Ride or Die

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Billy's POV
She grabs 2 suitcases and we
Started packing. I still can't get over the fact that she never told me about her problems and what she was struggling with.  I understand but then it made me angry. I get that she would have woke me up to read a letter and I feel like she's hiding other stuff but I won't think about it anymore.

"Alright...that's it"she says zipping her suitcase up. "I'm finished to"I said looking at her. "Billy are you sure you want to do this" she said sighing and looking down. "I'd walk the world for you babe...a thousand miles for you. I'd sell my souls for you". I said thinking of that Billy Idol song that she likes. "Okay just because your name is Billy doesn't mean you can sing like Idol". "Oh, come on it wasn't that bad". I said pulling her into a hug. "Also that's not even the correct lyrics".she said laughing a little. "Oh,come on give it your best shot." I say laughing "Maybe sometime...but not now. Hey do you get my cassette" she said looking at me sad. How could I say no to her...her music taste was so much better than the others girls they loved shit like Cyndi Lauper and Madonna but no...my girl she loved Billy Idol,Ozzy,and just my favorite bands. That's why I loved her because,she was different from the other girls.

We loaded the car up and hit the road. She goes through her bag and pulls out a cassette tape. She sticks it in and skips the first song which I think was a Ozzy song until she comes upon a Billy Idol song which was Rebel Yell.  She slowly started singing along...and turned the music all the way up. The sun was started to rise.She starts dancing and I laugh at how embarrassing she is sometimes. That's another thing that makes her different she isn't scared to do anything and I love her for that.

"I'd walk the ward for you,babe. A thousands miles for you. Now who dries my tears of pain,babe. A million times for you,for you. I'd sell my soul for you,babe. What's money to burn for you,for you. I'd give you all,and have none,babe. Justa, Justa have you here by me"
she sings turning down the radio afterward."so how's that for ya". "Okay,okay it wasn't bad" I said smiling. "It was certainly better than your singing...ya know what"she says. "What". "I think we've just found our song...well it will be once you know how to sing".  I turned the music all the way up again and she smiles.

I think that's this road-trip with Billy would be good. I mean so far it has so let's hope that the rest of the way will be. I'm Nervous about seeing my dad which I'm not sure if I should be doing this. Its opening a door to my past and I can't stand talking about my past only because I don't want to do what I've done.

We reached a sign that had said 'Welcome to Ohio'. I still hadn't fallen asleep and it's been a few hours. I'm not one to fall asleep on car drive just wasn't my thing. I looked over at Billy...he looked a little exhausted. "So when can I drive"?  "You want to drive" he asked confused raising and eyebrow. "Yeah I love to drive...and you're forgetting that I've drove this more than once". "Fine...whenever I guess".

We reached a little town and pulled over to get gas. It had only been about 3 hours and 45mins since we've been on the road. "Okay can I drive now." "Are you really sure that you want to". "Yes come on" "Okay fine"he says tossing me the keys. "Yes" I said catching them. We finished Paying and I hopped in the driver side.

I looked over at Billy to see him passed out. Funny how this escalated from fighting and arguing to laughing and going on a road trip. I loved him and if he ever hurt me I would go insane...I don't ever think I could live without him.

Only 6 more hours to go. I wasn't struggling to stay awake I was wide awake not even a little tired. I wished that this car trip would be so much faster but it seemed to be going longer than ever before. I loved watching Billy sleep and couldn't wait to get to New York. I couldn't wait to see my dad after everything. I missed New York for the world and I was finally going back. 

Finally only 3 hours left I was starting to get a little tired but it wasn't bad. My back had hurt but I was excited for Billy to see what my child hood looked like. It was really pretty. Someday he'll have to take me to California and show me the Beach and Sunsets. It was now 4 o'clock which means that we'll make it at night. Nighttime was always my favorite only because of all of the building lit up and it was just so pretty.

1 hour was left I had gotten a drink out of my bag and that woke me up. Billy still hadn't moved and I just looked over at him. A tear fell down my cheek. Honestly I don't know why I was crying. I think it's because I'm thinking back to my child hood.

30 minutes were left and I was not excited The sun had started to set even though it was almost 7 at night. Billy was still sleeping and I still driving on the interstate. I had to be really bad but maybe I should have drank that water...I would be fine or at least I hoped.

10 minutes were left and I soon as I hit the exit from off of the Interstate. Billy had woken up. The view was amazing...just like I had imagined the buildings were lit up and the sky was bright from the lights. "Welcome to New York" I said as I looking over smiling at him. "Really" he said shocked. "You mean you just drove 7 hours and didn't wake me up half of the way". "Sure did" I said. "Ready to meet my dad". I asked "A little nervous but I think I can do it". "That's the answer I was hoping for". I said smiling and he grabbed my thigh.

My Baby(Billy Hargrove)Where stories live. Discover now