No One Like You

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I woke up to hearing laughing from another room and looked over to see and empty spot beside me. I smiled to myself knowing I think that my father approved of Billy. I sit up grabbing a pen that was laying beside my bed on my stand. I lock the door and walk over to my closet opening it. Pulling the string for a light and going to a shoebox at the back of it. Opening it and pulling out a binder. I flip through it and come upon a page from July 6,
Dear self,
Today was horrible mom and dads
Fighting has gotten worse and I'm scared for Dustin and I she will probably leave him and I don't ever want to be parted from Dad. If you can't tell he's my favorite person in the whole world and no one can take his place I don't think I'll ever love someone as much as him.
Anyways to future self 'be careful'.

'Wow' I thought to myself as tears pricked to the thought of the night that I wrote this.One tear slowly dripped down my cheek. I flipped to a different page that was blank and started writing.
Mom and Dad still aren't back together yet. Life has been going great. I've met a boy and he's stolen my heart. I think I'm in love with him. I've never felt this way about anybody. We snuck off to see dad in New York. Mom doesn't know and let's keep it that way.I think dad approves of him they seem to be getting along well. Mom and I still don't have  a good relationship. She still likes Dustin better it's fine because dad likes me better than Dustin or mom...I'm mean it's true Dustin is a mommy's boy and I'm a daddy's girl and always will be.
So younger self you don't have to worry about life being that rough because eventually you'll meet a boy and fall madly in love.

I finished writing and put the pen back where it was along with putting the box back in the closet.

I walked out to the kitchen to see Billy and my dad both stare me down like i was disgusting or something so I flipped them both the bird and walked out. I heard them both chuckle as I walked out. I walked back in there about five minutes later. Walking over to the cabinet where I saw the fireball. "What are you looking for"my dad asked looking at me smiling. "You know exactly what...where is it". "Hidden under the couch" he said. I looked at him confused "whatever" I said and walked behind the couch and feeling for the bottle. I grabbed it and hid it under my shirt as they looked at me weird. I walked into the bathroom and turned the shower on getting undressed and grabbing the bottle bringing it in the shower with me. I don't know why but I  just felt like drinking in the shower or rain felt amazing. I took little sips of it until I started getting just a little wheezy.
I thought I heard a knock on the door or maybe I was just something going on in my head. I sat down in the bathtub and felt the water pour on my face. "What are you doing"a voice asked softly. I couldn't tell who it was saying that there was only about 1/4 left out of the whole bottle. Damn I was such a lightweight sometimes.

"Hello"? They asked again I still didn't reply.
The glass door was being pulled open and I started giggling. "Why the he'll are you drinking in the shower" he looked a little annoyed. "Not really sure...just bored I guess". I said laughing along with it. "Come on it's like 11 in the morning and you're already drunk....what am I supposed to do with you". "I don't know"
"Y/N Henderson there is no one like you". "Oh,I now...I know" I said correcting myself. "Come on let's have you take a nap"Billy said as I soon realized that it was him. "I can do it"I said standing up...almost slipping but catching myself in the process. "Obviously you can't" he said grabbing a towel.

Helping me out of the shower and wrapping the towel around me. "Your dad left" "yay"I said my words getting more slurred as I talked.
"Where are your clothes"? "Not sure...I'm fine with being naked though". "I would be fine with that to only if your father wasn't here". "Mhmm"I said not being able to form the words. "Come here" he said wrapping his arm around my waist. I grabbed the bottle taking the last swig of it...Billy looked at me like I was insane. "You need to relax" he said grabbing the bottle away from me. "I need to need to relax".

We made it back to the bedroom and I flopped back onto the bed. Billy walked over to my suitcase grabbing clothes then turned around to see me passed out on the bed "come on" he mumbled walking over to me slipping my underwear and bra on...Then my Shorts.

My Baby(Billy Hargrove)Where stories live. Discover now