The Pain Inside of Me

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You and Billy lay in your bed making out in the complete darkness with only the fan running...(because you can't sleep in silent alone so it helps you sleep faster) He finally says "do you wanna know how much I love you" you smile and say I think I might have an idea of your estimation..."oh we're using big math words now"? Shut up William Hargrove. Hey gets on top of you holding your hands down onto the pillow as you try to break free laughing. "Oh so now you want to try to escape from me...since weee acting so big and bad" yea I am and I will  "oh you sure about that...I don't think you will". You kiss him as he grabs your neck to pull you grab his hands and roll over on top of him "alright alright you got me I'll let that one slide" see I told you I would break free and pin you . (He smiles) you lean in and kiss him as you let go of his hands he grabs your butt you start to laugh and wiggle a little..."what are you doing" you smile what do you mean "never mind". You get off of him and lay beside him. You turn on your right side and look at him...he had his right arm behind his head. You lay your head on him as he kissed your forehead and you guys cuddled each other to sleep.


The next morning you guys head to school (it's Monday) you max and Billy all get out of the car as she skate's away. You walk inside and he has his arm around your shoulder,everybody is staring at you guys. Your 3rd period class had passed and you went to the bathroom,as soon as you walk in the bathroom 2 girls stop talking,one walks out. She looks at you and says "How did you get him to date you especially when he's like the king of the school and your...Dustin Henderson's sister" Maybe just my luck..."I mean how good are you at s*x that's what probably got him hooked...banging him in his Camaro,now that sounds good" we'll I'm done talking about this. You walk out in discussed as she walks out to realizing you didn't even use the bathroom and just go to your class and sit down next to Billy...he looks at you "Where have you been"? You look at him and say I just had a really disturbing conversation with a girl in the bathroom...I'll talk to you about it later. "Ok (as he quietly laughs). The school day is over and you guys walk out to the car where max is already waiting for you guys...Your silent the entire car ride home,when he drops you off at your house.You walk inside without saying a word and go up to your room to lay in your bed.About an hour later your mom walks in and sits on your bed "you okay"? Yea I'm just tired "alright you need anything" no not really thanks anyways tho "your welcome...we'll I love you" love you to mom.You fall asleep in your bed.

That night you wake up to a knocking sound on you window but your not fully awake a finally you fall asleep again.Then you here your window open but you just lay there and don't make a sound. You reach for your phone to check the time (1:36 a.m.) as Billy appears in your window and climbs soon as he gets into your room you are hit with the smell of alcohol and cigarette smoke. "Hey baby" dude your drunk you need to go to sleep (you stand up) and call it a night "what do you mean I'm not drunk I just had a few beers" come on Billy you need to go to sleep
You lay back in bed as you hold the comforter up so he can't get in ...he lays down in the bed with you and you wait for him to fall asleep first ,then you do to.

The next morning you wake up to him not being there and look at the time.The night before you guys went to school he asked if you guys could just stay home instead of going to school.When you check your phone there is a message from your mom saying that her and your dad are going on a road trip somewhere and won't be home. You text back okay I just woke up so. You get up and walk downstairs then you hear bacon crackling and it smells amazing but your externally quiet and go to the assume it's Billy and just walk to the kitchen. "Good morning" Good morning...what is all of this "oh well since I barged know last night I figured I would make it up to you" aww did you think you needed to owe me...i promise you can do something way better than cook me breakfast 🥞. "Well maybe I could do both" mmmm I don't think so. He smiles as you walk over and kiss him on the cheek.You sit down at the bar and get on your phone you look and realize that you have and unopened message you click on its Eddie. You quickly turn your phone off and hide it between your legs acting like nothing happens while everything is spinning through your mind like "why would he be texting me, what if Billy find out,what am I supposed to do,okay everything will be fine". He asks"you okay"? Yea I'm fine you ask in a confused way "alright you just looked worried" he could realize something was bothering you "come on just tell me" tell you what I don't honestly know what your talking about "alright fine".

