Bed Of Roses

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A/N okay this chapter is going to have Smut so if you don't like it skip past the chapter...thank you

I wake up to a loud crash from downstairs. I look over to see and empty spot beside me...oh No. I thought  to myself as I get up and run to the top of the stairs listening."Come on you can do better than that" I hear Billy yell. I run down the stairs to see Billy's nose bleeding and Peter on the floor. "Billy"? I ask in a confused tone...then I realized that Peter threatened me and said he was coming to my house. I'm fully downstairs as Peter stands up and looks at me. "This is your fault you fucking bitch...if you would have just listened this wouldn't have happened. Your just slut who runs around fuckin" he was cut off by Billy punching him right in his jaw. As he stumbles back Billy hits him again and again until he's on the ground and barely moving. You run over to Peter and hover  over him slapping his face. "Leave" you say sternly as he slowly gets up. You walk up to the door and hold it open for him. He walked over to you and whispers something in your ear,you smile at what he says and Billy looks at you confused. I slamm
the door in his face and walk over to Billy. "Come on it's times for me to clean you up", "About time...not that I don't love taking care of you and cleaning you up"he says with a smirk on his face. "Shut the hell up" you say walking to the bathroom.

    🔫⚠️WARNING SMUT⚠️🔫
You run a cloth under the warm water and make him sit on the edge of the bath tub. Wiping the blood off of his face starting deep into his piercing blue eyes."I love you"he says. "I love y-" he cuts you off by kissing you.The kiss lasting forever it felt like. He stood up picking you up and setting you in the counter not breaking the kiss. He stands between your legs. You quickly pull back taking his shirt of then go back to kissing. He pulls your shirt off leaving your sports bra on. He picks you up again this time taking you to the bedroom laying you on the bed...then quickly shutting the door coming back to you. He lays on top of you and slowly removes your shorts. You run your hands to his belt unbuckling it and pulling his jeans down. You lean up and he pulls your bra over your head...then your underwear down your legs. He starts kissing your neck making his way down your to your chest. He goes farther down to your thighs then to your cliterus You grab his hair in pleasure "Oh fuck"you say as you can feel him smile while eating me out. You moan loudly and he looks up at you coming back to your lips and kissing them roughly. He grabs a condom ripping it open with his teeth while you pull his boxers down. He slips the condom on. You sit up pushing him on the bed. And getting on top of him. "I don't wanna walk" you say with the biggest smirk on your face. You go down and lick the pre cum from his tip. You push your head down further taking 3/4 of him in you go up then all the way and down gagging. You bob your head up and down. "Fuck" he says deeply. Shit he mumbles a few more cuss words. You stop and pull you head up. He stands up push you to the bed and rolls you on your stomach. He gets behind you and slowly enters you. He goes faster and slaps your ass. You moan loudly "Fuck. Me. Harder." You say. He goes faster and the skin connecting makes a clapping sound. "Fuck I'm close" he pulls out as you say that and flips you back on your back. He enters you again going at a medium pace. "Remember princess you didn't want to walk" he says. "Faster and I won't be able to". He smiles and goes faster. "FUCK IM GONNA CUM"you Moan out loud. "Do it" he says. You release and he keeps going. Your legs start to shake and you grip his hair tightly. Finally he cums pulling out,taking of the condom,and then laying beside you.   "You..." "Huh" he says confused."You.I love You" you say pulling up the cover and laying away from him as he turn towards you and spoons you. You soon fell asleep.

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