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"All that drilling is giving me a migraine." Caius groaned rubbing his temples, but Ariana was over the moon. So much so that she'd been dancing around since the radiators arrived this morning, it was now just hitting one pm, her ham sandwich on the table with a few bites taken out of one half.

She eyed her bag of salt and vinegar crisps before continuing to swish in front of her three vampire mates, two of which seemed overjoyed she was as happy as she was, the last one couldn't control his personality enough and spent the time complaining about the noise.

"It's not that bad Cai, come on at least I'll finally be warm. I'll actually be able to explore the castle without shivering!" She squealed happily, ignoring his raised eyebrows at his new nickname though he quickly became smug at his raven haired brother's whine.

"Why does Caius get a nickname first? All he does is complain." Aro scoffed glaring at the blonde who grinned back.

"You can't abbreviate Aro, unless you want to be called A or Ro." Ariana stopped twirling to put her hands on her hips, shrugging slightly before starting to dance again. Aro's pout was so perfected, the way it graced his lips made Ariana jump to correct herself, "but I'm sure you can pick a nickname for me to call you honey." She fluttered her lashes at him with a seductive smile that had all three vampires tensing.

"Playing with fire." Marcus shook his head with a smirk, knowing his brother too well.

Aro's rigid body zoomed toward Ariana sliding his hands around her waist then down to her hips squeezing either side rough enough to have her letting out a little gasp bringing a grin to Aro's face.

"How about 'My King'." His voice barely a whisper, lips hovering over the shell of her ear. She was indeed playing with fire but she didn't mind a few burns with what she might get in return.

"Alright, my king." She purred pushing her body against his cold one, he stumbled slightly unsure and surprised at her actions.

Before Aro could reply the moment was interrupted by Dimitri and Felix knocking and entering the room, both bowing and addressing their superiors. Ariana's eyes honed in on the blood Dimitri quickly wiped away from his lip when Felix gave him a subtle slap to his arm and gestured to it.

"Dimitri mate I'd prefer to have heat so if you could please refrain from eating the worker men that would be wonderful." Ariana smiled so sarcastically the vampire grinned back too.

"Anything for you your royal highness." He bowed speaking dramatically making Ariana roll her eyes.
She'd gotten comfortable and dare say used to things though it had only been less than a week, however she was not used to the constant attention of her mates and how they doted on her.

It was simply something else.

Her mother had sent her several messages this morning, all of them ignored as she snuggled up against Marcus' chest in his new bed. She'd been texting everyone since she left but was yet to actually FaceTime her mother, speaking of; her phone began to ring and her breath paused in her lungs.

"Everyone needs to be absolutely silent." Ariana's serious tone had all five men nodding as she picked up her phone doing a double check on her background before sliding her thumb across the screen

"Honey! How are you? Where are you hmm? Greece yet? Or was it Germany next on the list?" Her mother's words hit a pang to her heart, she wasn't travelling, that chance was gone now. She did her best to hide it but everyone caught it before she could do so, she was sad.

"Nope still in Italy." She smiled softly at her mother not wanting to lie to her.

"Still? It's been almost a month since you left you're supposed to be three countries in." Her mother laughed her eyes creasing softly with age.

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