2 - What Was I Made For?

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Check the tws in the description or fic!Grian gets it xoxo

What Was I Made For - Billie Eilish

There was a very large variety of options and games for them to choose from, but one in particular stood out against the rest:

The first game seemed simple enough, just shooting chickens with arrows. Or atleast, it seemed simple enough until it got really complicated. The ticking of redstone could be heard in the background for a moment before the machinery sprung to life in ways that nobody had previously even comprehended or imagined. The platforms with the chickens began to rise and rotate in precise and complex patterns, this mini game was going to be a lot more difficult than they originally thought.

Grian and Ex took their bows from their respective chests, and grabbed an appropriate amount of arrows, 10, according to the chest (5 each).

So, there was 5 chickens floating/moving at each station, with 4 stations in total (so more hermits could play at once). The two walked over to station number 1, bows and arrows in hands.

Ex let Grian go first, out of what the hermit in the red sweater believed to be pity, and he raised his loaded bow, arms trembling slightly out of the tension building in them; aiming it the best he could at the first chicken. He fired, he missed.

Tears threatened to fall from his eyes again, for reasons that Grian knew were silly and oh so invalid. Ex flung his arm over the other's shoulder and offered a small smile of reassurance, before raising Grian's arm that wielded the bow. He loaded it with one of his (Ex's) arrows and adjusted Grian's arm to the general vicinity of the chicken.

['I used to float, now I just fall down']

This game was difficult.

Grian shot, he hit the chicken , killing it and in result lighting up redstone lamp number ⅕.

Grian smiled, wide and genuine, "Thanks"

"No worries," Ex grinned, though beneath his visor.

Now it was Ex's turn, and he did that chicken absolutely no justice, swiftly killing it through a single shot.

Grian smiled, though he couldn't help but feel stupid at not being able to do it on the first try with so much ease.

The third chicken hit first try (thanks to Grian), as did the fourth (Ex), and now it was only the fifth chicken left; with 5 arrows. 5 tries. That's all they had to kill it, so it was going about as well as it could be.

"You do it, Ex" Grian proposed, "You're better than me at this stuff."
Ex hesitated, before loading his bow with an arrow.

He shot and won, which was rather anticlimactic to be completely honest, because all they got was a piece of paper with the word 'orange' on it.

Next, they moved a few games down, to one of 'guess the hermit' through clues. How it works is that there are three clues that lead to one hermit, who is randomly generated. It was a basic concept, so in theory they should guess it easily and therefore win.
They walked over and sat in booth #1. An image showed on the screen in front of them; redstone.

"Zedaph!" Ex called, that was guess 1 / 3.

The console flashed red "Wrong," its robotic voice called.

Okay, two more clues and two more guesses, they could do this.

The next clue was a bike.

"Mumbo!" Grian guessed.

['I used to know, but I'm not sure now']

The machine flashed green. Correct.

They had the first hermit, they just needed two more to be given another page.

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