The beginning

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(IMPORTANT A/N⚠️⚠️⚠️I am rewriting this so it's better because 12 year old me thought this was the shit.) BITCH PLEASE.

Your new to Hawkins Indiana,you just moved here from New York.As you get out of your car you notice and man biting his lip and staring at you.You roll your eyes at him, he smiles and waves.You walk inside go down to the office to find your classes.You go to your first class and sit down,the same man that saw you earlier sat right down beside you and says "hi I'm Billy".You proceed to say "I'm Y/N" with a smirky attitude, he just smiles .After school you go outside to your car he watches you as you walk out.You sit in your car roll all the windows down and blast your 80s rock music he stares you down as you pull out and drive home...

You get home and your little brother is there with his friends Mike,Lucas,Will,and some little red head...

You've made new friends there names are Nancy and Robin,you've also met a boy named Steve and I guess your friends to (your a senior). The next day at school you tell your new friends about the boy who has been bothering you,there faces looked shocked as you tell them. "Are you talking about Billy Hargrove" I guess,you say. Your 2nd period he sits beside you and gives you a note that has his number and says"meet me in the parking lot after 4th period", you look at him and give him a smile...4th period comes around and here you are waiting by his car and then you see him start walking towards you.
He says "want to skip the rest of the day?" you say I got nothing better to do,he smiles and says "alright get in" you get into his car and go back to his place where the little red head you've seen before is just chilling there and no one is home except her.Billy asks her why she isn't in school and she looks at him and says "I could ask you the same"he ignored her. He leads you in up to his room,you sit on his bed and he just stares at you. Why are you looking at me like that you ask "your beautiful "(you blush). Who was the girl in the living room? "Oh just my little sister Maxine" (in your head) that's who that is,I've seen her with my brother. You stare off into space as he waves his hand in front of your face,you come back as he says "Y/N? Are you okay?". Yea I'm good...well I better get going, "do you need me to take you home?" think about and say no thanks "are you sure" yes, "okay goodbye gorgeous" you smile and motion max to come outside with you...she come out and asks "yeah", can you come with me back to my house I think we should talk. "About what, I barley even know you" just come on..."okay fine".

You guys finally get back to your house and Dustin looks at you weird and waves at Max,you and Max go up to your room. "What are you doing with my brother." I'm not really sure honestly I just found my way to your guy's house after 4th period..."we'll stay away from him,he's bad news" you look confused and ask what why? "Just trust me okay he's bad news" umm okay (you think I'm your mind)

You take Max home in your 1980s Camaro .You get to their house and see Billy waiting out side he looks angry,you ask Max why does he look so sad and angry ? "He's probably got into a fight with my stepdad." Tell him to come here... she gets out walks up to him and tells him to go talk to you. He walks over an gets in the passenger side Can I take you somewhere. "Sure if it's gonna be your house" you smile and say ok... I'm cool with that you both smile and drive back and to your get back,take him up to your room and he lays on your bed, you sit beside him. You don't want to bring it up but you think you should. Billy "yea"? What does Max mean by to stay away from you and that your bad news "what,she said that"...never mind I shouldn't have said anything.Are you okay (you ask) "yea I'm fine". Max told me you get into fights with your dad a lot. " yea but it's fine"( as he grabs your thigh) (you get butterflies as he does it)...I'll be right back...okay "okay but don't take too long" (you go change in to shorts and a hoodie) You turn off the big light and turn a lamp on,walk to your bed lay down and he cuddles you as you go to sleep.

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