90. Memories.

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Kai came to Swarna's house with her parents. Her parents were hesitating to talk to him because he was a very big and popular person. He noticed their hesitation and said, "Sir don't worry I am an idol but for this world not for you. You can talk to me normally." Swarna's parents looked at him confusingly.

When he saw their confused looks he understood what he said was wrong. They didn't know that Swarna was alive and she was his wife. So while correcting what he said he again said, "I mean I am just like your son. Maybe he was also of my age, so you don't need to hesitate while talking to me. Ask me and tell me whatever you want, feel free to say anything."

Swarna's father felt relieved that he was not feeling awkward there with them. He showed him the room where he was going to stay and asked him to change his clothes. Mrs. Joshi gave him a dress and asked him to come out after changing for dinner. He went inside the room took a shower and rested for while, suddenly someone knocked his door.

He opened the door and saw a boy standing there. He asked him who he was. That boy said, "I am Rocky son of Mr. and Mrs. Joshi." Kai understood that he was Swarna's brother and told him that he was coming in a minute. Rocky left from there and after closing the door Kai also went behind him.

On the dinner table everyone was silent not even a single sound was coming from anywhere. He had never seen that kind of environment. Before Swarna and Siya he used to eat with all his friends and they all talks a lot while eating and after Siya came into his life she replaced everyone else. She was the only one who involves everyone in her mischievous activities and talks during lunch or dinner.

He found that silence quite nice so he smiled while eating. Mr. Yash noticed that smile on his face and said, "Is everything alright? If you didn't like the food tell me I will change it for you." Kai looked at him and said, "No no the food is great. I liked it you don't need to make anything extra." He asked him why he smiled just now.

Kai looked at him and said, "Actually here everyone is silent and I am not habitual of this that's why. Actually my daughter never let anyone eat silently she will always start any kind of topic form anywhere and then forces us to talk on that topic. And we have to do it." Mr. Joshi heard that and laughed.

While laughing he said, "The entire daughters do this they never keep their mouth shut, my daughter also used to dote same."He was going to say more but h stopped in the middle and his happy face turned sad. Rock noticed that and while changing the topic he said, "You are married too! I thought only four members of the group is married but this is latest news."

Kai said, "Yes, actually we got married last year and my wife don't want to reveal this news for now, so I have to obey her." Mrs. Joshi said, "You got married last year and have daughter too. How old is she?" He replied that his daughter would turn 16 next month. When they heard that line they all were surprised, Swarna's father asked him how was that even possible.

Kai smiled and said, "My wife found my daughter and adopted her that's why!" They all smiled and continued eating. After finishing their meal Mr. Joshi accompany Kai to his room while going he saw room which was closed.

He said, "Sir if you don't mind can I ask you why this room is closed?" He looked at the room and said, "This is my daughter's room and she is not here with us so we don't open this room often." All of a sudden he asked if Kai wanted to see the room. At first he hesitated but at last he agreed. They headed towards the room, Mr. Joshi opened the room and they went inside.

He saw a very big portrait of Swarna hanging in the centre of the wall. She was looking very beautiful that picture was painted in her teenage but when he looked at the picture. He didn't take a second to recognize it. He said, "Is this your daughter?" Mr. Joshi replied yes. He looked at everything. In his mind he was comparing the Swarna whom he knows and the Swarna who used to live there.

He was surprised to see all the decorations of that room and the Swarna whom he knows doesn't even know what decoration is? At last he saw some of her old clothes. He said, "Why don't you donate these clothes. You daughter is as old as Sam and Zack they told me. These clothes won't fit her."

Mrs. Joshi came from back and said, "All the things in this room are my daughter's last belongings and I don't want to donate these things to anyone. These are the memories which she left behind her." Kai knew everything still he made a confused face. Mrs. Joshi looked at him and said, "My daughter is no more. That's why we don't want to get separated from her memories." Kai said sorry to them all and came out of that room.

He felt bad for them and all of a sudden Rocky appeared in front of him. He got scared and felt relived after watching his face. Rocky asked him if he wanted to go to the terrace because all his family members were going there. He didn't have anything to do so he also headed towards the terrace with them.

Swarna's parents were standing opposite of them on the terrace. So Kai found it right time to ask the question to Rocky. He said, "Can I ask you a question?" Rocky looked at him and said, "About my sister's death." Kai was surprised to hear that he knows what he wanted to ask. He said yes and asked how he knows what he wanted to ask.

Rocky said, "Because I am studying law and I have to deal with this kind of situation every day." Kai smiled and then Rocky said, "Actually my sister died because of a misunderstanding. Seven years ago a man came to my parents and told them that my sister was raising a girl child of her friend and her friend died in an accident. This was okay for my parents because they never go against of my sister's decision.

But then that man gave a false statement that the child whom my sister was raising was born before her friend's marriage. He said that he loves my sister and wanted to confess it to her but he was not able to do that because of that child. He loved her from the first day and still when he was not able to accept that child how could someone else would do that.

My father thought that what he was saying was right. He also told them that he tried to separate them both but she didn't listen to him and now only they could explain her that what is right? We live in a society where all these things are considered wrong and my father was a narrow minded person that time. So he got angry and told my sister to choose between them and that child.

She had promised to keep that child with her every time so she chooses that child and my father broke every relation with her. After two years we got news that my sister died when she was coming to Barbinga to talk with my father. My father got heartbroken and tried to find out her body but he failed. After a few months Sam and Zack brother came back to the home town.

We went to them and told us the truth that the man who came to us wanted revenge from Swarna that's why he lied to you, so that you can break all the relations with her and she will felt heartbroken just like him. And from that day to today my father regrets his decision."

Kai listened to everything and said, "Tell me one thing if you find someday that your sister is alive can your father will accept her and forgive her?" A voice came from back, "Yes I will!" They looked back it was Swarna's father, Kai apologized for asking personal questions about his family and then Mr. Joshi said, "No no it's my fault or you can say my mood that I allowed you to go in my daughter's room. I don't know what happened to me and I asked you to go there.

And it's natural that you are asking these questions, after looking at this kind of situation anyone would get curiosity to know the whole matter. That's not your fault don't apologize!" He gave a fake smile and suddenly his phone rang. He took out his phone and saw that it was Swarna's call. He went to a corner and talked to her but he didn't tell her that he was staying at her parent's house.

After talking to her he roamed around for some time and looked at the things which are related to Swarna's past life. He was imagining the days when Swarna used to live there. He was lost in the memories which her family told him about her.

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