Death Row

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A/N I guess Y/N has had a hard life.

I Sit up fast tears rolling down my face."Hey Hey Hey" Billy says grabbing me and pulling me into a hug. "Are you okay" "Yea I'm fine I think I just need a glass of water". I get up and put the robe on that was hanging in my door and walk downstairs. I go to the cabinet grabbing a glass and walk over to the fridge and pour some cold Jack Daniels into my glass. "Thought you said water"Billy said standing behind my. I jumped at the sound of his voice."I damn well know that this'll work better" I said and he chuckled "what time is it?" I asked "4:20 exactly" " I think I'm gonna go back today". "Where school...because I'm not excited for that". "Yea but I'm gonna try to get those 2 hours in even though I slept all day". "We'll not all day don't forget we did have s-" you cut him off. "Mhm yea I know". You finished your drink and decided to go back upstairs and lay down.

I'm laying in bed and I get the sudden need to write. I quietly walk down stairs and to the kitchen island. Grab a price of paper and start writing a letter.

Dear Father,
                     I know it's been a while but I wanted to check up on you since the incident. I miss you a lot more than I ever thought I would. I don't know if I'll even give this to you or not but I couldn't stop thinking about you and just wanted to talk. I know it's odd after all of those years I'm writing you. I can tell Dustin misses you to but he doesn't show it much. He doesn't talk about you unless I bring you up...which isn't often but I miss you. I didn't really know what to write but I love you and I've been doing better than the last time you seen me. I have been clean for almost a year now. Everyday I'm becoming more and more like you. I drink a little bit it's nothing,I still don't like to talk about my feelings to anyone not even to my family. Since I moved to Hawkins I met a boy and I think you would approve and everyday I want to come back to New York with you. I told myself to not get attached but you know me.
Your daughter,

I check the time 5:56 wow time really passed by. I need to get in the shower though.

I walk upstairs quietly. Going into my bathroom and taking a steaming shower. I get out of the shower and check the time 6:07. I go to grab clothes and get dressed Billy still asleep. I didn't really know if he wanted to go back but I definitely needed to. I g  on back in the bathroom to do my makeup but it wasn't anything serious. I'm putting eyeliner on and I look at the corner of my eye and see Billy leaning against the door frame holding something in his hands."When we're gonna tell me about this?" He asks showing me the letter. Shit I forgot to put that up(I thought in my head). "What" you asked confused. "This...why are you writing your dad you never talk about him...and apparently you did drugs... I thought we were being open to each other". "What do you mean...I am being open. I wrote that when you were asleep and I didn't even put it up...the reason I don't talk about my dad or my past is because I don't like the things I did. I never did the right thing and apparently I'm not doing it now either." I say as tears start to flood my eyes."God why am I fucking crying?". "Hey it's okay". "No the fuck it's not you think I'm lying...I may be a alot of things in this fucked up world but one thing I am not is a liar ". "Come on babe I didn't mean anything by it". "Fuck it I'm not going to school... I don't know why your getting mad about me writing my father at least he was there for me when no one else was especially my mother hasn't she's always coming home drunk once a month or high. I'm lucky if I get to see my mother." Tears rolling down my face I lean against the wall and slowly sit down my hand wrapped around my legs. "I fucking hate h-" oh no. I quickly crawl over to the toilet and vomit. Billy runs over holding my hair back. He sits on the floor leaning against the wall...while I crawl into his lap."Are you okay" he asks with a little concern in his voice."No...I don't think so. I'm so fucked up I don't even know my right from my left. You wanted to know my past life well here it is. Age 9 my mother let me drink a whole bottle of vodka...10-13 I tried killing myself 14-16 I became a drug addict. Did marijuana and snorted coke until my dad got custody of me and made me go to rehab. Then my mom got me back again and put a restraining order against my father so I couldn't see him and brought me to this shitty town...which my mother has always favored Dustin and thats why he's not here and hasn't been for almost 2 weeks and I was planning to leave and go see my dad the night of my second day being here until max told me that you get into fights with Neil. "Oh baby...I'm so sorry. We could leave and go visit your dad". "Nah man you don't understand I've tried but my mother has put a tracker on mu car."I said still crying. "Well thats a good thing that I have a car". "No you don't have to...if we did when could we leave" "Tonight" he said really fast. "So I guess we better start packing"he says smiling.

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