Home Sweet Home

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Here we are I say jumping out of the car and staring at the house that brings back all of memories. You flashed the headlights a few times before seeing the curtains pull apart to see who was outside in the driveway. They shut quickly and soon enough the front door opened. "Is that you Y/N Henderson"a man asked. "Sure is dad" you say running up to him and jumping in his arms. "Oh, I've missed you so much"your dad said. "I want you to meet someone" you said pointing to the car. Billy walked up to the two of you. "Hello Mr. Henderson" Billy said holding out his hand to shake your fathers. Your father stood there and gave you a disgusted look which made Billy's face turn pale. "I'm playing with you...nice to meet you"your dad said. "Come on let's go inside"you said pulling them both inside. "OMG I can't wait to show you my old room"you said excited. "Y/N kid relax" your dad said smiling. "I'm sorry I'm just excited".

You guys sit in the living talking about old stories of you. "So how's everything been going along with ya know" your dad trying to not make it obvious. You look at Billy then at your dad. "Have you told him" yet your dad asked "Yea today"you said with a sigh "so how's it been going" he asks again. "Good It's been almost a year". "Can you show me where the bathroom is?" Billy buds in "Yea it's this way" you said standing up and showing him to the door and then coming to sit back down. " so do you approve of him" you ask raising your eyebrows. "So far yes...is he treating you good" he asks a little sternly. "Yea really good".
"Good...then that's all I need". Billy walked out of the bathroom just in time. "So how's Dustin" your dad asks. "We'll ya know he's still mom's favorite. Mom's still taking him places and leaving me"you said sad and disappointed. "I'm so sorry...I'm assuming she doesn't know your here". "Nope...we just left".
Dad: "Don't tell her you were here"
Y/N:"Don't have to worry about me
Dad: so how long ya staying
Y/N: Not sure yet

Dad:so have you guys
Y/N: have we what? You asked confused as you look over at Billy. He smirked and looked at your dad. Then it clicked "Oh,my god dad why would you even say that."you said throwing a pillow at him.
Dad: I just wanted to see if he would catch along.
Y/N:We'll he did...now shut the hell up...I'm going to sleep". you said standing up and walking to your room leaving your dad and Billy out in the living room.

Billy's POV

"That's one girl to never let go...she's a girl who loves to hard and never laughs enough. I know a lot of parents say this but it's true. I have never seen her smile like that since she was like 8." Her dad had said. "I promise I don't plan on leaving her anytime soon". I said smiling. "We'll I'm gonna go to sleep...her rooms right there"he said pointing to a white door. "Thank you Mr. Henderson". "Please call me Mike". "Gotcha" I said walking to the door.

I walked in looking around and I felt like I couldn't breathe from how much pressure was being pushed onto me. I just stood there in silence. I heard footsteps coming through the hallway
Flashback of childhood
You know what I'm done with you I'm taking both of the kids and leaving with them and you won't see them ever again
You can't do that to me I didn't even do anything to you.
Come on Y/N we're leaving
No I don't want to.
End of Flashback

"Hey" Billy said walking in and sitting down on your bed. "So do you like him" you ask Billy shutting your door. "Yea at least I can tell where you get your humor from". "He is not funny he's annoying but I love him". you said shutting of the light and walking over to lay on the bed with Billy. About to fall asleep Billy interrupts that by saying "I told him yes" "Did you really...please tell me you didn't". "I'm just playing" he says Laughing. "God I hate you both so much" you said rolling over to your side away from Billy. He laughs rolling over to you. One arm draped over you and the other underneath you. "Goodnight baby"he says. "Goodnight"you say and soon drift of to sleep.

My Baby(Billy Hargrove)Where stories live. Discover now