You guys eat and you guys go to chill in the living while watching The Outsiders he grabs the remote and turns the TV off to look at you. "I have to use the bathroom" you say nervously, you jump up,go to the bathroom,and lock the door. You look at your phone and sigh as you click on Eddie's name "Hey babe you okay??" You hear through the door "umm yea I'll be out in just a minute". You read the message ("okay I feel like it's awkward between us since you know what...can we start over as friends?") you know you shouldn't text back but you did ("I don't know Eddie I couldn't ever do that to Billy I love him to idk if I would even be a good idea to be friends") you click the remove contact button as you walk out the bathroom door you see Billy waiting at the door for you "Why are you so nervous and don't lie to my face again"he says angrily " Billy I'm not lying I just got a bad text from Robin but she just texted back false alarm" " And you had to go to the bathroom for that?" "Yes duh girl talks stays at the table" he smiles and you felt a little relieved that he dropped it but not so much relieved that you were lying to him about everything.
He picks you up and you wrap your arms and legs around him as he takes you to the couch and lays you down along with him on top of you. Your phone rings as he stops and picks up your phone , he looks at it weirdly "why is Eddie calling you" your eyes widen "I don't kn..." he cuts you off"Is this what you've been hiding? I knew it your probably fucking Jim aren't you?" "No your the only person I fuck...why would you even think that I would never do that to you baby!" "No you don't get to call me baby...your just a whore slut who fucks around with everybody"......... "get out"you say calmly. He scoffs at your remark just standing there looking at you "get the fuck out"you say a little louder. He continues to look at you "Billy I'm not going to say it again get the Fuck out of my house". He looks at you one last time before turning around and walking towards your front door as a lump starts to form in your throat a tears start to fill your eyes. He walks out with out turning walk over to the door and lock it. Putting your back against the door you slide down starting try cry harder than you ever had before now you knew what it was like to lose someone. You stood up wiping the tears from your face angrily walked to your parents room leaving them a note saying your leaving town for a little. You grab your cds put them into a bag and walk out to your Camaro starting it up as the loud engine roars put your first cd in as your favorite song Shout At The Devil come on. You roll down all of the windows  and back up out of you drive way going 55 down the street. You needed a little break from this shit hole town and you were gonna get it.

It's been three hours since you've been on the road and you haven't checked your phone yet. It's given you time to think about what has happened. You would've thought Billy might have called you but he never did and that worried you about what he might do while you're gone.  You're driving down the road and see a guy walking down the side of a country roads and he looks very familiar. You slow down and then you recognized him by his hair, it was Eddie. You slow down and pull beside him. He looks at you and gets in, "what are you doing out here gina"   I could ask you the same? My van broke down so I started walking. "Back from Hawkins???" "No my uncle because he lives in Ohio  and we got into and argument...." The car is dead silence until he asks "okay where to now" "Mason,Ohio"you say without hesitation. "Why are we going there?" "To get away from twin and have some fun" you say as you both have a smirk on your face you guys look at each other deeply as your phone rings kills the silence. You look down and pick it up reading "Jason" out loud.
"Hello"? "What are you doing" "what do you mean?" " you know exactly what I mean" "Umm no I don't" "Your probably fucking some dude right now".   You quickly hang up the phone with tears in your eyes, Eddie looks at you quickly with a confused look. "What did he say are you okay" he says as he grabs your check wiping tears away, "Yea I'm okay" you say staring into his deep dark brown eyes. He leans in as you do to your lips softly touch, it wasn't rough like Billy honestly it wasn't even close it was just passionate. He pulled away quickly "oh umm I sorry, I didn't mean to" he said while looking away from you. You grab his face so it's facing yours and pull him in for another passionate kiss. After a few seconds your phone rings again but you don't answer it,turn the car around and start driving back towards Hawkins. Eddie doesn't question you he just looks at you confused. Angrier you start driving faster as you think about what Billy has done to you in the past year.

Im really sorry guys for taking forever to post the second part but I've had to deal with moving so I try to make my chapters long so it takes a while for you to read them.

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