1 - July

575 25 214

Check description for tws >:(
[Sorry if you got a 'Hollie posted ch1' notification again, I messed stuff up on ch1 and actually uploaded the wrong version the first time so I just fixed it]

['I've been holding my breath, I've been counting to ten, Over something you said']

Mumbo had seemed distant and a bit... reluctant to talk to Grian recently. The hermit in the red sweater had no idea why this was, but no matter how much time he tried to spend bonding with Mumbo, he seemed to just be pushed away. This made him scared of course, that Mumbo didn't actually like being around him, so he was currently on his way to the other's base to ask what on earth was going on and if he was alright.

"Hello Mumbo!" Grian entered Mumbo's base, only to find Iskall, "Oh, you're not Mumbo. Hey Iskall!"

"Oh hi, Grian. What brings you here?" He replied, not lifting his head from his work, or even turning around from the desk at which he sat.

"I just, uh, came to say hi to Mumbo, y'know, just another day. Do you know where he is, by chance?"

"He doesn't want to see you." Iskall said flatly before picking back up his pen and continuing writing on a lined page of paper. Grian tensed, "Why not?" He shot back.

Grian had had far too many of these experiences in friendship, and none had come good of it. It starts with a harmless argument where you don't even know what you did wrong, and ends with you tearing yourself apart to shreds.

"I don't know, he just said he doesn't."

Grian shook his head, his mind filling with thoughts like no he cant just 'not want to see me'. He stared coldly into the back of Iskall's head, "What did I do?" He was more speaking to himself than his friend, but the other hearing was just an added bonus.

Iskall turned around this time, "I'm sorry Grian, I don't know. He didn't tell me."

Grian's heart felt heavy, he turned to leave, "It's okay, thanks Isk"

Walking away felt as though he was drowning. Not in water, but in the suffocating atmosphere around him, his eyes moved slowly in their dazed state, and his thoughts in fast-mode.

WhatthehelldidyoudoGrian (What the hell did you do Grian)
Itsallyourfaulthe'smadatyou (Its all your fault he's mad at you)
Gobackandvisithim (Go back and visit him)
Demandanswers (Demand answers)
Gohomeandcry (Go home and cry)

So in short, he wanted to smash his head into a brick wall. Why didn't his best friend want to see him? His walking pace had somehow turned into a fast sprint back home, which then transformed into a desperate (and lame) attempt of flight; the faster he could get back the better. And after almost smashing into approximately 47 trees and 2 hermits, he got home.

Not even bothering to close it behind him, he pushed open the door and ran inside, snatching his communicator from the coffee table and flopping onto the table

/msg Mumbo

[From Grian][To Mumbo]: what did I do?

He waited anxiously for a response that took bloody ages to come.

[From Mumbo][To Grian]: We need to talk.

Oh god, oh good golly god. What had he done? Think Grian, think.

He looked at the doorway in his house to find a straight-faced Mumbo stood there staring into his soul. And no, Grian did not scream and if anyone said he did then they'd be lying, he just simply... 'jumped a bit'. (It was like a god-damn horror scene.)

Losing friends AND sleep (Grian/Hermitcraft)Where stories live. Discover now