Season 19, Episode 183

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Season 19, Episode 183


[A|N: Amancia is from the book: Amancia by @briflare]

[A|N: Amancia is from the book: Amancia by @briflare]

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amancia Tune in @alltalkwithmanoucheca
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The All Talk With Manoucheca intro music plays and the camera pans over to Manouchea entering the stage from behind the double doors.

The audience cheered as Manoucheca waved at her audience. Manouchea stood in front of her audience and introduced her guest for today's episode.

"Please welcome our next guest, Amancia Graham!" Manoucheca announced.

The audience cheered as I'm That Girl by Beyoncé played as Amancia appeared from behind the double doors. Amancia waved at the audience as she walked onstage.

Manouchea and Amancia hugged then took their seats on the plush couch. "Thank you for joining us," Manoucheca told Amancia.

Amancia smiled. The audience cheered.

"Thank you for having me. The energy is amazing in here," Amancia said.

Manoucheca chuckled.

"I think it's because of that wedding ring on your finger, babes... Wait, a minute that's not the one you had on at your wedding," Manoucheca said, picking Amancia's hand up to inspect the ring.

Amancia giggled as she held her hand up higher for the camera to project on the big screen behind her.

"Okay so when Aubrey proposed, he proposed with forty-four engagement rings. He couldn't decide which was best for me so he let me pick, but I ended up liking this one and the other one, so I have two rings," Amancia explained.

"Wow, and you just alternate between the two rings?" Manouchea asked, impressed.

Amancia nods.

"Yup," Amancia answered.

"And what did he do with the other forty-two engagement rings?" Manouchea asked her.

"Into a necklace. His new piece titled 'Amancia's Engagements' for all the rings that could have been worn by me. 42 engagement rings, 351.38 carats in diamonds," Amancia answered.

A photo of Drake flaunting his eye-catching diamonds of all different cuts and sizes-filled necklace emerged on the big screen.

The audience had mixed reactions to the necklace.

"That sounds like something he would do," Manouchea said. "But anyway, you guys had a beautiful New Year's Eve wedding," She continued.

"Thank you," Amancia said.

"Why did you guys decide to get married on New Year's Eve?" Manouchea asked Amancia.

"We just really wanted it to be a fun atmosphere, not stuffy, even though everyone's going to be dressed up. It was the ideal opportunity to have everyone show up to a New Year's Eve party without being suspicious of what we had schemed. It was so us. Getting married, and starting a new life together, I'm just so excited to have a good one in my corner. We have so much fun together," Amancia answered.

"What was the planning like for you guys?" Manouchea asked.

"We planned in like less than a month. It was so hard to keep it a secret from everyone. We had so many people sign nondisclosure agreements to be able to plan the perfect wedding. We just really wanted it to be a fun atmosphere, not stuffy. We wanted the ceremony, to be formal, and then as soon as you walk down the staircase to the reception, we wanted the whole mood to flip. We wanted the reception to feel like a New Year's Eve party, so it was elaborate, with endless flowers, chandeliers, candles, and gold touches. It was a great time dancing and drinking and eating the night away," Amancia answered.

"And what's it like having Drake as a husband?" Manouchea asked.

"Amazing. We just have such a good bond. I love the time we spend together. We could sit around together all day every day and we don't get tired of one another," Amancia answers. "And he's also handsome and charming and I know it's cliche to say this, but I feel like the luckiest woman on the planet," She adds.

"Have you guys gone on a honeymoon yet?" Manoucheca asked.

"We hbe plans to take a honeymoon at some point, but for now, we are basking in wedded bliss. We're just so excited to start a new adventure together," Amancia says.

Manoucheca moved on to more questions about Amancia.

"What do you do to take time away from it all and practice self-care?" Manouchea asked.

"I never really take time away from anything, so I really don't know what that's like. I think it is nice to go away with loved ones," Amancia answered.

"Back in August of 2022, it was announced that Floribama Shore would not be returning to MTV, and your show is currently on it's third season, are you planning to keep it going or ending it?" Manouchea asked.

"First, the future of tFloribama Shore is being evaluated by the network. I hope they bring it back as I missed being with the crew and I don't know if I'll continue in my show. I mean I have so much going on in my life, and I am practically a Canadian now since I'm always in Toronto. We'll just have to see," Amancia answered.

"Do you see yourself leaning more into film and television production in the future?  In front of or behind the camera?" Manouchea asked.

"Yes! I do see myself doing more film and television in the future. I love acting and I definitely feel like I could kill (laughs) a good movie role," Amancia answered.

"What advice do you have for young women who are trying to follow their dreams?" Manoucheca asked her.

"My advice to young women trying to follow their dreams is in the time of social media right now it's very hard to be creative on your own without having a million and one influencers influencing you. You're online every day and all you're picking up is what you're seeing online, but there's so much beyond what is online. Sometimes I feel like come offline, focus on you, focus on what you like, online makes you feel like you should like what everyone else likes, so it's almost like oh this person got a million likes and a million comments so this is what everyone likes. To come in the play and have all eyes on you, you have to stand out and be different so you can't be focusing on what everyone else likes. You've got to focus on what you like and bring it to the forefront. That's my advice. Just because a girl dressed a certain way or talks in a certain way and it's what everyone is in love with, that's where you come now and change that narrative. Be the person that is going to change and inspire people's narratives," Amancia replied.

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