Makeup Assignment {RiddlerxJoker real names}

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Trigger Warning= Hot wax/Jason Todd death mention/Criminal Activity/TeacherxStudent

Jack stared at his laptop screen reading over the email sent to him by his Science professor over the weekend.

"Good evening Mr. White,

I am aware that you were absent last Friday and missed the essential melting temperatures lab that was worth 719,937 points. Usually, I would not email out reminders like this but since you already have a D in my class I do not want you to fail as that would reflect on me. Please meet me in my room after all your classes on Monday

Sincerely, Prof. Nygma"

"Fuckkkk..." Jack droned dramatically burying his face into his hands, he'd been so busy running amok in Gotham that he'd totally forgotten about his school duties, he'd gotten distracted from mundane college life while robbing banks behind the veil of a clown mask, partying it up to 'ring around the Rosie with his partners in crime. Life was good until he'd gotten the email notification requesting his audience on Monday, but even if he was a supervillain, feared by all and stopped by none but that blasted old man parading around in his silly little bat costume sprouting bullshit about justice or whatever, he couldn't miss this lab. It was ridiculously graded and like his professor had said he was already in the mud and this lab might just pull him out. However, this was a worry for him of tomorrow as all he wanted to do tonight was get right to bed to dream about his nightly escapades where he actually for once beat that old bat, but that was neither here nor there as Jack stood up from his deck stripping himself of his purple and green fitted suit before changing into a pajama version of his iconic villain attire. He jumped into bed and quickly drifted to sleep.

Jack's alarm rang angrily jolting him to a new day, he groggily got out of bed, brushed his teeth, groggily ate breakfast then upon noticing he was gonna be late bolted out of the door. His morning and afternoon classes breezed by, mostly because he slept through them all until his last class was finally over. Unfortunately for him, he couldn't go back to his dorm just yet, he'd have to get that stupid lab done first. He strutted over to the science wing of Gotham University walking slowly to waste time, reaching the door to his professor's room he turned the knob and went in.

As Jack walked into Professor Nygma's beautiful office, he was taken aback by how attractive his seemingly up-tight professor looked outside of his usual office hours. Nygma looks up at Jack with hooded eyes, "Take a seat" gesturing to the comfortable-looking armchair just in front of his desk. He doesn't look as he did in class, he looks more relaxed and his hair is out of that depressing man bun, and was let down framing his face and covering his ears. He was smirking and something inside Jack was heating up, he couldn't help it. Before he walked through that door he wanted to get his Lab done and over with. But now all he wanted was to be on his knees for his professor. He needs to snap out of it; he can't be getting it on with his professor, although his grade would need it he couldn't. "Jack? Are you feeling ok?" Nygma asked. "I'm fine sorry just really nervous about this Lab Sir, it sounds complicated" He retorted.

The next thing he knew, Jack was in a lab coat with his professor's hands on his guiding the chemicals into their designated beakers. Jack doesn't know what compelled him to lie to his professor and say he was nervous about working with hot wax. Was it wanting to be closer, pettiness, or pure horniness? It didn't matter, what mattered was Nygma's large hands engulfing Jack while candle making. Just as they were done making the last candles, Jack accidentally spilled some of the hot candle wax all over his hand. He hissed as the heat spread over his hand and arm engulfing him in painful warmth but it wasn't painful for long as the pain turned to pleasure, endorphins racing to his brain. "Oh dear are you okay, you should go take a shower before that gets bad," Professor Nygma worriedly said, taking his gloves off and guiding Jack to the lab emergency showers, but Jack stopped him. "Wait no it's okay I'm fine professor," he said "Are you quite certain hot wax can cause serious burn damage," Nygma replied "Actually Professor Nygma I'm sorry if this sounds weird but I kind of like it, the pain I mean," Jack said shyly looking down. He knew he shouldn't have said that especially not to his professor of all people but something in His professor's eyes just made him wanna spill all his deepest darkest secrets. It was dangerous, if he spent any longer in close vicinity to the dashing man, he might just reveal his supervillain identity to his science professor. He looked up expecting to see disgust or confusion written across his teacher's face but instead, he was met with laughter, the same laughter that drunk uncle expelled at get-togethers, it boomed loud and clear wafting through the air like fresh pancakes on a Sunday morning, it was amazing and if Jack wasn't horny before he definitely was now. "I didn't expect you to be interested in things like that White," his professor said, now Jack was embarrassed, beet red in the face, and stuttering he replied "I'm sorry professor I don't know what compelled me to I didn't mean anything weird by it- I just- oh I don't know-" "That's too bad" "what" "call me Edward" "huh" "that my first name, you don't have to be so proper," "oh ok- wait what do you mean that's too bad-"

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