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Ariana woke with a start looking around deliriously, her head pounding; she felt like it was about to explode. A sound calling to her, echoing to her, pulling her towards her bedroom door.

She stumbled around the hallways bumping into the walls as she went, clumsy and confused. Her exhausted mind reeling as she tried to take back the control of her body that was dwindling by the second. Something was leading her, controlling her.

She was fighting it but the incessant buzzing was making her itch all of over, making her want to scream until all she could hear was the sound of her own voice. It was driving her insane.

Ariana's body slammed into the wall just outside of the throne room doors, her right side burning with pain as she looked at the brown doors. She blinked a few times trying to get her blurring vision to clear, almost going cross eyed.

She hadn't even thought about where Aro was after their night together, her brain all muddled, not even being able to focus on anything. Banging on the door of control, trying to stop her feet from moving but it was too late as she bust through the throne room doors.

The second she had her vision cleared, the buzzing got louder; so loud she felt like her head was going to explode. Dimitri and Felix, right in front of the thrones, either side of a human woman, teeth sunken into her neck, drinking her dry.

"Stop! Stop it!" Ariana screeched her body visibly, violently vibrating as she watched the two vampires continue to feed on the poor woman. Her cries made Ariana's fists tighten, her breathing becoming heavy, her throat dry.

"I said stop it!" she screamed. Oh, she screamed so thunderous and so deafening that the windows shattered. Glass shards falling on the ground, the marble floor cracked in a jagged line from where she stood to where the two vampires and the now dead woman were.

For a moment, it was as if time stood still. All that could be heard was a ringing. It sounded throughout the entire castle, in every vampire's ears, until Ariana took in a deep breath and another and another until her breathing regulated.

She gasped her arms wrapping around her torso trying to bring some kind of feeling of safety back to herself. The same feeling of safety she found when three gorgeous porcelain men came rushing into the room.

"Carina what happened?" Marcus was quick to say rushing to her side bringing her shaking form into his arms.

"What the fuck happened!" Caius roared his black eyes focused on the two elite guard members who had blood smeared around their mouths making the blonde king's rage even stronger. His primal instincts screaming danger was around his mate.

The lower ranking vampires in the room were still disoriented from the scream their mistress had just shocked them with that all they could do was stare at their blonde master with their mouths open, heads shaking.

Dimitri and Felix felt their sibling soul bond strain when Ariana started crying in Marcus' hold, they had caused this and by the look Aro was giving them they would definitely need to make up for it.

"P-Please.." Ariana stuttered gazing up at her brunette mate who inhaled sharply seeing the tears spill from her eyes and run down her cheeks. The only time she should be crying is in pleasure not sadness, He couldn't stop himself from thinking.

Her dainty little hands gripping onto the black button down shirt that graced his body tugging slightly, he knew exactly what she wanted. The desperate want pulsing through his venomous veins to give her what she needed. What she was so clearly asking for.

Marcus's pale large hand slid down her body until it sat on the underside of her thigh, "Jump for me sweetheart." His deep voice vibrated through her body as he whispered the words into her hairline leaving a kiss there for good measure while he waited patiently for her next actions.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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