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"Where is she?!" Caius' temper had lost control during trials today, sometimes his brothers wondered if it had a mind of its own with the way it seemed to take control of the blonde king. He was in desperate need of calming down and the only person who could do that was nowhere is sight.

"Calm brother, we'll find her. I have an idea of where she might be." And if you'd just relax you idiot maybe you'd use your brain and ears enough to find her what Aro wanted to say.

It actually wasn't that difficult, it was where Ariana had been for the past two days wanting desperately to stay warm in the freezing castle.

The three vampires made their way into Marcus' bedroom to find their precious little mate sat in front of the fire with a big puffy duvet wrapped around her shivering form.

"I could hear your teeth chattering from the throne room." Marcus chuckled an underlining concern in his words as he tore his gaze from her and stared at the bed that was now in his chambers. As of yesterday Ariana had made it clear her room was far too cold to sleep in and seeing as Marcus' was the only one with a fireplace, that's where she set up camp.

Caius had relaxed monumentally in her presence, holding himself back from rubbing himself all over her until she was scented to the fullest, the only scent remaining would be his. Although it wouldn't last long it would be worth it, all supernatural creatures know that if you want your scent to remain for quite some time you would have to do the deed. But they were far from that yet.

"S-Sorry. Aro how long did y-you say it would be until t-they installed the radiators?" She stuttered pulling the duvet open a little more to let the heat from the fire in before closing it to keep it inside. "It's fucking freezing."

"My deepest apologies principessa, it will be another few days due to the amount of radiators we asked for because of how big the castle is." Aro's voice was vacant, his brows furrowed. Ever since the other day, when the conversation about vaping came up, a darker side of himself was unlocked. Something primal and untamed.

It was as if he was a Rubik's cube that had finally clicked into place, all the colours aligned perfectly for him to see so clearly. His mate was all that mattered and he would be damned if he let anything stand in the way of making her happy. Right now he was doing his best to stay in control, to keep his eyes red when they threatened him with black. She was cold, something as a cold one himself he couldn't fix and he didn't like that. He didn't like that one bit.

"It's okay, I'm just grateful Marcus let me move in here for the time being." She spoke softly feeling a little warmer with the three vampires simply in the room.

Marcus frowned slightly at her words, for the time being, but he didn't want her to leave. She was to stay right here where she belonged in his bed. He couldn't help but feel protective last night coming back from trials to find his beautiful darling sprawled out on his sheets, her dark hair all tussled, her lips all pouty and those sweet little faint freckles around her nose and under her eyes that he'd somehow only just noticed.

He felt completed in that moment, seeing her like that. So fragile and vulnerable, sound asleep with no idea of what monster was lurking in the room staring at her with big red eyes full of adoration or the sultry thoughts plaguing his mind, like how perfect those pouty lips would look all swollen and red because of his own lips.

Even now as her three mates found themselves growing an unusual amount of possessiveness over her, she was none the wiser, her gorgeous brown eyes simply staring into the flickering flames of burning fire.

"It was my pleasure cosa dolce." Marcus replied swallowing down his dark thoughts, there was so many other things that would be his pleasure to do for her, to her. But that was for another time, when she trusted them wholeheartedly and loved them just as equally as they loved her.

They had accepted it would most likely be a while but she was definitely worth the wait.

"Have you eaten or drank anything today?" Aro inquired sitting down on the brown leather sofa swiftly, his red eyes drinking in the way Ariana blushed embarrassed.

"I forgot, too busy trying to stay warm." She smiled to herself, they were very attentive and caring. It was something she'd have to get used to, three hot as fuck men giving her enormous amounts of attention.

"Claudia." Aro called out and in an instant a stunning woman with gorgeous red hair that could rival Ariel herself was standing in the room. Add her red eyes and her pale skin, she was utterly enchanting.

"Masters. Mistress." She bowed her head and stayed that way, waiting for instruction.

"This is Claudia, one of the members of the Queen's guard. Your guard. Her and her brother Caesar will be your personal guards stationed outside your quarters at all times. You will I'm sure meet your other two soon enough." Aro waved his hand slightly in a careless motion.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Claudia, I apologise I'm not exactly dressed appropriately but I'm sure there'll be many more times in the future where you see me in my pyjamas." Ariana gave Claudia a big grin, both women letting out a little laugh.

"No apology necessary Mistress." Claudia smiled with a respectful head nod, feeling more relaxed at how nice her Queen was.

"I would prefer you to call me Aria if these three bozos will allow you to." Ariana gestured to the now three offended vampire kings causing her new guard to cover her grin with the back of her hand.

"Carina I have the mind to-"

"I'm sure you're not about to threaten me in front of the Queen's guard, are you my love? Because to my knowledge a royal guard must protect their King or in this instance Queen even from a spouse or lover." Ariana cut off Caius to serve him a piping hot bowl of savageness and god was she proud of herself watching his open mouth shut, his face contorting in annoyance yet a little bit of pride.

"I do believe she is correct brother." Marcus chuckled, grinning contently.

"Shut up." Caius hissed.

"Anyway, Claudia would you be a dear and fetch your Queen some dinner. Any preferences amore?" Aro asks sitting forward in his seat a little to watch Ariana place another log on the fire, his eyes watching her carefully on the look out for any possible danger.

"Oh pasta would be great please Claudia!" She smiled up at the woman pulling the duvet tighter around her.

"Of course Aria," the red head replied a little unsure, giving the three men a glance when saying their mate's name, "I'll be back with it shortly. Masters, Mistress." She bowed her head before disappearing.

"She's nice, I like her." Ariana giggled getting up from her seat to sit in Aro's lap, he tensed but quickly relaxed seeing no part of her skin exposed to his as she curled up against him wrinkling his black suit.

"I'm glad bambina." Aro couldn't help the smile on his face that grew when he was able to wrap his arms around his mate without panic or fear of intruding her private thoughts.

"I hope the pastas yummy." She mumbled sleepily tucking her head against his cold shoulder and letting her eyes flutter close.

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