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I grabbed the torch that I brought with me as I made my way to the entrance and only after a few attempts I managed to light it up. I avoided water puddles and mud as I started walking, the yesterday rain made the entrance path a bit hard to walk on.

As I went deeper into the cave the ground from muddy became hard and dry, rotten bones were laying in every corner but fortunately it didn't smell like dead. A huge circle of burnt grass was in front of me, the walls black because of the many times that Balerion flamed the place up and claw marks on some spots. Despite all the years I could still feel the warmth of his flames lingering in the air.

I examined every inch of the place trying to find the reason why I felt coming here again. The torch was set down on the ground as I looked around, I was about to give up when I caught a glimpse of something.

I quickly tossed apart the rests of an animal and surprisingly I found what I was searching for. I totally forgot about the fact that the first time when I saw Balerion he had a dragon egg with him.

I cautiously picked it up. It was completely black and even though many years passed the scales were still warm, I don't know how it was possible. I couldn't help but think about the little dragon inside of it but another thought came in my mind. If I took it with me Viserys would surely take it and gift it to his firstborn male Aegon.

I knew that it was selfish of me but I decided to keep it. Viserys would only know about it when it'll hatch so he can't take it away from me. I got up and as I was about to put it in a leather pouch it suddenly shake. Because of the movement it slipped out of my hands falling on the hard ground.

I kept my breath hoping that nothing happened but it started shaking more making me panic. I hurriedly picked it up trying to warm it with the torch flame but instead of calming down the shell started cracking.

"Shit." I said as I realized that it was hatching.
I did not know what to do so I just sat on the ground and waited.

Time passed. A lot of time.

I felt the tiredness overwhelming me. I looked at it one last time before my eyes slowly closed.

I was unexpectedly awakened by something biting me. Recalling of the newborn dragon I rose up looking around and I felt my head spinning from the sudden move but I ignored it.

I turned around hearing a cry behind me. There's not one but two of them. One was as white as the snow while the other was as black as the dark. I think I am still dreaming.

I stretched and only after yawning I started walking towards the exit. My mind was probably playing games on me, the egg was one not two it is impossible that two of them got out of only one egg.

I looked around as the sun was bright in the sky, the fresh air made me think better and I turned around checking if they followed me. They did.

"I think I'm crazy." I whispered to myself as I crouched down and gently grabbed them. They climbed towards the collar of my shirt and got in, I was about to take and put them down but I noticed that they were trying to find a bit of heat. They sticked out only their heads as I started walking. I needed to think about their names since they were now mine by law.

Grandfather once told me that the Targaryens had a tradition, they would let the dragon choose their rider. Years passed so they modified the rule so now you could choose your dragon but if a newborn chooses you there's nothing you can do about it. You will be his as he will be yours. So I now had...two dragons.

The way to the castle was long, the sun started to slowly fall towards the west as I walked and everything was quiet. The two little twins were still looking curiously around as I marched towards the bridge, meaning that the castle was near.

I was now nervously staring at the two big doors in front of me. I just hoped that no one was here as I reached my hand out and peeked inside. The hall was clear so I stealthily started to run to my room and when I heard someone I quickly hid. I felt like a spy.

"What am I supposed to do now with you?" I asked the little dragons as I took a piece of meat and feed them.

I was in my room in the castle, before going to KingsLanding I lived here so the room was quite messed up with my old clothes and books everywhere. As the dragons ate I started cleaning, I don't like being in a mess. If someone told that to my younger self they would've probably started to hysterically laugh.

After I cleaned all up I sat on the couch looking at the fire that I previously started in the fireplace. I saw a book laying next to me so I reached out for it and read the title.

"The meaning of everything." I curiously looked at it. "Mmh, I like the name." I said to myself.

I started reading finding out that it was a book that explained the meaning of everything, as the title says. From the meaning of flowers it passed to names and so on.

It was the perfect book for me as I didn't know how to name the two fire-breathing dragons that were playing around in front of the fireplace.

As I looked at them I noticed that the black one was stronger and faster but it didn't use it's strength to overwhelm his brother. On the other hand the white one was agile but strong too and while fighting you could see how it tried to attack with force making the black one avoid all his attempts. One was quick as an arrow and the other was strong as a rain tempest.

Velos and Vyara.

"Hey." I said making them both look at me. "You..." I pointed to the black one. "...will be Velos." My finger now was pointed to the white one. "You will be Vyara." I ultimately said looking at their reaction.

I expected them to ignore me and fight again but they turned their tiny body in my direction and bowed.

"Oh wow, that's new." I murmured as I looked at their regal bow. They started their fight again but I was now looking out the window as something flying caught my eye. Syrax.

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