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"I'm a motherfucking woman baby alright! I don't need a man to be holding me too tight!" Ariana sung at the top of her lungs, not a care in the world as she scrubbed herself down with her baby blue loofa. Her hips swayed as she put on her own personal concert in the shower, the next song playing as the first one ended.

"I can lick it, I can ride it while you slippin' and slidin', I can do all them little tricks and keep the dick up inside it. You can smack it, you can grip it, you can go down and kiss it. And every time he leave me 'lone, he always tell me he miss it!" She was truly having the time of her life letting all her stresses melt away with absolutely no knowledge of the three men who sat in Aro's office that just happened to be right under her bathroom.

Not that it would make much of a difference, every vampire in the ancient building could hear her singing the inappropriate words.

"Well I-" Aro was cut off by more profanities.

"Then he said, "Do that pussy purr?" I said, "Yup, meow"!" Ariana giggled at that grabbing the shampoo to lather her hair with.

Downstairs Caius was laughing heartily making his brothers look at him slightly shocked, but they all knew in the coming weeks they would be displaying behaviours that would be uncharacteristic of them, it was all due to the mate bond.

"She is quite something huh brothers?" Caius grinned the only one who was caught up on the time, the latest songs and many movies were very provocative nowadays not that blondie minded however his brothers had opted out on finding out more.

The only suggestion to modernise anything that was taken was their feeding habits, now they drank from blood bags alone only hunting for sport but never within the walls of Volterra it was quite literally the safest place from a vampire attack in the world.

"All of me why not take all of me? Can't you see? I'm no good without you. Take my lips I wanna loose them, take my arms I'll never use them! Yes Michael! Woo!" Ariana danced around the big glass shower carefully as she applied conditioner.

"Who is Michael!" Aro roared standing up ready to go ballistic at the idea of another man with his mate.

"Michael Bublé, he's a jazz singer." Caius rolled his eyes at how uneducated his brother was with todays music. Jazz was one of Caius' favourites along with classical, there was nothing that he liked to listen to more when he painted.

"Do you think she's going to take it well?" Marcus interrupted the two men knowing by the look on Aro's face he was about to start an argument with his blonde soul brother.

"Oh I think she's going to take it extremely well." Caius smirked licking his lips at the dirty thoughts that were flashing through his mind.

"Brother be serious." Marcus tutted but tried to push away some thoughts of his own.

"She was made for us, just as we were for her. Our life experience has prepared us for what she will need from us and vise versa. She will be in shock but eventually she'll be fine." Caius said his voice far away just like the look in his eyes as he thought about it.

After their mate had asked about their eyes, they had persuaded her to get some rest with a promise to tell her, but they needed to prepare first. She nodded agreeing understanding that whatever they had to say they needed time to think through first.

Maybe it was how safe they made her feel that pushed her to agree, it was all she could come up with because no matter how hard she tried she couldn't think of another reason as to why she had agreed. Under any other circumstances she wouldn't of. If it were anyone else the answer would have been no.

"We can only hope I suppose." Marcus suggested with a worrying smile.

"Sounds like she's out of the shower." Caius hummed listening as his pretty little mate came out of the bathroom and into the guest room. Aro was rushing about all last night sorting our fabric and paint swatches for her wing. Everything had to be perfect for their mate and that included where she slept.

"Give her a moment then we shall go up and tell her." Aro nodded at his own words, a moment of silence sounded throughout the office and then Caius was gone with a flash. Up into the room he went speeding the whole way and scaring the absolute shit out of Ariana when he aCcIdEnTaLlY burst through the door.

"What the fuck Caius!" She screeched with a scowl etched onto her face, he paused giving her a once over. Her brown hair was soaking wet and dripping onto the soft red towel that covered her body, a beautiful contrast to her healthy tanned-ish skin.

"Well well well what do we have here." He grinned shamelessly, letting his gaze take over her.

"A girl in a towel and a clearly perverted man." She folded her arms over her chest with an unimpressed tone to her voice watching as his pale face morphed into one of offense.

"We said give her a moment." Aro clipped Caius on the back of the head like he was scolding a kid, with a tut, this in turn made Ariana smirk.

"Gentlemen let's give Miss?"

"Elwood." She had digressed, reprimanding herself at giving out her last name so willingly but the way Marcus asked her and that look in his eyes, she couldn't help it.

"Miss Elwood a moment to get dressed, how would you like something to eat piccolo?" As she stared at Marcus Ariana concluded he was like her own personal Mr.Darcy. The way he talked was like he was from a different time. Maybe he was.

"Pasta would be perfect." She smiled up at him softly after glancing at the time to see she had slept practically all morning, lunchtime now creeping in on her.

"Well it's a good thing we're in Italy." She laughed at his words watching as they all left the room. It gave her some time to think while she dried her hair with a Dyson hair dryer they just 'happened' to have in her room. Rich people she rolled her eyes.

She had given it a fair bit of thought last night exhausting herself out, but if they sat her down and told her they were some sort of supernatural creatures, she would believe them. This wouldn't be the first time she'd seen someone who looked like them.


The little girl's voice echoed in her head so familiar to her yet so unfamiliar too, so long ago to remember everything. That was a thought she no longer needed to be thinking about, her mother had told her so all her life.

Turning the hair dryer off she pulled on some yoga pants and a big woollen jumper just in time for the knock at her door. Three gorgeous men with red eyes delivering her pasta, she could get used to this.

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