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"Corlys I think we're going too fast now." I chuckled.

"The options are you or Daemon." He took a sip of his wine. "And if I have to choose I will choose you over Daemon one hundred times."

"There's no rush in marrying your daughter off, she's still young. Just wait a few more years and a good match will show up." I retorted.

"That's the problem Maegor..." he said putting his elbows on the table. "...you're the only good match." He leaned forward. "Even if Aegon would be of age I still would want to marry her to you."

"Why? Why refusing the next in line for the throne after Rhaenyra? You're making no sense now Corlys." I asked confusedly. No one with a sane mind would do that. If Rhaenyra has kids the succession will obviously change but if something happens Aegon will take over.

"Because you're not only a Targaryen but you're a good person too. Just by a look I could tell that you would do everything for Laena and your future kids." I know where his words come from, he's a father and he wants the best for his daughter since his firstborn is already settled.

I was about to talk when someone made their presence known by clearly their throat and I turned around seeing Rhaenyra. May the gods help me.

"Are you going to have kids Maegor?" She said walking in our direction and taking a seat to my right.

"N-" I tried to say but Corlys cut me off.

"She may be if she marries Laena." He proudly said.

I didn't answer and just stressfully brought up my hands passing them on my face. I felt a warm hand resting on my tight and I looked at Rhaenyra seeing her already staring at me.

"Why aren't you answering?" She innocently asked while her hand was slowly going up.

"Uhm...Corlys I think-" she suddenly pierced her nails in my thigh making me jump. I cleared my throat before continuing. "I think it's better if we talk about it another time." I nervously tried to say.

"Why? Is there a problem, aunt?" Rhaenyra answered back while her hand was going near my private region.

"Is there a problem Maegor?" Corlys asked this time.

"No..." I moved in my seat. "...I need to think about it. That-" she suddenly grabbed my private aerea making cough out loud trying to cover my uncomfortableness.

"I'm happy you're at least thinking about it." He got up offering his hand to shake.

I grabbed Rhaenyra hand and removed it from my lap before getting up too. "Yeah." I shook his hand while I felt my thigh burning.

"I'll take my leave then." He said walking toward the big doors meaning that he was leaving.

"Where are you directed to?" I tried making a small talk as I accompanied him.

"Driftmark, I'm going home." He smiled before continuing. "Well...as always, it was a pleasure Maegor." He patted my back before walking away.


"What was that?" Rhaenyra asked when I came back.

"What do you mean?" I looked at her. We still were in the dining room.

"You know exactly what I mean, are you planning to marry my cousin?" Her tone irritated as her eyes held anger.

"Currently no but in the future maybe." I said walking to the table and popping a grape in my mouth.

"Really?" She scoffed. "I showed you a vulnerable part of myself and that's how you act?" She raised her voice.

I looked around making sure that no one was here. "Lower your voice."

She turned around trying to get away. "Rhaenyra wait." I tried stopping her but she didn't listen.


"Open the door." I was trying to convince Rhaenyra to open the damn door but she was too stubborn to listen. "Let me in so we can properly talk. Stop acting so childishly!" I knocked one last time before getting irritated.

I was about to give up when she opened the door letting me in.

"Listen..." I took a few steps in her direction. "...we can never happen and there are multiple reasons." I took her hands with mine trying to make her look at me. "You're married to Laenor and we both know that he's a good husband." She looked at me while I talked. "We share the same blood, you're my niece and even though marrying a relative it's a common thing in our family it still feels strange to me. And not to mention that your father will behead me." I tried to convince her to let go of these feelings. "And there's another reason that I can't tell you about it but it will make us suffer even more."

"All these futile reasons that you mentioned are nothing compared to what I feel toward you." She was really hard headed, after all she was still her father's daughter. "Just for this night...let yourself go." She gently grabbed my face making our foreheads lean on each other. I breathed in feeling her sweet scent surrounding me.

"I can't..." I closed my eyes.

"Please." She whispered.

I didn't answer but I neither pulled away when her lips rested on mine. She slowly started moving her lips making me reciprocate the kiss. She grabbed my hands that were on her hips and directed me to the bed behind us. Her hands rested on my shoulders as she made me sit at the edge of the bed and as our kiss deepened she sat on my lap with her legs resting on my sides.

A moan escaped from her mouth when our tongues met, her hands tugged on my hair making me groan as mine were exploring her back. I broke the kiss as I sloppily started to plant kisses on her neck making her hips grind on mine. I sank my teeth in her neck making a moan slip from her red lips, my fingers slowly started to undo the laces on the back of her dress.

Realizing what was happening I stopped making her face me. "I can't go further than this." I said breathlessly trying to stop myself from taking her innocence away.

"You can't but I can." She said taking her dress off remaining in her under gown and I knew I couldn't resist her.

She sat on my lap again but this time I initiated the kiss making a surprised moan fall from her throat. Suddenly I got up with her still in my arms as I walked toward the hot tub filled with warm water. I made her get down as I started to undress myself and she just watched letting her eyes roam my body.

"Can I?" She nodded letting me have the permission to undress her.

I carefully took her clothes off as my eyes stared at her beautiful body, her skin soft as a feather and smooth as silk. I placed a light kiss on her neck before getting in first.

"Come here." I opened my arms. "Or are you perhaps feelings uncomfortable?" I then asked with a frown.

"Oh no no, it's just that..." she trailed off, her courage long gone. "...it's my first time."

"I won't do nothing without your consent." I reassured her.

"That's not what I'm worried about..." she trailed off before slowly getting in. I wanted to ask more but I didn't want to pressure her.

She leaned her back on my front as my wet hands slowly started to caress her still dry abdomen. "Do you feel comfortable now?" I murmured as she relaxed in my arms.


I raised my hand as I covered my eyes, the bright sun coming through the windows made me almost tear up. I felt something stirring in my arms and looking down I saw Rhaenyra peacefully sleeping. As my mind started to wake up I recalled the events that happened. After taking a bath we laid in bed talking and resulting in us slowly falling asleep.

"Good morning." Her voice reached my ears as I looked down in her pretty ocean-grey eyes.

"Morning." I said in my morning voice before slowly getting up.

"I should probably go in my room." I said wearing my shirt since I slept in my leather pants, quite uncomfortable.

"Uhm mhm." She only said before turning around and falling asleep again.

What happened between us will change the course of events and I can only hope that it doesn't end up in tragedy.

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