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Recap: Carl and Peighton find Keaton and Alex.


✪ Keaton LeBlanc ✪

"Careful there may be some loose parts on this ladder." Peighton calls down to us, I nod and yell back up to her. "Thanks Tips!"

She smiles and reaches up to Carl to help her up into the treehouse. She gets up successfully and then helps Alex, I keep crawling up and then climb onto the platform. Carl offers me his hand I take it and pull myself up.

Once I get up, I look around. It's a decent sized treehouse, with it's average wood structure and beams. It looks very old and it's falling apart abit.

But I have to admit, it's a good place to hide.

"Nice place you got here," I say and put my arm around Alex. Peighton smiles, "Thanks."

Carl gives us a suspicious look, and I suddenly realize it's because I have my arm around Alex. "Something going on here?"

We both look at each other, (Alex and Keaton) and smile. She stands on her tippy-toes and kisses me on the lips, "You could say that." She laughs.

Peighton has a look of disgust on her face. Then Carl puts his hand on her waist and pulls her closer, "We're better." He goes in for a kiss but she pushes him away, "Carl. No."

I take my backpack off and set it next to Peighton's, then see a book by it. She quickly slides it under her bag, "What was that?" I snap. She groans, "I haven't been reading it for long! I promise! I only have one!"

I pull her bag over and see five books scattered, "I told you Peighton! You can't read books! They take up too much space and if you end up dropping them, you'll wanna go back to get them." She looks at me, "I hate you." She mutters and goes to sit outside.

Carl comes in, "What the hell was that?" He asks sitting next to me, "Has she been getting you to read, too?" He nods slowly, "Don't. Books are too dangerous to have around, they're heavy and hard to carry around."

He sighs, "Let her read. Or, we leave."


☠ Carl Grimes ☠

"Hey, Peighton?" I whisper/yell, it's about midnight and she still hasn't come back into the treehouse. I hear groaning and see a figure on the roof.

I climb up and sit beside her. "I was thinking of jumping off," She whispers. "I felt like no one liked me anymore. But then I remembered you leaning in for a kiss and I declined it. I didn't want my brother getting mad that you kissed me. I'm sorry."

I put my arm around her, "I love you, Peighton."

She looks up at me, "You do?" I nod, "I have ever since I met you."

She smiles, "I love you too, Carl."

She looks up at me, "Can I show you something?" I nod, she pulls the sleeve of her jacket up and I see scars from blades.

"P-Peighton, please tell me you didn't .." She shakes her head, "It's sort of like that. Just a little bit different." She takes a big breathe in, "Ever since I was about 5, I knew how to use a knife. So, Keaton knows about this and so did my parents but I call them my battle scars. Every single day of the apocalypse I cut another slit."

I think back of when I saw her bleeding through her shirt, "You know, it's hard to hide this from everybody but I've been doing this everyday for 9 years."

I pull up my pant leg, "Mine is kind of the same. Except with my mom, everyday she's been missing I draw a line on my leg. I've only been doing this for 1 year though."

She leans on my shoulder, "I feel like I can tell you anything."

"You can." I whisper, and she flinches.

"This is kind of disgusting, but when I was 8, I had a dog. And the dog caught a weird disease and I killed her in her sleep."

I scrunch up my nose, "Ew."


It's been like the best hour of my life, and it turns out that Peighton had met Liam just 2 hours before me.

Liam .. I miss that kid.

She hugs me and I pull her closer, pressing my lips to hers before she can pull away. She smiles into the kiss and kisses back making me fall back a little.

She lays down and I hover over top of her, "I know you wanna keep kissing me .." She teases.

"I do. Really bad."

"You loser." She giggles and kisses me.

Keaton's loud voice booms from in the treehouse, "You have three seconds to detach from each other or I'll come do it myself no matter what stage you're at!!"

"Base 1!" Peighton yells back, "We should probably go back before the teasing comes." I nod, and get off her.

We climb off the roof and back into the treehouse.

"Looks like someone had fun." Alex whispers and laughs.

Keaton just glares, older brothers and their protectiveness.

I could've easily made it to base two if it wasn't for Keaton.



A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for not updating like I was supposed to. I was really busy and yeah.

Update: Thursday

Teaser: On the road, once again.

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