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Kim Kardashian Anoa'i

[A|N: Kim Kardashian Anoa'i is from the book After I Do by @BriFlare]

"So," Manoucheca said as she looks at Kim, grinning.

Manoucheca had invited Kim on her podcast, All Talk With Manoucheca Podcast, to talk about her new life and everything Kim has going on.

They had been talking for nearly an hour or so when finally Manoucheca decided to shift the conservation to Kim's husband. Manoucheca wanted the details about Kim's relationship.

"So," Kim repeated, smiling.

"We're going to keep it light and talk about this glow you have. You're really, truly glowing. Is it due to your husband, Roman Reigns?" Manoucheca asked Kim.

Kim chuckles but nods.

"Oh my god, thank you. Honestly, I feel really good in my skin these days, my life is pretty amazing at the moment, so maybe that comes through," Kim answered.

"Oh yeah. It comes through. I mean, how is it being married to the face of WWE?" Manoucheca asked Kim.

"You know I had guest hosted at Wrestlemania 24 in 2008 and introduced the money in the bank ladder match at the event, my family and I used to watch WWE all the time when we were younger so it's kind of fan to get to see what happens behind the scene. So, being married to Joe has been amazing," Kim answered.

"Share deets," Manouncheca said, encouraging Kim to share more about her relationship with Joe.

"You know I talked to my friends and I was like I made a list for what I want in my next relationship and I was like I want someone that we have the same shows in common. I want someone who wants to work out with me. I want someone who I can do the little things with. And so much more. Then I met Joe and it was like this is the man from my list," Kim said.

Kim licks her lips.

"To me, I thought, 'Oh, my God, it worked like I found him,' but then that is sad to me because I kept telling everyone I wasn't ready to start dating again so like I had to keep my distance from him but lucky he approached me and was like I get it but I'm here when you're ready," Kim told Manoucheca.

"I've known you for years, Kim, and honestly this is your best relationship ever. I mean this one is going to last because you two are in tune with each other and I'm happy for you but why did you guys have to elope?" Manoucheca asked with a pout. "I was looking forward to another Kardashian wedding," She added.

"You like this relationship so much because you are the reason Joe and I met," Kim said.

"That too," Manoucheca said.

Kim giggled.

"Honestly, when we were on vacation, we were having such an amazing time, and it felt so right that we had to do it. Maybe a year or five years from now there could be a wedding but for now, I think this is it. I enjoyed not having to plan a wedding and enjoy the moment have this being about our union, you know, so I think it was the best thing we could have ever done for us," Kim explained to Manoucheca.

Manoucheca nods.

"Honestly, more and more couples are eloping instead of having weddings so I may just have to do that instead," Manoucheca said.

Kim shakes her head.

"I don't see Robyn letting you elope without her being there," Kim says with a laugh.

Manoucheca laughs in agreement.

"Yeah, she would chee my head off then make me redo it in front of her," Manoucheca said.

"Yeah, you're just going to have to take her with you when...If you decide to elope," Kim said.

"I should probably do it before I get any bigger," Manoucheca said as she rubs her baby bump.

Kim smiled and laid a hand on Manoucheca's baby bump.

"I'm excited to see you as a mom," Kim tells her.

"Me too," Manoucheca said.

"Yeah," Kim said.

"Now that you're married, are you guys thinking about more kids because I know Joe has five and you have four, so it's a 'we're good on kids' or 'we think we can do one or two more' type of thing?" Manoucheca asked Kim.

As far as wanting more kids, Kim is of the never say never mindset.

"I believe that whatever is meant to be will be when it comes to having more kids. It's a probability we will have more kids, you know, I want a big immediate family," Kim answered.

"I can see you having three or four more," Manoucheca said.

Kim laughs.

"We would need a bigger house," Kim said.

"He's Samoan, it's like in his DNA to have a bunch of kids and you come from a large family yourself so there's no way you guys won't have more kids," Manoucheca said.

Kim nods.

"You're right," Kim said, smiling.

Kim's phone starts ringing. Kim looks at her phone and Joe's name is on the screen. Kim blushes.

"Oh, it's your man," Manoucheca said.

"He must know we're talking about him," Kim said.

"Answer it," Manoucheca told Kim.

Kim answers the call.

"Hey, babe," Kim says.

"Hey, baby girl, are you still doing that podcast with Manoucheca?" Joe asked Kim.

"Yes, we're doing it now as I'm talking to you," Kim answered.

Joe chuckled.

"So, why would you answer the phone?" Joe asked her.

"Because Manoucheca told me to do it," Kim says before looking at Manoucheca.

"Ask him if it's okay to put him on speaker," Manoucheca told Kim.

"Hey, babe, do you mind being on speaker? I think Manoucheca wants to talk to you," Kim said to Joe.

"Sure, why not," Joe said.

Kim places the phone on speaker.

"Hi, Joe," Manoucheca said.

"Hi, Manoucheca," Joe said.

"I'm not going to ask you a lot of questions, I just wanted to know when you and Kim are coming over for dinner, Michael needs his best buddy around more," Manoucheca told Joe.

Joe laughed.

"I was just texting him. We can do dinner soon," Joe said.

Manoucheca smiled.

"Great. So, how does it feel being married to Kim fucking Kardashian?" Manoucheca asked Joe.

"I'm a very lucky man," Joe answered.

Kim smiled.

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