22. Questions.

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But no one asked them anything at that time. Swarna calmed Siya down and then she asked her why she had came to the university.

When Siya get back to the normal stage she said, "Secretary Yua is not allowing me to talk to you. And she also said to me that you have to stay at the university for some days for some kind of work. So I thought that you are lying again and then I decided to come here to check whether you are present at the university or not. So I came here. I am sorry Dima I'm sorry."

Swarna didn't say anything and told Yua to take her to the car and also ordered her to do her bandage.

Swarna was not expressing her fear in front of anyone. But internally she just wanted to cry. However, she knows that she couldn't do that due to Siya and all the other people around her. She was doing her best to control her tears. She had maintained an angry, worried, and a little feared face.

She was not allowing her emotions to attack her. In the last seven years except for Sam and Zack, no one had seen her crying. So she didn't even want anyone to see her crying.

She was holding her emotions very tightly. So that no one could ask her anything about the relationship between Siya and her. She also doesn't want anyone to know about the relationship between her and Yua.

While fighting with Kavin Swarna got wounded in her legs. She was standing in the center of the old parking area. Suddenly, she fell to the ground. Due to the flow of blood, she was having a lot of pain in her foot. But she was not showing it. Because she knows if she would show her pain in front of anyone then her pain and fear would also come out. Which she doesn't want?

But after some time all pain and fear came out in the form of tears because of the person who was coming toward her.

She saw that Sam was standing in front of her, when Swarna saw him, her eyes filled with water. Sam was in a great shock because he hadn't thought that all these things could also happen.

Sam came to her and sat down beside her. Then he just asked one thing what happened. After this Swarna couldn't control herself and clung to Sam and started crying bitterly. She was not replying to any of his questions.

At last, she said only three lines. "I can't afford this fear of losing her anymore. We have to do it. Just file the case." After saying this Swarna fainted due to heavy blood loss.

Sam took her immediately to the car. But before going he requested the dean to keep the contract safe. And then he left from there. The dean also went from there and called the whole group of STM to his office.


The dean was sitting on his chair and the group members were sitting on the sofa. After a silence of ten minutes, the dean said, "Look I know you guys have a lot of questions in your mind but let me clear my lines first.

Swarna is the mother of Siya. And I hope you all are aware of Siya's reality. So let's finish this story as you all know that Siya's father wanted to kill her. And Swarna used to save her all the time from her father. Her father is not able to hurt her whenever Swarna is around her.

So he attacked Siya today because he knows that Swarna is not in the country. She is out of the country due to some critical reasons about which I can't tell you. Because we have signed an agreement due to which I am not able to disclose her reality. And the man who came at last I don't know anything about him. So don't ask me any questions related to him.

Now the most important thing is I have signed the contract so I or anyone inside this university can't reveal her identity. And in this institute, you all also come. So keep it a secret."

All of them came out of the office. They all were still thinking about Swarna's real identity. Suddenly, Lucus said, "I understand that she is the mother of Siya. I also understand that she is saving Siya from her father. But why she is out of the country for three days. And what Sam is doing here. Sam knew her but how."

Everyone asked him how he knew about that man and his name. Lucus said, "Didn't I tell you about the animating company with whom I collaborate. He is the owner of that company. And he is my friend too. But he never told me about Swarna."

Everyone said, "Let's wait for tomorrow we will ask her." After that, they all went to their home. But Kai went to the hospital to see Swarna.


Sam was sitting near Swarna's bed and Siya was sitting on the couch placed in the room. He wanted to go inside but he couldn't. So he asked the nurse about Swarna's condition. The nurse replied that she was okay. She fainted due to excessive blood loss. She also mentioned that they had given her the blood supplies and she would be okay till the next morning.

Kai returned to his home after listening to all those things.


After giving the exams Swarna was eating her lunch in the canteen. Everything was going very smoothly. No one was aware of the last day.

Suddenly, the STM came inside the canteen. When they saw Swarna was also present there they went to her and asked her about the last day.

Kai had helped her a lot while fighting with Kavin and saving Siya. So Swarna thought to tell them everything. She was going to tell them everything.

But unexpectedly Sam and Zack came there. Zack was holding a file in his hands. When Swarna saw him she hugged him. And then after breaking the hug Zack gave her the file and said, "I have complained about Kavin our case is much stronger than before. We have 90% of chance that we will win this case."

Swarna liked that information and then she again hugged him.

Kai and all the other members were watching all those things. They wanted to ask Swarna about all those questions which were occurring to their mind like: "Who are these two boys. How she knows them. Why did she choose Siya? How many kinds of things did she knew. And what were that file and the case."

They wanted to know about all those things. And they were waiting for Swarna's conversation to end so that she could give answers.

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