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"Oh stop being cute." Caius scoffs looking at Ariana with piercing red eyes, he tries so hard to not get distracted by her choice of outfit today, the tight leggings, god give him strength.

"It's not possible." She shrugs sipping her tea, her brown orbs flicking across his pale sharp face before they land back on the ground.

"I'd have to agree with our mate on that one brother." Marcus sighs softly looking over at her like she's the most incredible thing he's ever seen, the adoration in his eyes makes Ariana blush.

Her heart speeds up in her chest, how on earth is she supposed to leave these men if all they do is shower her with love. She huffs placing her tea down before pulling her knees up to her chest, her skin tight leggings and oversized sweater that's hanging off one shoulder not enough to keep her warm in the cold, ancient building.

As if knowing her thoughts, Aro comes waltzing in with a folded up fluffy blanket, "You," she mutters pointing her finger that shakes slightly with a cold shiver, she beckons the raven haired king over and with a big grin he complies. Fluffing out the blanket before placing it over her knees, she happily hums dragging it closer to her chest wiggling slightly to get comfortable.

"Better my dear?" His eyes sparkle with curiosity, his body a little ridged as he sits beside her leaving a respectful amount of room.

"Much, Thankyou." She says but her teeth chatter making Aro's lips pull into a frown.

"We'll have the radiators installed soon cara mia, in the meantime there is a fire in Marcus' room if you'd like to warm yourself there. I truly apologise for this." His head bowed slightly before his red eyes met hers, he really was from another time.

"Don't worry about it. It's not like you knew your mate was human right?" Ariana shrugged her shoulders brushing off the matter with a gently smile not letting on that her mind was racing with all sorts.

She had shit to get back to. A mother, a job, friends, a life she couldn't just turn her back on but oh how it would be so much easier just to succumb to their antics. To be taken care of so diligently would truly be wonderful after years of working her ass off, that plus covid and her father...but alas she couldn't give in to her desires.

Her mind reeling she didn't even realise the words had slipped out in a mumbled groan, "God this is so stressful I could kill for a vape right now." She pushed a hand through her hair, images flashing in her mind of the times her and Sophia would take a break from their stressful studies to have a cocktail and a few puffs of their disposables that they had bought together on one of their drunken nights out.

A pact between the two girls that they'd used them until they graduated and efficiently quit once and for all no matter how hard it was.

"What is a vape?" Marcus asks softly his head tilting slightly as he gave her a once over.

"Something she shouldn't be using, do you know what's in those?! It's bad for your health!" Caius raises his voice sitting up straighter in his chair, a scowl across his face.

"God you sound just like my mother." Ariana scoffs folding her arms with stubbornness, pushing away the memory of her mothers voice saying those exact words.

"Ariana." Caius' warning tone should have been enough to shut her up but no.

"Yes Mum?" She smiles sarcasm dripping from her lips that had pulled up into a cheeky grin.

"You're lucky I don't put you over my knee." Caius growls, his hand twitching to do just what he had said. The words shot a jolt of pleasure through Ariana making her cunt flutter at the idea.

"I doubt you have the balls." She scoffed knowing her inner brat was definitely coming out to fight Caius. The blonde king snarled moving to stand when Marcus interrupted the ordeal.

"Enough! Will one of you answer my question?" He asked, his voice switching from a shout to calm and collected.

"It's a technological version of smoking." Ariana explained in the simplest term she could. But those few words had deep, dark growls sounding throughout the room. Her brown eyes glanced over at Caius and low and behold, the bastard had a smug look written all over his face.

"I, bellissima-" Aro cleared his throat, his body stiff making ridged movements as he tried to control himself. Smoking was harmful, so she was harming her body. Possessive and protective thoughts ran through his ancient brain igniting a primal part of himself he had long thought dormant. His eyes glazed over, slowly fading to obsidian, his entire being sitting like a statue.

"I think it's best we change the subject." Marcus smiled tightly feeling the tense situation starting to bubble over into something more.

"I disagree brother." Caius grins, and it's so cheeky and so cocky that Ariana can't help herself.

"Prick." She scoffs standing from her seat and leaving the room, her feet padding along the cold floor until she ended up bumping into a man that wasn't her mate.

"My Queen." The man bowed and she blinked a few times, recognising him as the golden brown haired guy who carried her bag a day ago now.

"Please just call me Aria, Queen sounds weird." She quipped much to the shock of the vampire before her.

"Well Aria, what's got you in such a pleasant mood?" His voice was drenched in sarcasm not that Ariana minded.

"Caius being a prick." Demitri's lips pulled up into a big smile, his pristine white teeth on full display.

"Oh we're going to be good friends." He laughed.

And from there they formed a little friendship, Demitri showed her around the building, all the different rooms. Her favourite being the kitchen where she grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge before continuing the tour.

"Well from what I'm hearing Marcus is concerned for your whereabouts." Demitri hummed, his head tilting to the side slightly to listen better while Ariana watched in fascination at him using his super hearing.

"Alright then, I've calmed down now. Take me to him peasant." She giggled watching him grin.

"Yes my humble Queen." He bowed holding out his arm for her to link with. The guard led her through a couple hallways until reaching a pair of double doors. "Here you are your majesty." He said causing Ariana to laughed loudly.

"See you around Dem." She smiled before opening the door and wandering in to find the brunette man who was sat in an large, old looking arm chair facing the fireplace. His hair was pulled back into a low ponytail, a black suit covering his thick chiselled body although the jacket was discarded on the arm of the chair, one leg crossed over the other and in his hand a glass filled with warm blood.

"Hello my sweet girl." His smile was soft and warm making her feel fuzzy. Ariana closed the door behind her before padding over to the large man and slipping into his lap. Marcus although a little surprised at first relaxed and held her against his chest, making sure the fluffy blanket was secure around her.

"Is this what mates do?" She questioned, her eyelashes fluttering when she blinked up at him.

"I can't be entirely sure what true mates do, I've never had one before. But this can be something we do." His red eyes held so much love for her, looking down at her so small in his lap like she's the most precious thing to ever walk the earth.

"Okay." She smiled snuggling into his chest, enjoying the warmth of the fire.

"Did Caius upset you a lot? Aro hounded on him after you left." Marcus chuckled.

"No he just reminded me of my mother and god only knows how many times I've fought with her for treating me like a child. That's one thing I cannot stand." Ariana groaned annoyed.

"Duly noted." Marcus nodded in understanding, it must be hard for people today with everything that's happened in the world. And Ariana was one of those people.

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