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A/N:I'm gonna try to on make my chapters just a little shorter but I'm sorry I've just been really busy but I'll be back on track.

I finished the rest of the day off good.My last class was over and  I I started to walk out then as I passed the bathroom someone grabbed my arm and pulled me in. At first I didn't know who it was but then as soon as I saw there face..."Peter" I say In a shocked voice "It's been a while sweet heart...I heard your dating the ummm...what's his name" "Hargrove" I say "ahh yes Hargrove...stay the fuck away from him and break up with him" "what the hell are you talking about... you don't even go to this school what are you doing here" I asked with confusion in my voice. "Well I came back for you" "No the hell you didn't" I say. He slaps me across my face "Don't you ever talk to me that way" tears start to swell up in my eyes. I push him away and onto the ground. "Fuck're so dead" He stands up and grabs something out of his pocket...I try to run my he grabs me. He pushes me again the wall and hold a switch blade up to my throat "make a noise and I will guy you. Be ready by tonight" He steps back and I run out of the bathroom. I walk out side and see Billy waiting by his car. More and more tears run down my cheeks as he starts to walk towards me. I run the other way "Where are you going" he asks in a worried tone. "I'm walking home".

I walk into my front door. I go upstairs to my room and quickly turn the door nob on open it. There Billy is always one yo check up on me "Hey hey hey are you okay" I run up to him and burst out crying "No I don't think I'm okay. He's here" i say. "What do you mean....who's here" "My ex". "It'll be okay"he pulls me into a tight that lasts forever.

We laid in my bed for a long time until he spoke up"Are you okay"? "I mean I'm in shock that he would threaten me like that but I can't stay here tonight or at least by myself. I wanna runaway for a while you know." "Believe me I know what your going through" "But I can't runaway from my problems...because when I get back they'll all be here still so there's really know point...I'm just so tired literally mentally and physically." "Well how about we sleep and then we'll see how you feel"he said as he pecked me on the lips. I loved this side of Billy and not a lot of people got to see this...they judge him before they new him, he's been there for me but I haven't except when he cheated on me...and I know that he wouldn't do that to me...or at least I hope. I soon drifted off to sleep

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