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New Years Eve was quite interesting, Ariana got very tipsy and ended up passing out before midnight. Being carried to her bed and sleeping there until lunch time the next day. The kings and her relaxed all day and chatted about possible New Year resolutions, though they all knew by February that they'd already be failed.

Ariana spent the evening playing Dreamlight valley on her switch in the library squished between Caius and her brunette mate as they read. Aro sat opposite going through paperwork for upcoming trials.

It was absolutely lovely until someone came bursting through the door, a woman with dark brown curly hair that ran down to her shoulders, and thin eyebrows with piercing red eyes.

"Aro I've told you a thousand times I want to be out of that ridiculous tower!" She bellowed pointing her finger at the King, Ariana sat up placing her switch beside her and focusing on the situation at hand. She sat patiently awaiting Aro's response and an introduction too.

"My love I wish not to be kept there." She whined petulantly.

"My love?" It wasn't meant to be spoken allowed but it slipped out with shock. All eyes were now on Ariana, including the curious ones belonging to the new woman.

"And who's this? Found yourself a plaything have you boys?" She winked at Marcus and Caius though they both growled in a defensive manner, it made her step back.

"Shut the fuck up Sulpicia." Caius snapped his arm looping around Ariana's waist protectively. This caused Sulpicia's head to tilt and her brow to furrow in confusion, she took a step forward and inhaled Ariana's scent. Instantly her eyes went black and she lunged for her only to be stopped by Aro who tackled her to the ground.

"Why is she covered in your scent husband!" She screeched glaring at Aro who was standing over her a foot pressing her wrist into the wood floor.

"Husband?" Ariana couldn't believe what she was hearing, Aro was married?

"Yes husband as in mine!" Sulpicia hissed causing Caius to growl, "your wife has been asking for you too Caius." She smirked, immediately causing Ariana to get up and walk out.

"Carina!" Caius called standing up about to run after her when Marcus stopped him.

"Brothers I think it's best you sort out your wives, I will look after our mate." Marcus assured them but in turn this caused Sulpicia's eyes to widen. Mate. Their mate. They'd finally found her. And she had just disrespected her. She was fucked.


Ariana stared at the small flavourful tube in her hand, she shouldn't but she really didn't care. Raising it to her lips, she took a drag her eyes fluttering closed as she inhaled, before exhaling feeling more relaxed than she had in a while. That was until the sound of the balcony doors being opened made her jump, she turned around to find a certain brunette staring at her with wide eyes.

"Don't tell Aro." She squeaked watching Marcus eye the device in her hand before sighing and stepping out onto the balcony before closing the door.

Not bothering to ask her where she got it, he'd ask later, though he assumed Dimitri, "You forget his gift bambina." He raised a hand to stroke down her hair before cupping her cheek, "I'm sorry that this situation has pushed you to this."

"Don't apologise. It's not like you hid a wife from me." She let out a breathy laugh that wasn't at all cheerful.

"Ariana." He said carefully watching her eyes flicker to him, a frown forming on her face.

"No, not you too." His unbeating heart scrunching in pain hearing the sadness in her voice.

"She passed a very long time ago, though we can talk about that another time Carina. Right now I only want to know if there is anyway I can take your mind off everything." He smiled softly as she searched his eyes only finding the truth there, with that she gave up literally falling into his arms letting the pure supernatural strength wrap around her.

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