{Haunted} Riddler x Joker (Edward Nygma/Jack White)

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Trigger Warning = Gun mention/Sexual content/The Riddler and The Joker

One morning in mid-July, the Nygma family moved into a huge house left in an inheritance after Robbert Nygma died two months ago. The family consisted of Marge and Larence Nygma and their eighteen-year-old son Edward. Edward was tall, on the leaner side with an athletic build, and was considered attractive. He liked playing lacrosse and just got a scholarship to Gotham university and will be starting in the fall.

The family was just done packing and heading to their rooms after an exhausting amount of work on the house. Edward, after saying goodnight to his parents, decided on taking a shower, after cleaning and dusting all day. After stripping out of his day clothes he grabbed a pair of boxers. Usually, he would go for his signature plaid green and purple pajama pants but it was a humid night in Gotham city and he wanted to be the most comfortable. After relaxing and cleaning up under the hot water; he went back to his room and sat on the bed.

Edward felt eyes on him as soon as he climbed into bed he could have sworn he saw a clown lingering in his bedroom door's frame. But when he looked back nothing was there. Being royalty scared shitless he calls his "friend" from school Harvy. Edward has been in the talking stage with Harvy for weeks now but he's scared to commit because of his two-faced personality, and toxic behavior. Something that always bothered Edward is that he's still a virgin, his teammates teased him about it, and so does Harvey. Harvey has so much more experience than Edward does and he has been planning on losing his v-card to him for about a week now.

"Hey, babe...what's going on, why do you have that scared look on your face?" Harvey says worried about his visibly frightened friend. "Oh nothing I've just been feeling kinda weird lately," Edward responded "but it doesn't matter, how have you been handsome? I've missed you" trying to change the subject. He knew Harvey wouldn't make fun of him or anything for being scared but he just wanted to make sure he saw what he saw first. "Much better now that I got to see you," Harvey says winking, his long soft eyelashes fluttering perfectly framing his gorgeous blue eyes. His eyelashes and eyes weren't the only things that were perfect about him, just about everything was, from the way his voice could melt chocolate to the way his arms and broad shoulders accented his straight figure, though he himself was far from straight. Edward couldn't get enough of him and lucky for him Harvey couldn't get enough of Edward. Talking to Harvey melted away his fears as he talked about how rough a couple of days have been due to moving and everything. "Aw sorry I couldn't be there to help you out baby," Harvey said genuine sorry laced in his tone "No it's okay I know you're busy with college and all that politics stuff, but hey you can make it up to me if you swing by my new place?" Edward questioned silently praying the guy he was basically madly in love with would be free enough to see him for a little while. "Uhh let me check my schedule first but I'll try really hard Doll," Harvey responds before hanging up to start his nearly late research paper on fossil fuels and their impact on the earth. Now Edward was all alone again left with only the weird creaking noises and his thoughts to keep him busy.

Edward forced himself to sleep that night, excited to see Harvy the next day. He wakes up the next morning and gets up to do his usual morning routine: brush his teeth etc. He walks downstairs and sits down with his parents. "Good morning, Edward, anything planned for today?" His mom asks in a sing-song-type voice. "Morning, I think I'm hanging out with Harvey later" The two continue talking about miscellaneous things for the rest of breakfast. Until his mom said, "Your dad and I will be going out for the rest of the day, we have so many errands to run and paperwork at the bank to sign for the house". Edward responds with " That's fine I'll just be here, probably in my room, see you" he waves his mom bye as she walks out the door with his dad swiftly following behind.

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