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Ariana's eyes met his and instantly she felt a spark of heat travel through her burning in her stomach, the way he was grinning devilishly at her had her breath stuck in her lungs. A lump forming in her throat as she choked on her words. He rushed to her hearing her heart skip a beat, his red eyes dancing over her figure checking she was alright.

"Ariana, what is it?" He held her face so carefully with his cold hands, his hard features twisting in worry.

"I'm okay really." She pulled his hands away from her face yet didn't let go of them, an action Caius certainly didn't miss. He nodded slightly but still watched her with caution. "Thankyou, for bringing me here. I will definitely be spending a lot of time in this room." She breathed out a laugh, a smile on her face.

"Well I'll always know where to find you I suppose." He joked, listening to how her heartbeat jumped once again when their eyes met.

"Certainly." She nodded biting her lip catching Caius' attention. His bright red eyes stayed stuck on her plump lips even when her teeth released them carelessly.


"Please call me Aria." She asked softly.

"Aria may I," he gazed down at her watching her reaction to his question, "may I kiss you?" He felt his control slipping away the second the question clawed it's way out of his throat.

"Yes." She barely got the whole word out before Caius's lips were on hers. His arms slipping around her waist holding her tightly against him while his tongue played with hers, exploring, learning. One of his cold hands slid up getting tangled in her hair, he gripped it a little tight making her release an eager moan.

Caius pulled away briskly knowing if they continued he wouldn't be able to control himself and he didn't want to do anything without her permission. He was so intrigued with how she panted, her chest rising up and down with each breath. Ariana's hair was a little messy, her cheeks flushed, she looked beautiful to Caius.

"You are gorgeous." The blonde king couldn't stop the smile that broke out on his face along with his words. Anyone else in the castle would have thought the vampire had gone mad. His smile was so genuine, not the sinister one that usually graced his features.

After the kiss Caius encouraged Ariana to pick a book, that in itself was a challenge with how many there were. After finally picking They Made Me Their Queen, a recent book about a woman and three vampire men, she sat down to read it next to the blonde king, who was rather pleased at the way she snuggled against him.


"But what don't they have?" Ariana asked, her question pertaining to presents, Christmas present to be exact. The day was closing in on her and she realised after a comment from Felix that the kings had gotten gifts for her but she hadn't gotten anything for them.

"They've been alive for thousands of years, they have everything." Dimitri deadpanned, his mouth open a little after his answer.

"So what do I get them?!" She screeched, withdrawing in on herself after seeing how many people were looking at her and the two men in hoodies and sunglasses.

"I have some ideas." He smirked before grabbing her hand and pulling her to several different stores.


Christmas Day came around, the whole place decked out with decorations, baubles, tinsel, light, wreaths, bows, you name it they had it. Aro had been planning since November for it, he wanted it to be very special for the first Christmas with their mate.

Ariana had gifted the elite guards with little vampire squishmallows, it was ridiculously funny watching their expressions as they unwrapped the toys, though they were simply grateful to get something as they had never received gifts in previous years. Her guards were busy so she'd have to wait to give them theirs.

She had been grinning all morning thinking about it, the kings had the chefs cook up a traditional Christmas dinner for her and she ate it with a second helping too.

"That was amazing!" Ariana moaned patting her full belly as she relaxed against the soft sofa cushions with her eyes closed.

"No sleeping yet bambina, we still have presents to give you" Caius grins at his mate, the protective primal part of him absolutely sated with how satisfied she was. A beautiful morning together filled with laugher and hot chocolate. Stuffed full of food, only thing missing is her being stuffed full of something else, he thought.

"Right presents." She bit her lip, her face worried "Please excuse how bad they are, I don't have a lot of money." She admitted twiddling her thumbs embarrassingly.

"In this economy I'm not at all surprised," Aro scoffed with a roll of his eyes, he set down his glass of blood before turning to his mate, "Not to worry bambina, you can have our money. Besides I will be happy with whatever I receive from you, my gorgeous little mate." His words made her blush completely ignoring that he'd offered her all his money along with his brothers'.

"Now let's open them." Caius laughed sounding a little impatient.

All round it had been an amazing haul of presents for everyone, most of all Ariana though. Caius got her a switch lite so she wouldn't bored and be able to use it all around the building, and AirPods Max. He'd spent all his time researching presents for girlfriends online and bought the most expensive ones. In return Ariana got him an expensive paint brush set, his face lit up like Christmas morning at the sight of them.

Marcus got her a first edition of Jane Austin books. Northanger Abbey and Persuasion. And pride and prejudice. He'd been watching her for a little while, watching to see which books she's read the most and truly enjoyed. Ariana got him a dark purple tie and a grey turtle neck, along with a dark blue cable knit sweater which he pulled on straight away with a smile. He looked very dapper.

Aro got her a V necklace for the Volturi and a silky pj set, plus a real diamond bracelet. Ariana bought him a gold ring for his pinky with an A carved into it. "Aro or Ariana?" He asked to which she shrugged and answered "whatever you'd like."

He chuckled knowing which one he'd choose, too busy looking at the new ring he didn't notice her moving to sit beside him until she grabbed his hand and pulled off the black gloves he wore just to be safe. She grabbed the gold ring and placed it on his pinky, blinking up at him, Ariana noticed Aro's milky red eyes were glazed over almost as if he was in a trance.

When Aro returned to a normal state his face was one of surprise before he composed himself, "Regina you do not know how you honour me." She simply smiled and placed a kiss on his cheek before moving over to Caius who helped her unpack and set up her new headphones. All the while Aro never took his eyes of his mate, what a beautiful soul she had.

"You have one gift left, it's a joint present from all of us s γλυκό πράγμα." {sweet thing} Marcus smiled clicking his fingers and Demetri disappeared out the room before coming back with what looked like a cat carrier. All three had got her a white rag doll kitten with black ears, black face, a black tail and black feet.

"Oh my goodness." Ariana's face was one of awe as she picked up the kitten.

"It's a girl, you can name her whatever you wish." Marcus grinned at how happy she was.

"She so adorable." Ariana giggled at the cute kitten that was snuggled against her neck giving her tiny licks that felt like sandpaper.

"Yes she is." Caius' chest puffed out looking down at his mate. She really was adorable.

"I think I'll name her Socks." She smiled.

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