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Episode 459 | LANIYAH ANOA'I

Laniyah Anoa'i

[A|N: Laniyah Anoa'i is from the book: Glimpse of Us by @briflare]

"Welcome back to All Talk with Manoucheca, We have a special guest today we got six-time Olympic champion Laniyah Anoa'i, How are you?" Manoucheca asked Laniyah after introducing her.

"I'm good, how are you," Laniyah replied.

"I'm good, thanks for the interview. I know you rarely do interviews," Manoucheca said, smiling.

Manoucheca invited Laniyah to appear on her Podcast to talk about her life and career.

"You're welcome, and thanks for having me, Manoucheca," Laniyah said, smiling.

"I'm curious about why you chose to accept this interview?" Manoucheca asked Laniyah.

Laniyah chuckled. "My publicist aka my big sister, London, thought I should give people a glimpse of my personal life," Laniyah answered.

"Oh, so she's putting you to work," Manoucheca said, laughing.

"Exactly," Laniyah said.

"How accurately do you feel you're presented in the public eye like the media?" Manoucheca asked Laniyah.

"I think the media presents me very well. I'm very blunt and outspoken. They stay consistent with my character," Laniyah answered.

"Is there an unseen side of you that you'd like to let people know about?" Manoucheca asked.

"As crazy as my life may seem, not many people may know that my faith and family are very important to me and are what keep me going," Laniyah answered.

"What's been the biggest challenge in being married to a pro-wrestler?" Manoucheca asked.

Laniyah sighed. "Understanding. I have to understand that the lifestyle isn't normal. Understanding that there will be risks, especially health risks and sacrifices. There are times when you miss your family and friends and won't get to be there for events or holidays. As a wife, I have to be there for my husband, like I schedule everything around him to make our lives easier. Being a wife to a professional wrestler is not the easiest but, if there is true love and unity, then it's worth it," Laniyah explained to Manoucheca.

Manoucheca nods.

"So, what is it like on a day-to-day basis for you? Like what does Laniyah do to run her empire smoothly?" Manoucheca asked Laniyah.

"I'm no stranger to a busy schedule, and my days can get very packed. I get up at the time of 5:30 am to fit everything in. Sometimes I drag myself out of bed and get in my morning workout at the gym before my daughter wakes up and then I have my morning with her. My oldest is in high school so I make sure to be up with her and get her ready for school," Laniyah said before Manoucheca interrupted her to ask a question.

"You still get your teenage daughter ready for school?" Manoucheca asked Laniyah.

Laniyah nods.

"Of course, that's our bonding time, I cook her breakfast, help pick out what she wants to wear, do her hair, ensure she has everything she needs, and drive her to school," Laniyah answered.

"Wow, you two must have a great relationship," Manoucheca said.

Laniyah smiled.

"We do, that's my best friend. But I follow a schedule, which is built around my children and husband. Then sometimes my husband...Or I get the younger kids ready for their day and we do drop-offs, it depends. Then my afternoon schedule is full of meetings, appointments, and other obligations. I'm always on the go and juggling various tasks. And my evening routine includes cooking dinner, spending time with my husband, winding down, and self-care to recharge my batteries for the next day," Laniyah explained.

While her schedule might be jam-packed during the day, she still makes time for self-care and relaxation in the evenings. After all, even the busiest of bees need to recharge their batteries once in a while.

"It's no surprise that with such a rigorous routine and work ethic, you have become extremely wealthy and successful in your various ventures," Manoucheca said.

"Thank you. My parents especially my busy mom is my role model, like I don't how she does it but is an inspiration to me," Laniyah said.

"Is there any question no one ever asks you, that you wish someone would?" Manoucheca asked.

"I don't think so. People are pretty detailed with their questions.," Laniyah answered.

"What is your guiltiest pleasure?" Manoucheca asked.

"I would have to say food. I'm not a snacker. I'm more of a meat-and-potatoes type of girl. I love some food. I'm a true Southern girl," Laniyah answered.

"What is your favorite dish to cook?" Manoucheca asked.

"Oh my! I have a lot of favorites but I'd have to pick my pork chops. Everyone loves my pork chops. That is the first thing on the menu when people come over. That, or my lasagna, cream of wheat and cabbage," Laniyah answered with a big smile.

"What excites you?" Manoucheca asked.

"Being around my family. I get so excited when I see them or just hang out with them. Family is all you have at the end of the day. They truly have your back and light up your day. I also have a handful of friends I consider my family as well," Laniyah answered.

"Who is your favorite clothes designer?" Manoucheca asked.

"I don't have one, really. I like what I see and buy it," Laniyah answered with a shrug.

"What was your best career decision?" Manoucheca asked.

"To venture out and just do it with no "What ifs?" It was this attitude that helped me start my businesses after I retired from track and field," Laniyah explained.

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