4 - Everybody Dies

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Everybody dies by Billie Eilish:

So sorry for not updating in MONTHS, I tend to drop off the face of the earth with uploads when my mental health or physical health starts failing me again, but hey! Here I am, still alive ig.

That being said, I did recently upload a lil Mounders animatic thingy on my youtube (Holli3) that would appreciate some love, thats where I post like doodles turned into animatics or whatever y'know. So if you want more from me then here that is!!

I cant promise immediate and extremely frequent updates, because I'm really busy with school and stuff, but I'm trying!


["Everybody dies", that's what they say]

In retrospect, falling asleep in an alleyway was never a good idea. And now, Grian especially knew why it was such a stupid thing to do. When he woke up, it had long-became daytime, and the birds squawked merrily in the trees around him.

Opening his eyes, he was met by the still walls of the alleyway, and when he peered around the corner, he saw the lively streets of the shopping district. A lump grew in his throat, making him cough uncontrollably. His eyes stung and head boomed, and great, he was sick. How ironic.

Cold. Rain captured the sky, imprisoning it in a dark cage of despair and solitude. Surrounded by such bustle, yet his feelings clouded his mind - ironically, Grian had never felt so alone. His mind spiralled from normality like a film reel running too fast for a video to be caught up.

Grian sneezed.

This was great, just peachy, delightful, amazing, chobblesome. 10/10 would recommend, 5 stars on tripadviser.

He needed help. That was very much clear.

Was he actually going to get help? Pfft, nope! He's good.

Looking around, the shopping district was very, very bright. Like there was honestly no need for the myriad of colours that established the area to bombard his brain as ferociously as they did. It was wild. The wind whistled, as though chanting a relentless torment.

[And maybe in a couple hundred years
They'll find another way]

He got up, ignoring how his vision violently swimmed in and out of focus like a pendant rocking forwards, backwards, then back forwards again. He wasn't too far from his base, so getting there should be simple and easy, right?

Wrong! Immediately after stepping out from the busyness of the alleyway, he met a wild Etho, who was out spending all of his life savings in random shops (though mainly Bdubs', let's all be real for a moment here).

"Oh, hey Grian! What were you doing in that alleyway?" Etho greeted.

Grian grinned sheepishly, "You don't wanna know," he joked quietly, before his body hacked a violent, painful cough.

Etho laughed, "Are you good?" He asked, as though slightly concerned.

"Peachy, but I gotta go, see you around Etho!"
With that, Grian bounced off of the balls of his feet and set off to go home at a frisk and unbreakable pace, where he would probably stay for at least the next week.

His eyes watered and head ached as he took each miserable step forwards on his journey home. It wasn't exactly a long walk, but it was most definitely a painful one when considering Grian's state as he didn't wish to risk a dangerous flight with his elytra. On and on, on and on. One step; two steps; three steps... it never ended. What was probably a 5-minute-journey felt like that of an hour to the red-sweatered hermit.

Losing friends AND sleep (Grian/Hermitcraft)Where stories live. Discover now