Season 19, Episode 180

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Season 19, Episode 180

Kamila Kardashian

[A|N: Kamila Kardashian is from the book: The Secret by @briflare]

[A|N: Kamila Kardashian is from the book: The Secret by @briflare]

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@AllTalkWithManoucheca: An all-new #ALLTALK is about to begin! Let's live tweet!

32,651 likesalltalkwithmanoucheca Today, @kamikardashian is here as we catch up with the pregnant actress on today's episode! View all 1,982 comments

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alltalkwithmanoucheca Today, @kamikardashian is here as we catch up with the pregnant actress on today's episode!
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@AllTalkWithManoucheca: Kamila Kardashian is here! #ALLTALK

The All Talk With Manoucheca intro music plays and the camera pans over to Manouchea entering the stage from behind the double doors.

Manoucheca waved at her audience as she walks over to the couch. She smiles as she does her little dance before she takes a seat.

"Today has been a fun day but it's time for our celebrity interview. Please welcome our guest, Kamila Kardashian!" Manoucheca announced.

The audience cheered as Kamila stepped out from behind the double doors waving slightly. Kamila walks on stage and over to the couch. Manoucheca hugged Kamila and lightly danced as Kamila's new song played some music.

Manoucheca clapped before offered her a seat on the plush couch. "Kamila, thank you for joining us," Manoucheca said.

Kamila smiled.

"Thank you for having me," Kamila said.

"Congratulations on your pregnancy," Manoucheca said.

The crowd cheered, and Kamila blushed slightly.

"Thank you, I'm having fun with all the attention I'm getting... being pregnant and all," Kamila said as she rubbed her baby bump.

"As you should," Manoucheca said, smiling. "Now, you recently released a new song. It's gone No. 1s on iTunes in 120 countries," Manoucheca continued. The crowd cheered.

"Are there plans to release an album?" She asked Kamila.

Kamila nodded, "Yes, there are plans for a new album, I've been killing it in the recording studio, narrowing down the tracklist," Kamila answered.

Manoucheca nodded.

"And I'm trying to get you on a track," Kamila said, jokingly.

Manoucheca playfully rolled her eyes.

"Now you know how I feel about singing," Manoucheca said.

Kamila looked at the audience, pointing at Manoucheca.

"Did you guys know that she can sing her ass off? She has this weird stage fright with singing, but she can sit here and interview people in front of a crowd," Kamila said.

Manoucheca pouted.

"Talking and singing in front of people are two different things," Manoucheca said.

"Yeah sure," Kamila said.

"I'm serious, but I want to know what's the concept for the new album?" Manoucheca asked Kamila.

"This album will definitely have a lot of l inspiration from my personal life. Fans will get a brighter sound drawn mostly from electropop, pop rock, and synth-pop. Overall, the album will be lighter and happier than my previous album," Kamila explained.

"So, is Best Of My Love, the lead single?" Manoucheca asked Kamila.

"Yes, it's one of four singles from the album," Kamila answered.

"Great, do you think you can share the title of the album with us?" Manoucheca asked Kamila.

Kamila chuckled as the audience cheered.

"There isn't a title yet," Kamila answered.

"Really?" Manoucheca asked, not believing Kamila.

"I'm so serious there isn't a title yet. I'm working on it," Kamila replied.

"Hopefully, you share it with us very soon," Manoucheca said.

"Hopefully," Kamila repeated.

"Okay, let's talk about your pregnancy, what's it like being pregnant?" Manoucheca asked.

Kamila smoothed out the hem of her dress, smiling at Manoucheca.

"At first, I was miserable during the first trimester of my pregnancy. I snapped a lot at Alexandre but he was so patient with me. But now I'm happy, I'm always taking pictures and documenting every little thing, it's crazy exciting to see yourself growing a human inside of you. Everybody tells me that I'm glowing and my hair is pretty. I feel like being pregnant has made people compliment me more than ever," Kamila explained.

"Do you know the gender?" Manoucheca asked.

"No," Kamila answered.

The first-time mom-to-be doesn't know the gender of her baby yet.

"But it doesn't matter because the name we picked is if it's a boy or a girl it's the same name," Kamila said.

"Is it going to start with a K?" Manoucheca asked.

"No," Kamila answered.

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