Our spot

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Randomized tags/ TW: Nighttime, Hurt/comfort, Rough sex

As the sun set on the Michelango Shaw house and the people of human nature went off to bed, many things began to awaken. Out from the many stationery piled high atop the desk of Jalpo Michelango Shaw, Binder pulled himself out with his arms, spreading his flap-like body to float gracefully down. Oh, how he hated being stacked, so inhumane, so tight and moistly piled up with all his stationary comrades. Soon the rest of the crew came cascading down, the pile shortening in length and size as more binders fell, followed by paper, books, notebooks, and lastly, Binder's dear friend Folder. Folder was the only of his kind in the Michelango Shaw house and Binder's best friend. "Binder! The night is fresh and the humans are asleep, what do you say we do my fine friend?" Folder asked excited to get up to their nightly tomfoolery. However, unfortunately for Folder, Binder had other plans that night. "Oh no I'm sorry Folder, my friend, I already agreed to spend the night with Pencil down at the toilet lagoon." he replied sympathetically to his friend but a promise was a promise, and he had promised Pencil that he would go to the toilet lagoon with her since she was so scared of falling in if she went on her lonesome. "The lagoon?...but that's our spot Binder, we always spend the nights there, fishing or talking or... or something. I thought that was our secret spot?" Folder said his voice cracking in slight alterations. "How does Pencil even know about that spot?" he asked flapping his red body around in slight frustration. "What are you talking about? Our spot? It's a public facility, of course, Pencil knows about it, and everyone does." Binder replies coldly brushing off Folder's anger "But-but it's ours, Binder, we go there every night and now you're gonna go there with some girl. Dude, I thought it was bros before hoes?" "Don't call her that!" by this time both Folder and Binder were filled with anger, flapping about the small desk, causing a ruckus and getting weird looks from the others. "Whatever I'm not arguing with you, I'm going to meet pencil, goodbye Folder." "How can you betray me like this I wanted to spend time with you like we always do at night." Folder says in a sad teary voice. And just as he said it Binder left him all alone for a bitch he couldn't care less about. He hobbled over to his apartment near Pencil Pouch Avenue near the laptop mountains to sob into his ice cream tub while watching whatever the scholar JMS had on the laptop screen. Today she had chosen to Watch MIRACULOUS LADYBUG. Folder sobbed and sobbed until he could sob no more. He had passed out in a bubble of his own tears on his living room floor. He woke up to the sound of violent knocking on his door. That is when Pencil broke down the door and started screaming and yelling at him. "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY MAN!!" She screamed while punching Folder to a pulp on the ground. Folder was screaming in pain. As Pencil was about to crush Folder, Binder walked in and pulled a pencil off of him.  He threw her out and locked the door leaving him and Folder alone... "Folder! I'm so sorry! Are you okay, I don't know why she did that," Binder yelled, helping Folder up from the floor, and dusting him off. "Ugh! What is wrong with that bitch!" Folder screamed, trying to regain his balance after that total beat down from pencil. "I don't know what happened, she confessed to me but I don't know, she just ran away and I followed her here, and then she... yea," Binder said explaining the situation as best as he could. "Wait wait she did what?! She confessed? What did you say? Did you say yes?" Folder asked his voice filled with panic "No I- uh I said I liked someone..." Binder replied looking away "Who" "...you" Silence filled the room of JMS with only the noise of the MIRACULOUS LADYBUG themesong left unpaused in the background. "Me? You like me?" Folder said the shock was clearly written on his features "I- just forget I didn't-" "No say it again...Do you like me?" Folder interrupted "YES! I love you, I've loved you ever since Jalpo stacked us together that one day!" Binder replied his face flushing almost as red as Folder's body as he closed his eyes awaiting clean rejection and disgust. "Me too!" Folder yelled, sending a flinch through Binder's Body. "Me too, I've always been in love with you even before then, all I've wanted was you!" Folder says pulling Binder all the way across the desk and running with him to Toliet lagoon before holding him in an embrace, flap to flap, kissing him senselessly. He toppled on Binder, releasing his lips from their love embrace. They lay there for a few minutes breathlessly, spread open against each other. "Binder I'm sorry but I can't hold back any longer, will you become one with me?" Folder asked desperation laced in his voice. "Yes yes please I need you Folder please." Binder begged sliding his three rings, the most sensitive parts of him across Folders folds. "Need you to fill me up Binder, all of me!" Folder said as they unashamedly ground against each other right on top of poor Jalpo Michelango Shaw's Toliet Lagoon. "I'll do it, I'll put them in" Binder breathed unclasping his shiny metal rings that glowed in the dim room. He shoved his rings, all three of them right into all three of Folders awaiting holes at the same time. Binder adjusted himself for the proper fit ripping folders precious holes. "Gosh you feel so good, Binder! I hoped, wished, and prayed for this day for so long. I love you, Binder!" Folder screamed as Binder went full deep inside him reclasping his rings tightly around his holes. "I love you too" He replied roughly unclasping and clasping his rings inside of Folder ripping up Folder's flimsy skin even more god he loved how rough Binder was being, it was all so new to him and it was so hot. Binder clasped inside him one more time before his rings got all rickety and old. The folder reached his end as well. Binder kept his rings firmly clasped inside Folder's abused holes, both of them breathing heavily as they lay on top of each other. "We're one now Folder but I'm sorry... about earlier, sorry for leaving you and for pencil, I won't talk to her ever again, I love you and this is our spot." Binder said kissing Folder lovingly. "It's ok, I forgive you."

    The pair are now spooning together on the edge of Toliet Lagoon, the air surrounded with love they drift off to sleep happily ever after.

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