7 - The Greatest

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SONG: The Greatest by Billie Eilish
(End notes for a little explanation of where I've been)

Meeting with Scar always led to absolute chaos. Meeting with Scar was just imminent trouble merely waiting to happen.

So, when Grian closed the door behind him to go outside for the first time in days... he knew that he'd immediately be met with that overstimulation that the world always carried in its pocket. The world seemed to spin before he'd even fully stepped off of the doorstep; but after a large number of deep breaths, he bounded off the ground to fly into the air at probably a very alarming speed to anyone who didn't usually fly this way.

To be honest, he wasn't even sure what Scar was dragging him over to his base to even do, but clearly they were doing something if Scar told him to come in scruffs and bring normal ones - not that he'd been on his communicator for long enough to ask why.

Turns out, the other hermits had sent him a myriad of messages: checking how he was doing ('I'm alright, thanks'), asking him to do various activities ('yeah, sure, when?'), then the very occasional question on where something, ie a farm, was located, or a reminder that he hadn't restocked his shops in weeks.

Spiralling through the air, Grian felt the rush as his hair waved sporadically in a multitude of different directions, and set off a new firework after a few seconds, before feeling the euphoria of the adrenaline as it raced through his veins once again.

[I'm trying my best
To keep you satisfied]

God, he loved flying.

In the distance, he saw Scar's area vastly approaching him, and he was immediately overtaken by just how much it had changed and built up so much more since he'd last visited. Had it really been so long?

Buildings were strung out across the green grass like bunting, so perfect that they even brought Grian to near-tears, each one decorated with those magical details that Scar always threaded into his work. It looked delightful; the most picturesque scenery that Grian thought he had ever seen.

The sky swept his hair, pushing it to the side as it glowed in the golden sunlight; each cloud waving as he passed.

For once, it felt peaceful.
For once, it was calm.

But just when it seemed that the storm had passed, lightning struck again, paralysing him when he saw two hermits standing in the grasslands (and only one of them was Scar).

[Let you get your rest
While I stayed up all night]


Mumbo was having a quiet day, and that was not one of choice. It was eerily quiet, like that of a recent loss looming around every corner, an inevitable darkness.

He couldn't decide how he felt; his thoughts were in turmoil - each one at conflict with the last.

Did he hate Grian? Did he miss him? Was he being selfish? Stupid? Smart? Was he doing it all wrong? Did he go about it the wrong way? Or was he doing it right?

How long has it been? A few weeks? A month? Time seemed to have been lost on Mumbo - void, he didn't even know what day it was anymore!

The air kicked at his hair with that same old familiarity it always had done. The skyline blurred in his eyes, windswept tears raining to the ground from his eyes like that of spit from a tame cat turned savage.

Clouds above him twisted into mutated shapes, almost as cascades blocking him from ascending too high into the air. He was bombarded by the empty air as it clashed upon the bare skin of his face and wrinkled the fabric of his black suit. The wind was so ferocious that Mumbo feared even his moustache would fall off soon.

Losing friends AND sleep (Grian/Hermitcraft)Where stories live. Discover now