6 - Alley Rose

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Sorry for the very sporadic uploads, I dont have one of those 'Ao3 Authors be like:' excuses, I've just had a very up and down couple of weeks, y'know how it is. The emptiness and whatever crawling back, but at the same time I got VIP tickets for Conan's show later in the year which is fun!

I cant really promise soon uploads as I'm so unbelievably busy, and school is staring to get hellish again and some fucking massive exams are lurking around the corner, but yeah! Enjoy this chapter!

Song is Alley Rose by Conan Gray


Don't leave me hangin' alone again]

Grian sat, cross legged, on his bedroom floor with 25 papers folded in front of him, as the silence of the area enveloped his existence. Although folded, he could still see indents on the back of various papers from various hermits who were rather heavy-handed when it came to writing. He ran his fingers over the textured bumps on the paper, pausing when he felt one with nothing on it at all. He unfolded it, 'Grian' was printed on the top right-hand corner of the page, and then 'Mumbo' on the bottom left corner. Then, in the middle of the page, which should've been filled with fruitful messages, was replaced with a whole lot of empty space. Nothing. Absolutely nothing at all. Not even a single mark or scuff of a pen's ink.

The darkness grew around Grian, and he shoved the other unfolded messages to the side, he felt an immediate leave; of self-disgust. What was wrong with Grian? What had he done to make himself so insignificant and undeserving of even a silly little message? Yeah, him and Mumbo weren't exactly on good terms right now, but still!

Tears spilled from his eyes as he left the other messages unread, and he lay down on the wooden floorboards of his bedroom, uncaring of how much it pained his head.

The whole situation was so cold, yet it scorched his heart and dragged him down, pulling him around like a puppet. He had friends that he could consider as his best friends, but was he theirs? Think about it, every one of his friends were closer to other people then they were to him. So, he was left to rot. Alone.

He closed his eyes and allowed himself to drift.

[Don't leave me hangin']

He woke up on the floor alone, confused and unbelievably cold. An endless pit unravelled in his stomach, but he couldn't bring himself to shift. His head ached, heart hurt, and back burned, but all he did to stop this was bring his forearm up to where he could see his communicator, and slowly read through all his notifications. Every single one, because clearly he had nothing better to do!

"Are you feeling any better?"

Grian shot up from where he lay on the cold, hard floor and immediately locked eyes with Cleo. He sighed, "Yeah, plenty, thanks for asking." He felt like shit.

"That's good, why are you on the floor?" She questioned warily, walking over to join him.

Grian shrugged as he let her join him in his floor time, and just kind of welcomed the slightly awkward silence. She reached over to grab the paper that was left next to Grian. She frowned, "Mumbo didn't write anything?" She asked carefully.

Grian felt like she was walking on eggshells around him.

"Nope," He laughed sadly, even somewhat bitterly, "but what did I expect? I don't care about it! I'm over it!"

It did not at all take a genius to realise that Grian did actually care, and in fact he cared quite a lot. And, obviously, he was not over it. Not. One. Bit.

Losing friends AND sleep (Grian/Hermitcraft)Where stories live. Discover now