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"Ladies and gentlemen, I present the graduates of Oxford class of 2022."

Ariana's small shaking hands gripped onto the black robes she was dressed in, nervousness creeping in on her. Her mousy brown hair straightened, full fringed styled and hair-sprayed in place. Her slightly tanned face graced with a petite nose, brown doe eyes and flushed cheeks although she had added a little blush this morning for the occasion.

"I am personally very honoured to introduced this years class elected speaker after getting off to a quite interesting start at Oxford she graduates today with an invitation to join one of London's most prestigious publishing establishments. I am sure we are going to see great things from her, ladies and gentlemen, Ariana Elwood."

The brunette stood up from her seat on the stage and walked toward the podium to give her speech.

"In my three years at Oxford I have come to find that passion is a key ingredient to the study and practice of English Literature -- and of life. It is with passion, courage of conviction, and strong sense of self that we take our next steps into the world, remembering that first impressions are not always correct. You must always have faith in people. And most importantly, you must always have faith in yourself. Congratulations class of 2022, we did it!" She grinned, in this moment she'd never been more happy staring out at her fellow peers watching as they all threw their hats in the air.

Ariana approached a beautiful blonde who blinked up at her with her false lashes and a huge lipgloss covered smile, her arms open for her to fall into. "You did so good!"

"Thanks, I was really fucking nervous." Ariana giggled sheepishly but the smile on her face didn't disappear. She had worked so hard to even get into Oxford and then worked even harder to graduate, no relationships, no parties, nothing but studying.

She was just lucky to get a good roommate, Sophia Goodman who she was currently hugging. At first glance she was just a blonde with false lashes and lip filler, but getting to know her she was kind and funny and a very hard worker.

Her passion for fashion design was inspiring and although Ariana had no idea what she was talking about it was definitely fun to listen to her go on about Fashion Styling, Image Design, Textile Science and Garment Construction, they were all extremely interesting subjects. In return Sophia was absolutely entranced by the books Ariana was studying, loving to listen to her read while she designed clothes.

"Come let's go." Sophia squealed grabbing Ariana's hand and pulling her outside, quick to find her family. Ariana took in all the congratulations from her best friend's family before going to find hers.

"My baby's all grown up, and starting her important new job." Linda wiped her tears walking over to Ariana with a bouquet of light pink roses in her hands.

"I'm just lucky they let me take a year to travel before I start." She felt like all she had been doing is smiling since she graduated but the pure happiness that was flowing through her, she would be in heaven if it never ended. Things were just going so well.

"Do you have to leave straight away?" Linda pouted slightly but stared adoringly at her daughter.

"I wanna get going! I wanna see the world!" She hugged her mother tightly knowing she'll miss her when she's away but she had to do this, she's wanted to travel since she was kid and after a two year pandemic god she couldn't wait to start seeing the world.

"I know honey, you know your father would be so proud of you." Her mother pressed a hand to Ariana's cheek lovingly.

"Thanks mum." The young girl smiled sadly leaning into Linda's kind embrace.

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