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Sorry for how the unknown language will turn out. ^^

"Are you ready?" Ellyn asked.

Alex did not ask nor know what happened with the man that the witch killed and she surely did not want to. The queen was in critical conditions and when Ellyn came back with a vial of blood she hurriedly started making weird lines and signs on the hard ground outside the hut. Alex stood there pondering on her decision and trying to comprehend what was about to happen.

The Targaryen stood in the center of the circle while the worried sorceress stood outside of it, with the a parchment between her fingers. The witch's hands trembled while her eyes eyes held distress, making Alex tense up.

"Do you know a little of low Valyrian?" She asked trying to ease the situation.

"Not much but I know some words and sentences. I'm better with high Valyrian." Alex answered confused. "Is it important?"

"Not really." The witch looked at Alex. "The high Valyrian will help you out." Ellyn said with a comforting smile on her face even if she was in high preoccupation.

"Thank you." Was the last thing that Alex said.

The witch suddenly started speaking gibberish or an unknown language. The ground started shaking as she continued chanting, the once bright sky was now covered in darkness as birds started flying away.

She could hear drogon voicing his uneasiness in the distance.

"Frøм thē sкy хə сhªll бe cьlleд, тaкэ thиs oфer. Тюįs sьуl för a lîfэ, tнis sчьl fõр з chänгė, tхиs ßoиl fºr yœи."

The blood on the ground turned black while it slowly detached from the ground and Alex with it. She was mid-air as if someone not visible was holding her up. How could this even be possible.

Alex body began to slowly go back down as the witch chanted a few other sentences and with it came a black haze, covering everything in reach. The dark smoke surrounded Alex's tall body and starting twirling around her, it felt like being in a tornado.

Panic took over Alex as she couldn't hear the witch's voice no more. A scream coming out of her lungs. And when she reached out for what had seemed a hand, something had hit her hard.

All went black with the last thing that Alex felt was a cold wind on her face and the black fog hugging her.

She could feel the future change, the words in history books switch and people being replaced. And even if Alex could not manage to do anything, history would still be modified as her presence is an anomaly its self.

But the dangerous Targaryen was not there for nothing, she was there to change or rather save her own story. She had to.

With this being her last thought, everything went black.


"Where am I?" Alex confusedly whispered to herself.

She looked around getting up. "Did it work?" She asked herself again while observing her surroundings.

She was definitely on a mountain as there was this thick fog covering everything up and made her unable to make up where she was. The black-head could hear crows pecking in the distance as her head began hurting. She felt a little dizzy but she kept walking, the path in front of her was made of black stones and dirt.

She could hear the sea waves crashing onto the rocks ashore in the background, the fresh salty air hitting her nostrils. Her steps were heavy as she recently woke up from that turmoil and her body was sore.

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