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"Shit! Shit! Shit!" Alex yelled running.

She could hear its heavy steps approaching closer and closer. The thin twigs in her way scratching her body and the warm blood tickling her face. Adrenaline was keeping her alive.

Alex's body was getting tired but the deep groans behind the girl's back made her run faster. Suddenly there was a change of ground, from dried leaves it passed to fresh grass, meaning that she was getting out of the deep forest.

She looked up and in the distance saw a river dividing the two lands. A few steps more and Alex would be safe from the danger behind her.

Her body collided with the cold water, all that she heard was the splash that her body made and the strong current. She swam up and once she resurfaced she looked back seeing the brown wolf looking at her but not moving, probably afraid of the deep water.

Alex then started swimming in the opposite direction of where the dire-wolf was and her body was soon out of the freezing cold waters. She again looked at the creature and this time she displayed a winning smile as she noticed that he was alone and his pack left him behind.

"Go eat a bunny or something, I will not die today." Alex said shooing him with her hand.

As the adrenaline long wear off, she felt the chill weather of the forest on her skin. Her clothes were drenched and the medical herbs that she had were too. She started walking in what she believed being the forest, it looked like a total different place. The more she walked the more dense it got.

As she observed her surroundings Alex took off the black drenched leather jacket she was wearing and the gear underneath, remaining in only her front lace up shirt and pants. The chilly wind made her shiver but it was the only way to dry herself fastly without stopping.

"What a fucking great idea that I had." She sighed. "I do not even know if the dragon will let me go near him imagine touching." She angrily murmured to herself.

What did she get herself into.

2 weeks later

It was all useless, Alex did not catch a glimpse of the dragon once. Not even a 'roar' or a sound of wings flapping.

And since the forest was dangerous she had to pick a location on where to build her shelter. Finding a way to climb on a branch that was not too high but neither too low, she had decided that the tree would be her safest option. At least she now had a place where to sleep, not a very comfortable one but still better than nothing.

Alex was currently walking to the waterfall she had started going to. It provided drinkable water, bath and a way to clean her clothes. She knew that it was not the cleanest water but it was something.

As Alex crouched down to wash her face, she heard splashing sounds. Her body froze on spot while slowly looking at the other shore of the waterfall just to see a dragon drinking.

She was about to stand up when her eyes caught a woman caressing him while laughing.

Oh fuck, she was alive.

Daenerys Targaryen was alive and she was more beautiful than Alex could have ever imagined.

Snowy hair fell on the woman's milky back as a cascade, her small figure almost hidden behind the big creature's wing. The dragon patiently waited for its mother who had crouched down and reached the water with her hand. Alex couldn't clearly see the queen's face but her soft white hair was alluring giving the woman an elegant look.

Alex wonder how she was alive.

The beautiful Targaryen slowly got up looking at her dragon for a few moments, it almost seemed they were communicating. After their intense gaze on one another, the beast turned and laid down on the green grass to, what Alex guessed, rest.

The tall woman stared in confusion but her eyes immediately widened when the Queen started taking off her gown. She abruptly stood up and the mother of dragon's seemed to quickly notice her as she backed away from shore.

How could she not, even an half blind person could notice the extremely tall and attractive woman standing up.

But unfortunately for Alex, the dragon seemed to sense its mother uneasiness even if its back was facing them. He swiftly got in a defending position while standing in front of his rider ready to lose his own life to protect her.

The now afraid black haired woman waited still, in hopes of not triggering the creature. The gods did not listen to her prayers as the huge dragon took off flying in the bright sky before diving in her direction.

"Fuck.." Alex breathed out as she took a few steps back. Even in a dangerous situation like this, she couldn't rip her indigo eyes off of it. The creature was truly mesmerizing.

For Alex was like seeing her favorite book become reality since as a child she had always been fascinated by those scaly and beautiful beasts and the stories that revolved around her house. Every time Aenys revealed a new information about them she felt whole, like a hole inside of her was filled up with longing.

All Alex could hear was her own heart beating as the beast landed in front of her, she looked so small compared to its paw— but she was not scared nor anxious, only nervous.

As a kid she always used to dream about them, majestic beast who were once under the Targaryen's control, a control that they had lost but Daenerys took back. She dreamt about how she rode them in the rainy clouds or what names she would give to them.

Unconsciously, Alex took a step in the dragon's direction. Its killing instinct vanished as he now looked at the woman confused, never in the beast's life had it found someone who was not scared of the dangerous creature. The mysterious woman tried to show that she was no threat as he stood without moving.

Alex moved her feet closer as she extended her hand in an attempt to caress its warm muzzle, a few scars adorned its scaly snout as he showed its long teeth.

She expected him to bite her hand off with blood splurting everywhere but he didn't. So she leaned in more giving the beast time to smell her hand. He then growled before surprisingly resting his snout in her cold hand.

When her skin felt the soft scales that the dragon's body was covered in, she felt a shiver down her spine, she could feel the fire inside of him. Its breath was warm and his eyes were looking into her soul, reading her.

"Drogon! What are you doing!" A female voice asked yelling before coming towards them, her white hair bouncing.

"So your name is Drogon huh?" Alex asked the dragon while smiling and he seemed to like her voice because he emitted an approving whimper— like sound .

"Drogon..." Alex heard the beautiful Queen whisper as she now was closer. The black haired woman looked behind the black-reddish dragon and found the Queen looking at the scene surprised.

"How?" Her voice trembling in hesitation.

The Targaryen Queen was definitely beautiful.

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