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Marcus was just so sweet and such a gentleman, he was everything Ariana had ever wanted in a man and the way he treated her was just how she had read in her books. Exactly how she believed men should treat women. He made butterflies erupt in her stomach, well all three of them did.

Caius was a little bit more wild, his cold unforgiving eyes always seemed to be soft for her. His posture always so refined and yet she could see the sadistic demon behind his facade, a small part of her, the curious darker side to her hoped that one day he'd let him out for her to admire.

Aro was chaotic and purely primal, he had the darkest eyes of them all. Ariana couldn't help but wonder just exactly what those dark rubies had seen. He was, by what she'd witnessed so far, the most protective over her and she secretly loved it.

All three of these possessive men were absolutely drop dead gorgeous, so stunningly ethereal it hurt. It was difficult to look at them and not get hot and bothered. And that was where she as at, hot. And. bothered.

Her fingers moving desperately as she tried to rub one out to ease her frustration, she felt embarrassed by how quickly she had become so needy for these men. Even after Marcus had made her cum a few days ago, it wasn't enough. They'd broken the damn. And it was torture.

It. Was. Torture.

Listening to their mate above them gasping into the air and whimpering into the pillow, it was torture. Not being there to see it, to help. Marcus was stoic, frozen like a statue, his brain wasn't functioning. He hadn't reacted this way to any of his past lovers, the pure smell of her arousal was so strong his eyes turned black and his body became ridged.

Blood was something he needed to survive, blood was something he craved every second of every day, something he'd spent more than three thousand years learning to control. And yet here he was becoming hungrier and hungrier for the chance to taste her on his tongue, especially after watching the beauty on her face when she came all over his lap the other day. He had never wanted anything more in his life.

Feral. Would be the only way to describe Caius. He'd spent the past twenty five minutes of listening to her, destroying everything in his sight. She moaned and he pulled apart the sofas in his office, she whimpered and he ripped the replaceable books, she whined and he shredded his desk until only splinters were left. He had to do something, anything to get out his frustrations. This was for her, because if he didn't do this, he'd be upstairs pulling orgasm after orgasm from her until she passed out.

Aro was no better, at first he was smirking finding it absolutely adorable she was up there getting herself off, though these thoughts began to enter his mind that flared up the primal part of his brain. Did she not need him? Did she not think he was capable of helping her? He was her mate! How could she think that?

He took an unnecessary deep breath to calm his intrusive thoughts, but more kept popping up. Was it just that she was shy? Was it her human instincts telling her things were too soon? And then a new thought popped up that made his chaos take over.

All the other vampires in the old ancient building can hear her too. And that's how Aro ended up in her room.

She squealed pulling the blanket over her body at the sight of him in the doorway, his body was shaking and eyes were pure midnight. She gripped the grey comforter tightly as a pulse of heat ran through her body, just the man she was thinking about.

"Αχ όμορφη, άσε με να βοηθήσω." His voice was desperate and wanting something she'd never heard from him before. "σε ικετεύω"

"Aro-" she couldn't even finish her sentence before he sped towards her, standing at the foot of her four poster bed, begging black eyes never leaving hers. "I don't know what you're saying."

"Let me help you." His plead was immediately understood, and another wave of heat shot through her, slick beginning to drip out of her to the point where Aro's body began to vibrate with how hard he was stopping himself. He could smell you so strongly, it was killing him.

"I need you to let me bellissima, sweet little dove please." He groaned out his hand scrunching at the end of the blanket that was over her body, he pleaded with the last of his free will to let go but he couldn't.

Ariana was conflicted. This was so early for their relationship right? But the way he was looking at her, the way he was inching closer had her body feeling hot and needy so much so that she let go of her grip on the blanket. He watched her action with such an intense gaze, Aro ripped the blanket off her and onto the floor.

"Fuck," he groaned sounding like he was in pain, "I need you to say it bambina." He heaved at the sight of her underwear and the wetness that had seeped through.

"Y-Yes..I mean please I-" he was on her quicker than white on rice, his lips against hers to shush whatever ramblings were coming. He moaned seeing her thoughts of him, he was rock hard and pressing against her thigh in an attempt to get some relief.

"Present." He grunted, his tone dark, leaving her at a loss at what the fuck he was talking about. The confusion clear on her face, Aro, slowly becoming more beast than man, ripped each item of clothing off of her feeling jealous that they were touching her and he wasn't.

His chest puffed out in pride as his eyes slid across over her figure, pupils zeroing in on the shudder in her breath. He manhandled her so easily into the position he wanted her in. Her face pressed against the soft sheets of the bed as her ass was raised in the air being pulled, pinched and smacked by the vampire king.

A low and soft, oh falling from his lips. One could mistake it for a groan and she whimpered feeling it. Because fuck did she feel it, the vampire now on his knees behind her watching her wetness trickle down her thigh quick to lick it up not letting any go to waste.

It's as if that one drop transformed him from the man she knew to a starving man who had a three course meal laid out in front of him. Ariana's eyes rolled back, a moaned out sinful oh fuck echoing in the room.

He moved his tongue like he was possessed, licking into her clenching hole as if he was digging for something before closing his lips around her clit and sucking it so hard she swears it will be bruised tomorrow. His harsh and continuous actions on her cunt had her fists clenched around the dark sheets, back arching as she started a slow grind on his tongue.

"Your scent, your taste, fuck, you're so intoxicating. I can't get enough." He hummed into her weeping entrance, but she's so focused on the feeling of euphoria coursing through her veins she doesn't hear him. All her senses being taken over and before she knew it she was on her back, darkening scarlet piercing her soul the longer he stared into her eyes.

A dark possessiveness she'd never seen in a man before clouded his eyes and took over his entire being, it had her shifting underneath his huge body. He grins with a shake of his head that says she's not going anywhere.

With one swift movement of his fingers he's inside her and not giving her a second to comprehend it, he's already already pistoning his fingers into her over and over again watching as she arched her body into his.

His large hand slides up over her throat to her mouth, two thick fingers slipping inside letting her moan and whine around them, making incoherent noises, saliva dribbling down her cheeks. Neither of them care so engrossed in the feeling of being fucked so thoroughly.

Aro could feel it when he touched her, just by reading her thoughts, he could feel every spark, every wave of pure delicious heat that travelled through his mate.

"I know cosa dolce, it's too much isn't it? Are my fingers simply too much for such a tight cunt?" He doesn't expect an answer he knows Ariana's gone, knows by the look he saw in her eyes before they rolled back into her skull.

"Look at you, such a mess bambina and just from my fingers. I wonder what state my cock will have you in?" The question is rhetorical but it's so dirty and hot that Ariana moans her eyes squeezing shut as she feels her orgasm incoming. She releases the sheets and slides her hand up into Aro's perfectly straight midnight hair and she grips it hard.

"Please please I need to cum please my king." The words ignite a fire in him pushing him to move his hand at an inhuman pace, it has her screaming as she tugs on Aro's hair. Her body convulsing as she squirts all over his hand, wrist and suit.

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