A Beautiful Disaster

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Waking up I look over to see Billy passed out still in his jeans and shirt. Shit my head hurt bad. I slowly get up and go to the kitchen. I walk to the fridge grabbing a bottle of water and chugging it down. Wow I heard from the back of my mind was I really drinking water.

Once I finished my water I went and laid back in the bed. Billy wasn't facing me so I put my arm around him and he sat straight up. "Don't" he said facing me. "What" I said smiling. "You will never and I mean never ever be the big spoon". He said putting his arm around me. "Okay" I said kissing him. "Mhm"he replied kissing me again. "Yep" I said as we begin making out. I pulled back "No Billy...I can't". "Can't what"? he said going back into the kiss.
"Have sex" I said. "My dads literally in the other room" replying to my own sentence. "Guess we'll have to be quiet"he said climbing over top of me going down to my and hitting my sweet spot. I quickly put my hand over my mouth trying to hold back. "Damn"he said laughing. "Billy I can't". "What hold back the amazing sounds that leave your mouth". "Yea if you say so...please I can't". "Fine"he said going back to my lips and we continued to make out until we both got tired and fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning earlier than usual and couldn't go back to sleep. I checked the time...5:31. Billy still asleep. I get up and decide go for a run.

I walked outside after getting dressed and started walking inning down the streets of New York.

Billy's POV

I woke up earlier than usual maybe because
y/n wasn't next to me. Very unlikely because she's not a morning person...but hey maybe she wants to make a change. I stood up and got dressed fixing my hair and walking to the living room sitting on the couch. She isn't even here. I waited on the couch for what felt like hours.

I heard distant arguing around a building and into an alleyway. "Please let me go" I heard a young looking women cry out."Just drop the gun and I'll do anything you want"still bawling her heart out. How does this shit happen at 5:00a.m.? I couldn't just stand there so I did something to help. "Excuse me" I said acting as if everything was cool. "Back away now before you get hurt"the skinny tall man said. "Oh pls I've been hurt worse than anything you could've ever done"I replied a little sarcastically. "It's your funeral...literally" 'BAM'
was all I heard before everything went slowly started to go blurry and I didn't feel anything before I heard screaming and then flashing lights. I passed out a few seconds later.

Billy's POV
The phone in the kitchen started ringing. I stood up. To go get it when I heard y/n's dad "I got it"and I sat back down.


"Yes ma'am"

"Yea she's my daughter"
When I heard her father say that I had a bad feeling something was about to happen that would change my life forever. He froze dropping the phone.

"What is it...is she okay?" I asked worried
"Come on we've got to go"he said walking fast out of the house and to his 1970 orange mustang. We sit in the car and he speeds off "What's going on" I asked. "Y/n's been shot"he responded pressing on the gas pedal

We made it to the hospital and ran to the front desk. "Patients first name" "F/N" "Last name" L/N we both replied in sync. "Room 113".
We ran down the halls to room 113 and I saw her laying there. We walked over and went on each side of her holding her hands. The nurse walked in. "How bad is she" her father asked.
"We'll the bullets grazed her heart...I would suggest that you say your good byes because I doubt she'll make it." Her father walked out of the room and so did the nurse. "Come on y/n you can make it 18 years ain't long enough it'd be different if there's so many things you ain't seen yet or done. 18 years ain't long enough. Please just pull through...I know you can do it. I don't blame you for trying to save that lady but you can't leave me like this...NOT NOW" I look at her face and saw a waterline fall from her cheeks and I saw something drip on her arm. A tear and it came from my eye. "I love you" I managed to get out. "I always wond— if I clos- my eyes for eve- would it all remain the sam-" she managed to get out and I just laughed. "I love you Billy Hargrove never forget that"she said quieter and quieter. "Come on don't say that...your gonna make it through"I said in between tears. "Nope...Hold on to it...I love you Billy Hargrove"she repeated then passed out cold. 'Beeeeeeeeeep' was all I heard before nurses came rushing in and pushed me out of the way.

She wasn't the only one that died that day I died that day too.

Cemetery (One year later)

"I held onto that but it's my time to leave to...I don't want to be here anymore I have to see you again. I can't live without you. Because when you died I died along with you"


A/N: Sadly yes this is the last chapter but I thought it ended sad but the ending was a pretty good ending other than me wanting to cry.(move to the next...im a liar)

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