54. A Promise.

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Everyone woke up got fresh and came down for having breakfast. All the family members were chatting with Swarna and Siya. After completing the breakfast Swarna said that she had to go now, because she had to start her office work from that day. And Siya also has to go to her school. Everyone agreed they came with all the family members to the entrance. Everyone came to drop them off.

All the children liked Swarna very much. So they want her to come and visit them often. Especially Hiroto liked Swarna more than his brother. He wants her to come to visit them at least one time a day.

When he told Swarna all those things she smiled and said, "I can't come every day but I promise. I will come to meet you after every three days. Okay." He smiled and replied yes. Then all the children went inside the house with granny. Swarna and Kai sat in the car and Kai started the car and drove away.

Suddenly Swarna asked him to drive the car back. He asked why. So Swarna replied that she needs to talk to his family members on an urgent topic. Kai didn't ask any other questions and drove the car back.

They came back to the entrance, stopped the car, and came out of it. Swarna ordered Siya to stay inside the car for a while after that they would go back.

All the family members were still standing at the entrance. They were confused by the sudden comeback of Swarna and Kai. Kai's mother said, "Did you guys forget anything."

Swarna said, "No Mrs. Kuregami. We didn't forget anything. We came here to talk to you. I wanted to say something urgent."

"Mrs. Kuregami? Why did you address me like this Swarna," said Kai's mother?

Then Swarna replied, "You all know that I and Kai are not married. So it's okay to pretend like couples in front of everyone. But in person, I don't think it's good to call you mom and dad and anything like that. Other than this the thing due to which I came back is a promise which I want from you all."

Kai's father said, "It's okay if you are not comfortable while calling us mom and dad. But if you are hesitating from us then rest assured you can call us mom and dad. Please don't think that we don't like this or that we don't want you to address us in that way. You can call us by whatever name you want.

And about which promise you are talking?"

Swarna said, "Thank you for explaining to me your point of view on the way I address you guys. And I am talking about a promise which I want you all to give me. You all know about our fake marriage and the situation due to which we were doing all these things. But my daughter doesn't have any idea about all these things.

She thinks that we are married. And if I will tell her the truth it can affect her mental health. So I don't want to tell her about these all things right now.

So I want all of you also not to say anything to her. Not only to Siya, but I also want you not to tell this to anyone without my permission, because it can cause so many bad effects on her life. You all know this is a good thing, but I want that no one should know about this except you guys.

No one means no-one, not any friend, no relative. But still, if it is necessary to tell any of your relatives, then I will tell, but you will not tell anyone. In short, I want you all to forget that we have created a fake drama of marriage. And think that we are married.

Please promise me. But before promising me think about it carefully, because I have a trust issue. If my trust is broken once, then why shouldn't the person in front of me die, I can not trust him again. So think about it carefully."

Kai's father said, "Its okay my child. I promise on behalf of my whole family. We will forget that you guys are pretending to be a couple and don't worry we will never break our promise and your trust."

Swarna smiled and said, "Granny, Hiroto, Eun, Duman, and Siya don't know about this right now. So don't tell them about this for the next couple of years. And thanks for the promise. I believe you all so I hope my trust and my belief will not get wasted. Thank you and now we have to go back. Bye." Kai and Swarna sat inside the car and went away.


Siya got ready for her school and Swarna packed her tiffin both of them went to her school. After dropping Siya to her school Swarna came home back and went to her study room and started working on her new project.

After some time Kai came to her and asked if she was going to attend the lecture or not. Swarna replied that she was going to attend the lecture on the second shift.

Kai said, "Second shift? Our university has applied the shift also. Nice!

Can you tell me how you apply for the second shift? Because I have many works to do and after coming from university I don't want to do anything."

Swarna said, "You don't need to explain to me why you are taking the second shift. It's your life you can do whatever you want. And you have to consult with the class teacher for this they will set your class in the second shift. Then you can go to the university at the given new time.

And one more thing, the promise I had taken from your family you also have to follow that but in front of Siya only. When no one is around we can live like we used to. We can't interfere in each other's life, okay."

Kai replied, "I know, I know. So I just have to consult with the Class teacher okay then. Bye for now." He went away. And Swarna got busy with her work again.

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