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"I do not think this is...right." I backed off.  "I still think of you as the little girl that Aemma always spoke about." I tried to explain.

"I'm not a little girl anymore." She said before walking in my direction.

I can't deny that I felt something pushing me to her but I simply couldn't. It is not how the story should evolve.

"You are married, Princess. And not to add that I'm your father's cousin. " I tried reasoning with her, I know that her marriage meant nothing to her and neither the fact that everyone knows we're related.

"Me and Laenor are not in love, we are friends who happened to get married." She said as she approached me again. "We have an agreement where we could do whatever we want with our private life, he's free to lay with whoever he wants and so am I." She cornered me between her and the couch. "And we both know that the fact that you are an aunt of mine won't stop this." She said before standing on her tiptoes and kissing me for the second time. I again tried backing off but she was holding me by the neck and the couch behind me blocked any chance of escape.

Her scent was intoxicating, her lips were soft and warm, the situation was too much and I couldn't resist her. I reciprocated the kiss as my hands traveled on her covered back. She pushed her body on mine while her hands traveled from my neck to my hair, tugging on it. Lust fogged my mind as I picked her up making her legs hug my hips.

Suddenly all the tiredness slipped away.

I unconsciously started walking toward the bed but just as I was about to lay her down, I stopped. I broke the kiss and took a deep breath, my pants suddenly felt too tight.

"I think it's better if we stop." I tried to put her down, I couldn't look at her lusting eyes because if I did I knew for sure that I wouldn't have been able to stop so I looked down.

"Say that you don't want me and I will never bother you again." She softly said while putting her hand under my chin making me look up at her. "Look me in my eyes."

I cleared my throat. The words that I had to say couldn't came out of my mouth. "I can't say that...I would be lying if did." I took a deep breathe before continuing. "But I can't neither do what I feel, it would be wrong not only toward your husband and your father but toward myself too." I looked down, I knew that I was hurting her but I needed to do it. She didn't say anything and with the thought that she now hated me I looked at her.

"I can see it in your eyes that you want me as much as I do." She grabbed me by my vest making me lower to her level. "I will have you, Maegor." Her voice full of lust as she whispered the words in my ear, a moan almost escaping from my lips.

I closed my eyes and when I opened them I saw that she was gone, my heart was pounding in my chest as I started breathing normally again.

I was not expecting things to turn this way, I was not expecting myself to slowly fall for the future queen.


I slowly got up as the sun was brightening my room up and blinding me, this was the best sleep I had in ages by far.

I stretched out before undressing and going in the bath tub. The warm water relaxed my muscles, my head felt light as the hot steam caressed my cheeks. I started to quickly bathe and once done I got up and dried myself.

Today was my day off from being a soldier and I didn't really like to dress up. So I just decided to wear a pair of leather black pants and a simple black vest with the Targaryen sigil on it. My sword as usual was sheathed on my hip and my belt tight against the expensive leather of the dress.

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