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That night Billy woke up freaking out beside you. You quickly sat up and asked him what was wrong.
"Uhhh-Uhhh you are dead"he said
"No I'm not I'm right here billy" you said worriedly as you grab him.
"Where are we" Billy asked
"My house why?"
"Idk I had this really bad dream we went and saw your dad in New York and you died and I killed myself and it was just..."
"Well just go back to bed"

The next morning you woke up and billy was gone. You stood up and walked to the kitchen.
He was passed out on the couch with almost an empty bottle of that nasty ass Captain Morgan shit. "Eww" you said out loud.
"You cleaned up the house and sat down and put Billy's head in your lap. He slowly opened his eyes and sat up real fast. He walked into the bedroom and came back out about five minutes later.
"Hey I'm going out for a little need anything?"
"No but where are you going?" You asked with a look on your face that shows your confusion.

After he left you grabbed a map and found a location on there that you had visited one to many times and decided to give your buddy a call.
The phone rang and then someone picked it up.
"Hello" you said into the phone.
"Well look who rose from the dead...hello love"
His British accent flowing through the phone.
"Why don't I pay you and the brothers a visit."
"Well might as well but they'll sure be surprised"

After billy had arrived home you asked him about the road trip which was about 9 hrs away from Indiana.

Sooner or later he finally agrees but still doesn't know why you wanted to go to this place.
"Come on'll be fun"

The next day you guys arrived

"Mystic falls Virginia is where we are?" Billy asked probably wondering why you took him here in the first place.
"Yes now we're gonna be visiting a few old friends of mine"you said as you pulled up to a white mansion.
"Now hold on I'll be right back"you said as you just out of the car.

You walked up to the door and opened but you couldn't walk in.
"Hello love" is all you heard when you turned around gave the man a hug.
"Klaus...I've missed you" you said hugging him with all your strength"
"We'll I'm sure the Salvatore's will be just as surprised as I am to see you" he said
"About that meet me at the grill later around 6"

As soon as you got back into the car billy gave you a dirty look.
"What?" You asked
"Is this we came to see...some old man who probably wears a trench coat?" He asked sarcastically
"Billy there is so much stuff I haven't told you and i don't know if your ready for it" you said looking at him dead in the eye.
"Now one more stop before you make your decision if you want to know"
"What do you mean so much stuff"he questions getting angrier by the second
"We're saving this talk for later"

You to pull up to the Salvatore and you listen in nobody is here. You get out and look at him.
"You coming?" You ask him motion towards the boarding house.
You to walk in and sit down in the living room.

Sooner or later you hear a car pull up.
"Shh follow me" you grab his hand close him eyes and pull him upstairs.
"Shh now don't move"

You hear two men walk in and are talking about protecting someone. But you make a crash sound towards the stairs. And zoom fast towards the cellar. Someone goes toward the stairs and you tackle the other man which soon to appear as Damon. You stood up real fast and so did he.
"Y/N?"he said with a look of relief on his face.
"The one and only"you said and jump into his arms
Soon enough Stefan comes down.
"Y/N" he said...and it kinda looked like a tear had slipped. You smiles and tan to him.
Billy walked downstairs at that point.
"Can someone tell me what the hell is going on here?"he said under confusion.
"Who's this" the brothers said at the same time.
"This is my boyfriend"you stated while smiling
"And who are you two?" Billy question while looking at them with a look of jealousy.
"Her brothers" Damon is my older brother and Stefan is my twin...but he's my younger brother" you said smirking at Stefan
"Oh 6 minutes"he said sarcastically
"Still older"you said the smirk never leaving your face.
"So why are you back"Damon said
"We'll I think I've became close enough with Klaus to where Rebekah doesn't want to kill me." I said with a reasoning look
"And then maybe Billy could learn a few things about me". You said looking over to him.
"Wait so he doesn't know" Stefan looked pointing to him"
"Know what?" Billy said looking over to you
"That we're vampires" Damon blurred out.
"DAMON!" I yelled at him .
"What I figured you were gonna eat him anyway?"
"What no didn't you hear me say he was my boyfriend!" I yelled louder
"GUYS STOP!" Stefan yelled "your freaking the guy out look at him" you look over at billy whole hands are down to his side and he has a blank expression on his face.
"Damon" some girl yelled walking in.
If you were gonna tell billy about you might as well show him. Plus you could smell the blood coming off of this girl. You grabbed him and bit her on the neck...she screamed bloody murder.
You let go quickly.
"Oh come on don't be such a baby" you bit into your wrist "here" you motioned her towards it. She didn't accept.
You looked at terrified billy who hadn't moved a single inch.
"Ready to leave" you asked him.
"I think so" he said and walked with you out the door.

Stefan called you later while you and billy were at the grill.
"Y/N what the's not 1864 anymore where you can just eat anybody...we're supposed to be laying on the low but no your just catching anybody in sight" Stefan yelled into the phone.
"Alright i apologize for my actions but who was she anyway...WHY DID SHE LOOK LIKE KAT" you asked.
"Her name is Elena and I'll tell you later I gotta go" he hung up the phone.
" so ready to hear everything?" You asked billy
"Yes please" he sounded angry.
From that moment on you told him everything. Told him everything from Klaus to Your father in New York... who really wasn't your father.
"Okay I completely understand if you don't wanna be with me anymore but this is the only way I could tell you" you said looking down at your hands.
"No when I said I loved you I meant it... wait so your telling me you've been 17 for almost 200 years" .
"Yes...I have been"
"So how do you turn people"Billy asked looking me dead in the eyes.

A/N: Hahahaha you guys thought it was the end. Well we've got a lot to discuss in these next few chapters.

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