47. Last Day at Court.

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"Everyone please sit down. The lawyers proceed with the case. Jury members will decide the last judgment and the case will close today with that judgment," said the Judge. All the people in the court hall sat down in their respective seats. Then the case started.

The lawyer of Kevin and Yang didn't say anything. The Judge gave the chance to Swarna's lawyer.

The lawyer said, "Thank you, your honour. This case is of my client Miss Swarna and Siya and this case is going on for the last five years but today it is on the verge of ending.

Today my friend didn't have anything to say because of the documents, proofs, and witnesses which I have this time. I have kept all the things on your table. Please have a look and permit me to show all the proofs briefly to you."

The judge looked at the materials and passed them to the jury members for a recheck. After the jury members approved the judge said, "Permission granted you can show the proofs. Go ahead."

Then the lawyer said, "Before showing you the proofs I will request Miss Swarna to come in the witness box and say the whole story from staring." The judge granted the permission and Swarna came to the witness box.

She said, "Seven years ago I was doing my graduation programme. After the end of the first semester of my exams, our college provided us with a free trip to the state. We all went on that trip. On the last day, we went to a forest of dried trees. It was a very famous forest. We all were enjoying ourselves but unfortunately, the forest caught fire. All the visitors came out. We were helping all the people to overcome the situation.

Suddenly I saw a person going out of the forest from the other side which was burning very vigorously. I thought that he had lost the way. So I wanted to help him but he disappeared. So I thought that it was my illusion. I didn't pay attention to it.

But after some time I realized that my ring was not present in my hand. I find it near the exit door of the forest. But when I went near the door I heard a voice of a lady.

I went inside the forest and I saw two people a lady who was tied with rope and a little child. I fastly untied the child but failed to untie the lady. I came out with the child and then started taking care of her as my child. Her mental condition was not good due to that incident.

But she got cured her fully with time. At last my boyfriend asked me to leave her but I refused. Then he tried to kill Siya. After several tries when he failed, he also tried to kill me too. But he failed again. Then he met with Kevin Siya's biological father and after that, both of them tried to kill both of us. That's the whole story, your honour."

Kevin yelled, "She is lying. Why shall I try to kill my daughter?" The judge ordered him to sit down. He couldn't do anything so he sat down. Swarna's lawyer said, "Thank you Miss Swarna now you can go.

Your honour this is the story in brief. Now I want to show you some solid proofs which will prove that Kevin wants to kill Siya and Swarna even after getting her custody. And he is not a good father for her." The granted him the permission.

He took out all the videos and one by one while pointing to the number of videos he said, "Your honour these videos are the first proofs against Mr. Kevin and Mr. Yang. This video is the confession of Mr. Kevin that he planned his wife's and daughter's murder and after the failure he tried so many times to kill Miss Swarna also.

This video is the confession of Mr. Yang that he wanted to kill Miss Swarna and Siya so that he could overtake her whole company. And the last one is the latest video of Mr. Yang and Mr. Kevin when they tried to kill Swarna and Siya at Soubuan and also blackmailed Miss Swarna to sign the property papers of her." Then he played all the videos one by one.

Then the lawyer said, "The videos proved that they have planned all those murder plans, now the documents. Your honour this is the document that proves that Siya's mental condition is spoilt because of her biological father. These are the drawing that Siya had drawn when she was mentally unstable. These drawings are of that person who wanted to kill her and whom she hates the most.

After that, these are the FIR reports that Miss Swarna had filed against Mr. Kavin and Mr. Yang for trying to harass them, torture them mentally, and for trying to kill them. And these reports are from three different countries and those countries are Kriratmechal, Bemlin, and Soubuan.

After that, he even tried to manipulate Siya so that she can kill Swarna by herself, and here is the audio recording that will prove this.

At last, I wanted to say only one thing, your honour. Mr. Kevin just wanted to kill Siya and Swarna. He is not a good father. And Miss Swarna is not the mother of Siya but then even she helped Siya in everything. She raised her like her daughter. This custody must go in the favour of my client."

After that, he handed all the proofs to the jury members. All the jury members checked the documents and then they gave their judgment to the Judge.

The judge also looked at the documents and then he said, "All the documents submitted here are real. And it proves that Mr. Kevin is not the person to whom we can give Siya's custody.

So the custody papers go to Miss Swarna. And Mr. Kevin and Mr. Yang you both are sent to Jail for a lifetime because of the serious crimes done by you two. Now the case is over."

The judge signed the papers but suddenly Yang stands up and said, "Your honour you can't give us the custody papers. But you can't give it to that Swarna because she is not eligible for it. She has not fulfilled the most important criteria for taking the custody papers. She is not married. No one can give Siya a father's love and affection. So she is also not eligible for the papers."

The judge looked at the lawyer and stopped from signing the papers. He asked the lawyer if he was saying the truth.

The lawyer said, "Your honor he is wrong. My client Miss Swarna, sorry I mean Mrs. Swarna Joshi is married. And here are the marriage certificates and the pictures which will prove that I am saying right thing."

He gave the papers and the pictures to the judge. The judge looked at the papers. Then he said, "Who is Mr. Kai Kuregami." Kai stands up and said, "I am Kai Kuregami husband of Miss Swarna Joshi." The judge told him to sit down.

After that Swarna's lawyer said, "Your honour my client Mrs. Swarna Joshi doesn't want to change her surname because this is the name that gives her the identity of SJ. And as I know changing name and surname depends on the individual we can't force anyone in this matter."

Then the lawyer said, "Your honour my client has fulfilled all the criteria for taking the custody papers. She is married to Mr. Kai and owning her own business which means she is financially independent. She can raise Siya nicely. Now I hope there is nothing to ask or say on this case anymore."

The judge then signed the papers and handed them to the lawyer. After that, he said, "From now on Siya is legally Mrs. Swarna's daughter. The case is over."

He went out. The police officers arrested Kevin and Yang and took them out. Then the lawyer gave the custody papers to Swarna and went out. Siya came to Swarna and hugged her tightly. Then all the STM members went out with Siya for celebrating but Swarna and Kai were still sitting in the courtroom.

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