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Ariana sat munching away at her pasta until she had finished the entire bowl, she stared down at it cheeks flushing a little with embarrassment at how fast she had eaten it. She hadn't realised how hungry she was until the first mouthful.

"Was it satisfactory? Do you require anything else?" Aro inquired taking her empty dish and handing it to a guard outside the door before closing it and taking a seat opposite her watching as she shook her head no.

"So, you were going to tell me about your eyes." She sat criss cross on the black sofa. The room was indeed something beautiful, a big ambassador suede black bed sat right up against the back wall, enough space either side for matching brown bedside tables.

To the left of the room was a two arched leather sofas facing each other, up against the left wall was a huge dark oak bookcase filled to the brim books of all sorts. It was the first thing she had noticed when she entered the room. Next to the bookcase was a door that lead to the closet and on the left hand side of the bed was a door that lead to the bathroom.

The bathroom was beautiful, truly. The walls were made of white tiles and the floor was a black marble with streaks of dark red here and there. The stand alone bath was big enough for a group of people as was the huge glass shower.

"Have you ever heard of vampires γλυκό πράγμα?" {sweet thing} Marcus asked softly, his eyes full of something Ariana couldn't decipher.

"Of course she has, they're plastered everywhere. In books and movies and tv shows." Caius scoffs shaking his head, "though vampire diaries got none of it correct."

"You've watched the vampire diaries?" Ariana asked raising her eyebrows laughing breathily.

"Obviously! If they had put any truth into it we would have to make sure it never aired. These two didn't want to someone had to take one for the team." Caius rolled his eyes, at first he was against the idea of modern ways and technology but after three thousand years these new things were fascinating. It was something else to do other than painting and reading, he liked shouting and throwing popcorn he doesn't eat at the tv when characters were being obviously obliviously stupid.

"I'm team Damon." Ariana smiles cheekily watching the blonde man smirk slightly.

"We're getting off track here brother." Aro chuckles but he had enjoyed watching the two of them connect. Caius put his hand up with a nod the action allowing Aro to continue.

"To put it plain and simple, we're vampires." The raven haired king watched for her reaction, though she hadn't given anything away, he concluded that Miss. Elwood was very good at keeping a straight face.

Ariana sat with a frown before crossing her arms over her chest, "prove it." Caius was up in an instant speeding across the room and lifting the heavy ass bed up with one hand before placing it down and speeding back to sit, one leg crossed over the other.

"Holy shit." Her eyes were wide, shock written all over her face.

"Language." Marcus sighs a little an eyebrow raising, he was already in love with his mate but he'd either have to get used to the vulgar language or he'd have to put some punishments in place to get her to stop. Modern speech, he shook his head.

"S-So you're vampires, cause v-vampires are real" Ariana stutters doing her best not to freak out, a shiver crawling up her spine at the words spilling from her lips. This wasn't possible but yet it was somehow.

"It is okay to," Caius clears his throat finding the correct words for this modern time, "loose your shit." This caused his mate to laugh like crazy, almost too much. All of her feelings bubbling up to her laughing like she was insane. Marcus moved to sit beside her his calming touch stroking up and down her back thrumming a serene feeling into her skin.

"Wait so everyone here is a vampire too?" They all nodded watching her carefully, this truly was too much to take in.

"So you're vampires then." She nodded confirming it to herself, she'd have to say it quite a lot to get used to it that was for sure.

"That's not everything sweetheart." Caius spoke getting onto more pressing matters, listening intently to Ariana's heart speeding up once more.

"What else is there?" She grimace though it seemed more of a cringe at the thought that there could be more.

"Eternity is a long time to be alone therefore in our world we have soulmates, or mates. They are partners who are made for each other, sometimes there are even born for the sole purpose of being a mate, but they are rather for the more powerful vampires that cannot be controlled, they are given a mate to get them under some form of control." Aro explained, trying his hardest to use more simplistic words. All of this was hard enough to explain to someone, there was no point making it harder by talking like he was from the eighteen hundreds.

"Ariana, you are our mate." Marcus said cautiously with a softness to it, the brunette king was worried about how she'd react to this part in particular.

"Our? As in all three of you?" She blinked up at the man sitting next to her like what he just said was the dumbest thing she'd ever heard. This made him swallow a chuckle that had dared to escape, adorable, he thought his eyes taking in the attitude on her face.

"Yes amore, all three." Caius answered not exactly sounding best pleased.

"You're not happy?" Ariana asked feeling her heart ache at the very thought.

"It's not exactly how I pictured a life with my mate, but our bond of soul brothers eases my worries." Caius smiled tightly, rather unconvincingly too.

"Your personality traits don't help how you're feeling either brother." Aro laughed bitchily. Caius glared at his brother standing to fight but Aro rushed to stand by the bed with a taunting smile.

"Stop it." Marcus scoffed adjusting his hold on Ariana to make sure she was safe, not only reassuring her but himself too.

"Later." Caius grunted at Aro who grinned like a maniac with a nod.

"So now that we have that out of the way how about a tour of the grounds hm?" Marcus asked standing and pushing his two brothers forward towards the door with a fatherly scowl painted on his face.

"Sure just one last question," Ariana said making them turn to her, she had had this in the back of her mind. What happens when she leaves? She didn't really want to leave but she had more travelling to do and even if she didn't do that she had a job waiting for her and her mother to get back to. "What happens when mates aren't together, like they're are far away from each other or something?" She bit her lip nervous of their reply.

"If mates are away from each other they feel excruciating pain, and in the worst cases especially in a case of rejection, they die."

Well, fuck.

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