The Sunny Side

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This chapter contains SMIUT your welcome to skip but I've been working on this all day so hopefully you guys like it


You get home and run up to your room Eddie still waiting in your car. You grab your mini backpack and grab the crunched up money inside. Quickly lay it out on your bed counting it as fast as you can,"71,72,77" you grab the stack ok cash and run out to the car to Jason just about to knock on the door. "What do you want" "Hey was just wondering when you would be back at school?" "I don't fucking know ....why?" You look at him confused " Alright just wondering" he says with a smirk on his face" You push past him and quickly walk to your car and speed out of the driveway. " what was that all about"?? I don't have the any clue you say in response. You guys go out of town about 30 minutes away to go eat so nobody will be there . Finally you guys arrive walk in and sit down at a table,the waiter who was a girl walked over to us and smiled at Eddie and I smiled at him. After she took our order he looks at you shocked "Omg,should I go ask for her number" "Go get ''em killer" you say as you feel good for him. He walks back over with a piece of paper smiling.
(Time skip) After you guys get your food and eat,you speak up leaving the silence alone "We should probably head back to town" "Yea I need to get home" You guys walk out heading to your get in the car turning the radio all the way up skipping until you look down to see a cassette tape with the name Billy Idol right on the front,you smile picking it up taking the one you had in and put the cassette in. The first song was your favorite by him (Rebel Yell). You quickly speed out think you have about 20-30 minutes before you got home.
(Time skip) You get back into Hawkins dropping Eddie off. I don't wanna seem like the stalker type but what is he doing? You decide to drive past Billy's house and notice that his car isn't in the drive but you go ahead and drive home. You walk through the front door as your mom comes running up to you " Where have you been?" She says with a concerned voice "out" you say as you walk up the stairs "somebody came looking for you"she says... "who" you say as you turn around,she ignores your question and walks away. You walk into your room and freeze, someone was there that you weren't suspecting at all "Billy". He stands up from your bed rushing over to you and giving you a hug "I'm so sorry baby for accusing you of something you didn't do" "Yea about that can you tell Jason to leave me alone?" He pulls away "what do you mean...has he said anything to you?" "Yea he showed up here earlier...also how long have you been here?" He laughs at your question "not long actually your mom just let me in" "good" he pulls you in for a kiss and you kiss back god I missed reached down and smacked his ass. He pulls away again "oh you're dead princess"

⚠️ Warning ⚠️ SMUT
He locks the door picking you up and starts kissing you again this time slipping his tongue in your mouth. He lays you on the bed gently getting on top of still not letting go the kiss, you pull his shirt off...he does the same. He starts his way down your neck the to your chest area...this was definitely gonna leave hickies. He moves down to your waist line unbuttoning your pants looking at you for access,you nod as a yes...he pulls them down without hesitation along with your underwear. He goes down teasing you and kissing you between your thighs. He starts licking your clit as you let out a soft moan, you grab his hair as you feel a knot in your stomach the he stops. He goes back up and starts making out with you again you take of his belt off then his pants leaving only his boxers on. He reaches in your nightstand grabbing out a condom opening it not breaking the kiss. He pulls his boxers down putting it on...he inserts into you going slow at first then as he speeds up and is thrusting in and out of you, you feel the same knot that you had in your stomach your hand quickly covers your mouth trying to hold it back "It's okay princess let it out"he says. Then you feel it he leans down kissing you still pumping in and out of you...your start shaking as you feel him releasing into the condom.He pulls out tying the condom into a know and disposing fit into the trash can, he lays beside you you pull the covers on top of you guys he looks at you and smiles "what" you say smiling "That was awesome" " believe me I no".
He leans in a kisses you on your forehead "goodnight baby" "goodnight" you lay on your right side with his left arm under you and his right arm spooning you...shortly after that you fell asleep.

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