Episode 460 | TEE SKYE

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Episode 460 | TEE SKYE

Tee Skye

[A|N: Tee Skye is from the book: High School by @briflare]

The director gives her the signal letting her know they have started recording. "Welcome back to another episode of All Talk With Manoucheca Podcast. I'm your host, Manoucheca. My guest today is Tee Skye," Manoucheca said.

"Hi," T'Nia said as she walked on the set of All Talk With Manoucheca Podcast.

Manoucheca smiles as she stands up to hug T'Nia and then Isayah. "Make y'all selves comfortable, what do you guys want to drink?" Manoucheca asked them as she walked over to the bar.

"Whatever you're having," T'Nia answered.

"Shit, me too," Isayah said.

Manoucheca tells the bartender what drink to make for the three of them and then goes to take her seat on the pink sofa.

"From creating her hustle at 16 to using her social media to build a million-dollar empire, everything Tee Skye touches turns to gold. Get to know the real Tee as she talks to me about her business, love life, how she balances work and motherhood, and what's next for the social media mogul," Manoucheca said, introducing T'Nia.

Manoucheca looked over at Isayah. "And you brought with you - Zilla Fatu, a promising professional wrestler and son of Umaga," Manoucheca said, giving Isayah his little introduction.

"I had to bring him and my mother-in-law," T'Nia said as she pointed to Leata standing in the corner with Zyaire. They waved as everyone looked over at them. "Because they love you and your show," T'Nia told Manoucheca.

"Awe, nice to meet you all," Manoucheca said.

"Thanks for having us," T'Nia said as the bartender brought over their drinks. "Thank you," T'Nia told the bartender.

Isayah takes a sip of his drink and makes a face. "Oh, this is good," Isayah said.

Manoucheca chuckles.

"My bartender makes good drinks," Manoucheca said, taking a sip of her drink.

T'Nia took a sip and smirked. "Mhmm, that's what I'm talking about," T'Nia said, clearly enjoying the drink.

"Now, that you guys have drinks in your hands, let's start with the first question," Manoucheca said as she took another sip of her drink.

"Okay, I'm gonna talk a lot because my emotional support human is with me," T'Nia said as she placed a hand on Isayah's lap.

Manoucheca smiled. "Awe! What was your life like growing up and did you have any family members or friends that inspired you business-wise?" Manoucheca asked T'Nia.

"My life was not sweet for the most part. I had to work hard, but I always knew I wanted to be the boss. I had to be a boss because I had people depending on me. I was a teen mom, Zilla was in prison and we were struggling badly. That's what made me start my business," T'Nia answered.

"At what age and how did you get your start in entrepreneurship?" Manoucheca asked her.

"I started my first business on Poshmark when I was like six months pregnant, nothing fit me and I was like 'I have all of these clothes and I don't need them anymore,' so I launched my online career reselling my clothes on Poshmark before switching my focus to selling bundles," T'Nia answered.

"In your line of work, it's important to market yourself correctly. How do you go about maintaining your image and staying true to that?" Manoucheca asked.

"I honestly just do me. I hide nothing. And always show the real. Like I said I'm an open book. Nothing off limits. I love being relatable. Sometimes the glitz and glam fool people, but I always remind them that I'm human too. Plus the people around me keep me grounded and will call me out on everything," T'Nia answered.

"I can tell that they don't play about being real," Manoucheca commented.

"Oh yeah, especially Mama Zilla, she is always on my ass about being human and being able to see right and wrong," T'Nia said, smiling.

"How were you able to turn your social media into this million-dollar empire?" Manoucheca asked.

"The way I marketed myself was key. I would post consistently and stay true to my supporters. Everyone to this day feels like they've known me since high school," T'Nia explained, chuckling.

"I feel like I know you," Manoucheca said.

"See and I love that, because that means I'm doing something right," T'Nia said.

"How would you describe your work ethic?" Manoucheca asked.

"My work ethic is unmatched. There's never a time I'm not working, even when I'm on vacation or mommy duties. It doesn't stop because it can't stop. I'm nowhere near where I'm supposed to be," T'Nia explained.

"Zilla, how do you feel about Tee's work ethic?" Manoucheca asked Isayah.

Isayah grinned. "I love it. I'm proud of everything she does, but sometimes I have to remind her to slow down and enjoy the moment," Isayah answered.

"He is always on me about being in the moment, and I'm like, 'No, I have to keep going,' but I'm happy I have here to be my backbone," T'Nia said.

"You're pretty business savvy, so is there a field you have not tapped into yet that you would want to career-wise?" Manoucheca asked.

"I would want to get into the makeup industry- the beauty industry all because they have a signature look. Everybody is saying they want to do their makeup for the Tee look. I get tagged in millions of posts a day saying 'just learned the Tee look,' so I want to tap into makeup and have my makeup brand one day," T'Nia admitted.

"How do you balance working, your relationship, and motherhood? What is that like for you?" Manoucheca asked.

"Balancing motherhood and my relationship with Zilla on top of my crazy schedule and my crazy life is hard, but it's just something you have to do. It's nothing that comes with balance. I have to be a mother and a girlfriend, and I have to work. It's just my life," T'Nia answered.

"And does your life include an upgrade from girlfriend to wife?" Manoucheca asked T'Nia while looking over at Isayah. "Zilla," Manoucheca said, trying to get him to answer the question too.

T'Nia and Isayah chuckled. "It's coming, be patient with y'all," Isayah answered.

T'Nia held her hand up and did the single ladies' dance. "I would love the upgrade," T'Nia said.

"What's next for you? What can people who follow you expect to see from you?" Manoucheca asked.

"What's next for me is just everything I'm doing now being taken to the next level. And mainly focusing on my new business. I'll be doing reality TV as well. So I'm excited about that so you guys can see what all goes on behind closed doors," T'Nia answered.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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