Episode 451 | ARDESSI

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[A|N: Ardessi is from the book Make Me Proud by @BriFlare]

[A|N: Ardessi is from the book Make Me Proud by @BriFlare]

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"I met my husband when I was thirteen out in Oakland. I've been with him since I was fifteen years old, he's my best fucking friend. He has helped me on so many levels ... just to have someone that you just like is so important. And someone that is honest. We are the ride-or-die type of couple," I answered.

Manoucheca had invited me on her podcast, All Talk With Manoucheca Podcast, to talk about new music, life, and anything topic we could think of.

"Really?" Manoucheca asked.

"Listen, back in the days, Erik and I used to pull up on the opps. Shit, we still do but only if we feel like it's beyond ignoring. I remember I had my first fight because Erik was fighting this boy and his girlfriend started hitting Erik cause he was winning and I was standing there like okay I can't let this bitch keep hitting my hand," I explained with a laugh. "So, I just rushed and tackled her to the ground and I just knew to keep hitting her," I added.

"Please tell me you won?" Manoucheca asked me.

"I'm undefeated in these streets, Manoucheca," I answered before busting out laughing. "Girl no, she tore me the fuck up but I had heart and that's all that mattered because then everyone knew I was always going to have Erik's back even if it meant getting my ass beat the fuck up," I answered.

"Please tell me you learned how to fight after that?" Manoucheca asked. "Because I know Erik doesn't have you out here with no training," She continued.

"He trained me after that," I replied.

"Good," She said.

"Yeah," I said.

"Well, I definitely want to talk to you a little bit about being a mom. [Laughs] How has that been? Do you plan to have more kids? Is the factory closed for good? What's it like being a mother?" Manouchea asked.

"First of all, being a mother is the biggest damn blessing on this planet. I'm so happy that god allowed me to experience this. You know, four times. I've always loved children and I've always been great with children. My children mean the world to me but Erik and I are done for now. Maybe in another year or two, we could change our minds and pop out another one but for now, this factory is closed. But I absolutely love being a mom," I answered.

"Yeah. I want to have a baby soon and I know it's going to be a huge shift for me because I'm used to going wherever I want, whenever I want, and I know having a baby was going to change all that," Manoucheca said.

"Right. Having a baby is a huge change but I think you'll do amazing as a mother," I said.

"Really?" Manoucheca asked.

"Yeah, girl!" I exclaimed.

We laughed.

"Thank you, Ardessi," Manoucheca said.

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