Bad Dreams

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Opening my eyes to see a bright light in my eyes can you tell us where your father is. We are looking for him and we can't find him.
You: No Is he okay?
No he's a very sick man help us find him.
You: I can't I don't know where he is.

'Uuuuhhh' I wake up hyperventilating.
"Hey hey it's okay"Billy says sitting up "I'm right here". "I can't" I struggle saying grabbing my throat. "Can't what"Billy asks with a concerned expression. "Breathe" still struggling to get my words out. I take my hand off of my neck. "Wonder why"Billy says grabbing my throat and choking me.

'Uuuuuuhhh' gasping as sit up from a cold sleep. Billy being right beside me and sitting up weirdly "you okay" he asks grabbing my shoulder. "I think...maybe I just need some water". "Okay" he says as I stand up and walk to the kitchen. I grab a glass and go through the cabinets to find a bottle of fireball. "This'll have to work". I said taking a nice swig of it. "Are they happening to you to"my dad says sitting in the living room and me not noticing him before.
You: what?
Dad: Come on Y/N you know what I'm talking about.
You: Yeah,yeah they are. The just started though.
Dad:Come on lets get a drink together you can see if Billy wants to come
You: He doesn't drink. I said obviously lying.
Dad: alright fine then he'll just have to stay here.
You:fine I'll talk to him.

I go back to my room. To see Billy had fallen back asleep. I guess I'll just leave him a note:Dad wanted to take me somewhere we'll be back later. It was 3 am and my father wanted to take me to a bar...hey I'm not complaining.

We leave and pull up to this regular bar with a neon sign that said Old Joe's. We walk in and sit down at the bar. "So how long have you guys been together"he asks "About 4 months".
The bartender walks up to us "What can I get for you guys"he questions. My father answers first "Bourbon...neat" then he looks at me. "Jack" "alright" he says. "I'm surprised he just asked me like that and didn't card me or nothin" I say shocked but in a low tone so no one hears me. "Yeah Joe,he's cool like that".

We finished our drinks after about 30-45 minutes and decided that it was time to head back home. I wasn't drunk but I wasn't sober because one drink led to two then that led to three.

We get home and he sits on the couch. "Well I'm gonna go back to sleep" I said looking at him and walking away shortly. I walk into the bedroom and see that Billy was still asleep...I mean I would assume that he would be sleeping still saying that it was almost 4 in the morning. I took the jeans that I had worn on my way here and changed into shorts. I climbed back into bed with Billy,but again I couldn't sleep. Sometime throughout the night he had taken his shirt and jeans off. I just laid there with my fingers making circles on his stomach. I loved when my life was like this and I didn't want it to change.

My Baby(Billy Hargrove)Where stories live. Discover now