, and the light is off. "Nope, I'll go and reboot the generator." I say, wiping my eyes and grabbing my crutches limping away.

I nearly run into Jake, "Oh hey. You're up," He laughs. "Yeah," I chuckle and position myself so I don't trip over myself. "I was just going to go reboot the generator," I say. He chuckles, "Okay, just don't get stuck in the mud."

I make my way to the door and open it, stepping out into the rain. I limp over to the side of the house, I kneel down to the generator and flip the switch on. I go to stand up, but one of my shoes gets caught in the mud.

I hear movement behind me, and turn around.

A walker.

"Fuck!" I curse, and try to wiggle my way out. "No, no, no." I mutter and try to reach for my gun.

The walker spots me and starts to come over. It's about 2 feet away from me, when i pull my sore foot out of my boot and grab my gun. I try to load it, but trip and fall over a rock backwards. The next thing I know I'm shooting the walker, everywhere but the head.

"Help!!" i scream, "Help!"

Keaton and Carl run out of the house and shoot the walker to the ground.

I sit up and press my knees to my chest, soaking my pants more with tears. Carl runs over to me and kneels down beside me, hugging me.

"Hey, shh. It's dead now, you're safe." He whispers, hugging me. I look up and see Keaton beating the shit out of the dead walker.

My breathing continues to go back to normal and I lay my head against the fence. "T-thank you," I stutter and try to get to my feet.

"You need a shower," Carl says laughing and I just sit and stare at my shoe and shoe-less foot.

Carl sighs, and reaches out for my hand. "C'mon, let's go inside to clean you up."

I grab his hand and try my best to walk on my ankle. As soon as I reach the door Alex runs up to me and hugs me. "Oh my god, you look terrible. Let me clean up that gash below your eye." I reach my hand up, and touch below my eye and a stinging sensation takes over my face. I look at my hand to see blood on it.

Alex comes back with a cloth and wipes my face. Everyone surrounds me, just staring.

"What happened out there, P?" Jake says, grabbing my hand. I snatch it away and jump off the counter, going upstairs to have a shower.

Maxwell follows me, and my ankle feels like it has already healed fully. Let's hope.

I enter the bathroom and strip down, turning on the tap and soaking my body and hair.

I replay the walker incident over and over in my head, I should've just stayed stuck. That way nobody would have to worry about me anymore, about taking care of the "baby" of the group. I was nearly a year younger than all of them, except for Keat.

I get out and go brush my hair and pick out new clothes and boots.

Someone knocks on my door and I open it, "What do you want?" I snap.



I really don't like writing these so imma end it here. peace to the east.


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