3. The Best Trio Ever.

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Swarna was late for her school. While sleeping she didn't notice the time. In a hurry, she completed all the work and headed towards her school. Sam was waiting for her outside the school campus while playing some phone games. Swarna came to him and apologized for being late. After that they both went inside the campus.

They both were very focused in their studies, like every human they have some dreams, some plannings for their future which they want to accomplish. While following their everyday routine of studies one and half years passed. In that one year Swarna's friendship with Sam and Zack became strong. There bond was unbrakeable. They were treating each other like their family members.

Swarna wanted to become a business woman so she was preparing for it. Sam and Zack wanted to become an animator and software developers, so they were preparing for that too. Everyone was busy in building of their career. They were busy still they always seprate some time from their everyday routine for their family and friends.

While doing all theose things last six months also passed and the time for their final examination came near. All the students started preparing for the exams including Sam, Swarna, and Zack.


Sam noticed something weird in Swarna's behavior those days. He asked Zack about this and as usual, both of them didn't have any idea about it. So they didn't wait anymore and asked directly from Swarna. She ignored their questions and went away. After this behaviour of Swarna both of her friends understood that she was hiding something very big from them.

They emotionally forced her to disclose all the secrets of her. At last she told them that the exam for which she was preparing was going to start in one week and from the same day as her final exams. She can't leave her finals. Due to this she can't give that entrance exam and she have to wait for one more year. It was a matter of concern because they both were also unable to do anything in this matter. They all were feeling helpless and hopeless.

Suddenly an idea hit in Zack's mind and he started laughing. Sam and Swarna were staring him very angrily. He said "pardon me! for this behaviour and don't worry you can give both the exams on the same day."

Both Swarna and Sam were confused and excited on the same time. They asked him how, and Zack described his idea. He said "look the final exams will startat 10 AM and the paper will continue for three consecutive hours.Your entrance test will start from 3 PM. So for giving both the exams you have to complete you final exams in two hours. At 12 O Clock you have to leave the examination center. I shall be waiting for you outside the center, when you will come out I will take you to the railway station and fromthere you can go for your entrance test.

Almost at 2:30 PM you will reach to your destination. After giving your exams you have to take the return train and come back to us. And the most important thing Sam and you have choosen the same subject but I didn't, so my exams are on the next date from yours. So I am totally free to help you."

After hearing the plan Swarna jumped in happiness and hugged Zack and said thanks to him. They took permission from their principal and started doing everything according to their plan. Their exams ended and now they were waiting for their results. Sam and Zack helped Swarna a lot in her hard time. And this thing was visible to everyone especially to their family and to the principal of their school.

One day Swarna got a message from the principal that she needs to go to the school. When she went there she saw Sam and other students there. Suddenly the principal declared the results of final exams in which Swarna and Sam had topped the district. Both of them were extremely happy.

News reporters were busy taking photos. All of a sudden a student came there and told them the results of their entrance test which they have given. Sam had ranked 1st and Swarna had ranked 2nd. Both of them were happy for each other but they were waiting impatiently for thr result of Zack.

Zack called told them that he ranked 2nd position in the entrance test. Now the happiness of their life have exdeeded more than ever they were enjoying that moment with all of their friends.

But the principal was just thinking about the helpful nature of these three friends to each other. He had never seen a friendship triangle like this in his life. He thought that it was the BEST TRIO EVER.

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