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Lavish Lavallais

[A|N: Lavish Lavallais and Akamun are from the book: INDIGO AZURE RECORDS by plvttoo]

"Hold up now, this is a nice setup here, I feel like I'm chilling with the homies," Akamun said as he and Lavish Lavallais walks on the set of All Talk With Manoucheca Podcast.

Manoucheca smiles as she hugs Lavish and then Akamun. "Make y'all selves comfortable, what do you guys want to drink?" Manoucheca asked them as she walks over to the bar.

"Oh, you got a bar in here," Lavish said, surprised.

"This is different," Akamun.

"This place is the spot where you get to be raw with your opinions and feelings, it's not like my talk show where you have to be professional and give media-trained answers to my questions. I just want to get to know you as a person and not just as a celebrity in the industry," Manoucheca explained to Lavish and Akamun.

Lavish nods.

"In that case give me some of whatever you are about to drink," Lavish told Manoucheca.

"Shit, me too," Akamun said.

Manouchea tells the bartender what drink to make for the three of them and then goes to take her seat on the pink sofa. The director gives her the signal letting her know they have started recording.

"Welcome back to another episode of All Talk With Manouchea Podcast. I'm your host, Manoucheca, and today, my lovely guests are two of the hottest people on the Indigo Azure Records roster: Lavish Lavallais and Akamun. As you all know, Lavish is it girl for music videos and has appeared in more than sixty music videos while Akamun's newest song: WHAP WHAP WHAP Remix is guaranteed to be Grammy nominated worthy. Welcome!" Manoucheca said.

"Thanks for having us," Lavish said as the bartender brings over their drinks. "Thank you," Lavish told the bartender.

Lavish takes a sip of her drink and makes a face.

"Ooooh, that's liquor," Lavish said.

Manoucheca chuckles.

"But it's good though," Manoucheca said, taking a sip of her drink.

Akamun takes a sip and smirked.

"And that's what I'm talking about," Akamun said, clearly enjoying the drink.

"Now, that you guys have drinks in your hands, let's start with something personal. Let's talk about childhood. Where did you guys grow up?" Manoucheca asked them as she took another sip of her drink.

Lavish decided to answer the question first.

"I grew up in Coney Island with my older brother Khonsu, my younger siblings Nephthys, Nycteus, Nesaie, Ajani, and Geisha, and my parents but I was born and raised in Highbridge," Lavish answered.

"I've been there before," Manoucheca stated.

"Really?" Lavish asked, surprised because she hasn't met too many people that have been to Highbridge.

"Yup, I dated a guy who lived there and that was the most toxic relationship I've been in," Manoucheca told Lavish.

"Yup sounds about right," Lavish said.

Akamun answered the question after that.

"My twin brother Dedun and I were born in Athens, Georgia but we were raised in Sevside, Bronx with the rest of our siblings," Akamun told Manoucheca.

Manoucheca held her hand up.

"Okay, wait, Sevside, Bronx. Like where The Bronx Tale was shot?" Manoucheca asked Akamun.

Akamun nods.

"Yeah, The Bronx Tale was shot there, a couple of Law and Order episodes, and Robert De Niro live there for some time," Akamun answered.

"So, Sevside must have an interesting history then," Manoucheca said.

"It does," Akamun said.

The trio continued to talk about different topics. At this point, it's been almost forty-five minutes since they started filming the podcast. Akamun and Lavish were super comfortable with Manoucheca and even cracked jokes while getting more drinks.

"Do you get used to being a celebrity?" Manoucheca asked them.

"I would say that I am getting used to being famous but to be fair I was always on TV. I was a replacement for Inez on the BGC Worldwide franchise that was set in Hawaii and I became a huge fan favorite then I started filming for my family's reality show Set It Off With The Santanas where I debuted my beauty shop Lavish Lashes," Lavish answered.

Manoucheca nods.

"I love Lavish Lashes, my sister and I have some of your products," Manoucheca says.

Lavish smiled.

"I know, every time I see you guys wearing them, I'm like 'Bitch, Rihanna, and Manoucheca support me. They love my stuff.' It makes me so happy," Lavish said.

"It's one of the best," Manoucheca tells her.

"Thank you," Lavish said.

Manoucheca looks at Akamun.

"What's your take on being used to being a celebrity or famous?" Manoucheca asked Akamun.

"Well, at first my mother was very adamant about keeping my identity and my siblings' identities hidden from the media since she didn't want the gossip blogs and tea pages making topics about us 24/7. But, after she dropped her debut album Invasion of Privacy she then was okay with all of us being known as long as we didn't get ourselves into too much trouble," Akamun answered.

Manoucheca nods.

"Yeah, I feel the same way about my future kids I don't want them in the spotlight but you can't avoid it because you know people are going to invade their privacy so I guess it's all about figuring out a balance," Manoucheca said.

"Yeah, my mother still struggles with that too. She's very protective of us, so when the blogs or paparazzi invade our privacy she's ready to set them straight and sometimes I have to tell her to chill," Akamun said.

Manoucheca shakes her head.

"Oh yeah, it's crazy how far some of these blogs will go to dig up something on a person just because they need the views and clicks," Manoucheca said.

"It's super weird," Lavish said, nodding.

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